Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Lucheng note 2

 To Baotou two days, did not expect the weather here gave me a surprise, ah, that is not ready to give, to the time, you can wear short sleeves. Now these days, and bought a jacket, wear or cold ah. I understand some people put down jacket, and boy, does not it, when I took off the two short-sleeved. I have bought a lot of clothes, and will not go back to buy a down jacket. Do not say that I am not a local, that local people have complained about God, quickly into the Han Haoniao the .55555555

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Broadcast before 11 pm today, Saddam Hussein will be executed

 According to Iraqi television reported that a senior Iraqi official, 29, said Saddam's hanging will be at 5:30 on the 30th to 6 pm Executive
2006 年 12 29, Saddam Hussein and two brothers carried out a rare prison interview to family members farewell. and at the same time, strengthening the guard to enter Baghdad, police state, well placed gallows in Baghdad, Beijing at 11:00 on the 30th before the execution of Saddam will be hanged.
The international community's political phenomenon, as if we are into the European Middle Ages, the great conflict between civilization and barbarism. social progress is always carried out with twists and turns. which any theory looked pale and weak, and justice of any weak expressed frustration in anger, no law is a political tool of the powerful and strong man. National powerful can say Some said Shi'ites;
.1983 ordered the killing of the Kurdish Democratic Party leader Massoud Barzani tribe in which 8,000 people;
.1988 Massacre cleaning the 18,000 Kurds;
.1987-1988 50 years million Kurds were persecuted;
.1988 in retaliation for killing about 5,000 Kurds died;
.1990 invasion of Kuwait and occupied 7 months old;
.1991 crackdown on Shiite Muslims in southern Iraq uprising;
.1991 in the expulsion of thousands of Kurds to Iran;
.1991 destruction of wetlands in southern Iraq;

Monday, December 27, 2010

30 years of reform and opening up impressive scientific and technological progress in China auto industry

 Reform and opening up, Comrade Deng Xiaoping pointed out: progress in terms of what has been achieved it? Recently, reporter, executive vice president of China Society of Automotive Engineers had an interview with Mr. Fu Yuwu.
Reporter: Automotive Engineers Society of Automotive Engineers is a home, you should be the best understanding of scientific and technological progress in China auto situation, you think that 30 years of reform and opening up, China's auto industry in which technological progress has remarkable achievements?
paid in weapons: 30 years of reform and opening up, China's automobile industry has made great development in scientific and technological progress has made great achievements in improving the competitiveness of China's automobile industry has played a prominent role. I think that the achievements of reform and opening up 30 years can be summarized into ten key words:
first key word: convergence
China's technical regulations to achieve full integration with the international. This year, the implementation of the National III emission standards, Beijing took the lead four countries to implement standards, marks and European emission standards we have been very close. Since 1990 the State began to control exhaust emissions, by 2008 Full implementation of the country, three standards in China spent 17 years, spent 27 years in Europe. China has laws and regulations with international standards is very fast, maybe 2012 will sync with international standards.
energy, safety, environmental protection is the three themes of the car. Our legal system has been basically close to the technical regulations of the European system of mandatory regulations now 97, of which 26 related to active safety, passive safety of the 24 general 25 security, energy saving 22. The progress is often overlooked, is the regulatory system of rapid development, China's vehicle exports for the foundation to go out first of all to achieve mm regulations, standards and international practice.
second key word: integration
China Automotive Technology and is already part of the global automotive technology market is basically the technology convergence with developed countries, development in the same direction. For example, I participated in automotive engineering in the Czech Republic when the Council , the General Assembly a problem: the global automotive technical direction and technology roadmap that? majority of participants felt that the new energy. in the new energy, China has made great progress. For example, the Beijing Olympic stadium and surrounding the use of new energy vehicles are our own production, which is not previously imagined. China's new energy vehicles have been part of the implementation of the commercialization, the market will soon realize .2010 electric cars of the World Conference to be held in Shenzhen, there will be 1000 large-scale use of new energy vehicles, buses and thousands of electric and hybrid vehicles, taxi driving in Shenzhen, this is the behavior of the market.
Another example is lightweight technology. from the industry say, my previous lightweight attention is not enough, and now lightweight technology has been accepted by the Chinese automotive industry. For example, new design methods, new technology, new material applications, are related to the lightweight issues, including the high-pressure molding technology, aluminum and magnesium large-scale application of the alloy, is the same as in China and abroad.
for active and passive safety technology, China is a lack of understanding of the past, with the development of automotive electronic technology, these technologies have had with foreign convergence. such as the ABS has the formation of a market to develop the ESP-based ABS is moving towards industrialization.
third Keywords:
upgrade the industrial structure adjustment, the past of has been fundamentally changed, and now the production of heavy vehicles in the international market accounts for a sizeable proportion of the industrialization of the development for the industry to upgrade the basic motivation.
products, technology upgrading, the original cars in China is blank, how can the products have no market, no product so what upgrade. Today, China's own brand manufacturing enterprises, joint ventures, each year dozens of products, support for these products is technology upgrade, technology upgrade to China's automotive industry with to the tremendous vitality.
fourth key words: change
30 years of reform and opening up, the enterprise has undergone tremendous change in growth mode, realized from the sale, production, research and production processes in three major aspects of the greatest olive , to the production enterprises have not read the line, and also look at research and development center. FAW, SAIC, Geely, Chery and a number of corporate R & D centers have been established, investment in research and development to fundamentally change the original The structure model. If the establishment of R & D center is the table, then these plants are established in line with Chinese characteristics in the product development process is. It is said that in 1994 China's auto enterprises have development process, but the processes and procedures now not a concept. the past is copy the process, from parts to the drawing process, is the reverse process of development; it is a positive development, from market research to development to product process. Our country has a system of independent R & D , there is no system of business processes and R & D can not develop.
other experimental means. Now enterprises attach great importance to experiment, many enterprises have several wheel test rig, crash laboratory, temperature, laboratory, and modeling room. before the cross- the company is showing off to our lab, is now caught up with China in many ways (often significant) level of the foreign: CAD / CAE and other advanced development tools are widely adopted, the level of R & D has made great progress, many multinational corporations in China auto industry progress in research and development was surprised.
a new generation of researchers to access a lot of car models, it is the older generation of R & D personnel can not be compared, their wide range of contacts, knowledge, new, generation after generation of new product development made a great contribution. GM's president has said that companies first product, second product, the third or products. Now, some of our business also has a product development platform, launched a product platform strategy.
fifth Key words: acceleration
accelerate innovation, technological progress, obviously, this is shown by China's automobile industry today, the new features.
year, the State Council Development Research Center, Feng Fei, produced by the Minister asked me how to evaluate China's auto industry in 2007? My answer is: independent innovation. how to evaluate the level of a technology center, to see experimental conditions, to see the level of product development, to see the quality of the winning projects. In the CPC Central Committee proposed the building of an innovative country under the guidance of the spirit of enterprise to build innovation-oriented enterprises, engage in independent innovation is not an expedient measure, but the strategic needs. through independent innovation, we have developed a number of good products. foreign colleagues said, did not expect China's technology pace of innovation so fast.
products have no market so what? no products so what is innovation? no innovation so what is competitiveness? 30 years of reform and opening up, especially the automobile industry in China in recent years, the acceleration capability of independent innovation, and the national economy rapid development is inseparable.
sixth Keywords: pull
automotive technology advances, stimulating the development of relevant industries, and promote the technological progress of related industries. The most obvious is the equipment manufacturing industry. China 70% of the machine is to buy the automotive industry, and now, stamping, welding, painting, assembly these four processes, four production lines of the equipment is basically made in China. In the past, China can not produce a large stamping machine, and now made a section large-scale press factory production line has been established in the vehicle.
car driven by the steel industry is also very obvious. Baosteel never thought of when the plant is built for automotive industry and so many high-quality steel sheet, is automotive industry led to increased demand for iron and steel industry in technical progress. aluminum alloy, the extensive use of aluminum-magnesium alloy, all of the technological advances made in different industries a high technical requirements.
seventh Keywords: upgrade
technical level of China's automobile industry improved significantly. 30 years of reform and opening up, China significantly increased people's consumption capacity, the surge in demand for cars.
market demand, the automobile production capacity, production technology improved significantly, the best production lines to China. Today, China can manufacture the most common car, and can produce the most high-end cars; In addition, our trucks, passenger cars are among the world production capacity.
eighth Keywords : Exercise
huge market, fierce competition, gave birth to a batch the latest models. The new models continue to develop and exercise a large number of motivated, the level, the ability of the scientific and technological personnel, China has its own team of automotive technology.
few years ago, I went to the United States to participate in the annual SAE, where multinational companies, I saw a group of young Chinese scientists, and now they are back to the Chinese National People's Congress, China's auto industry scientific and technological progress has played a significant role in promoting. Meanwhile, the large number of domestic scientific and technological personnel training grow up to form a local R & D team. These innovative talents with modern development and design capabilities, the latest technological developments, familiar with the car characteristics of the industry, which is supporting the development of our automotive industry forward great wealth.
Ninth Key words: out of the reform and opening up to
30 years, China's automotive industry manufacturing capacity, R & D capabilities have been rapid improvement of enterprises in an increasingly mature market competition, in this background, the trend has been formed to go out.
Throughout the trajectory of vehicle exports, began as a small passenger car, and then the commercial vehicles, large quantities buses, special vehicles, and now a considerable volume of cars, the export structure gradually change along with the scientific and technological progress, increasing the level of exports. This year China is expected to exceed one million car exports, exports gaining momentum.
While abroad to China Export set up numerous barriers, but the momentum is not to curb exports, the Chinese auto market has become part of the world's car.
tenth Keywords: Accumulative
profound knowledge of Chinese enterprises, the accumulation of great attention, including product the accumulation of technology, database building, including team building, these are the power of our country into a vehicle for accumulation. engage in research and development need to have a database, and now has its own database business, are established in line with Chinese characteristics , each with distinct characteristics of the product development process.
Reporter: Do you think 30 years of reform and opening, which events can be regarded as the key point of influence?
pay to Wu: I think three key points.
The first is the reform and opening up, opened the door. Although the First, China is entering a bus Hino, square head side brain, we believe that buses should be so; later the bus came in Europe, Europe is streamlined, we have gradually accepted. car is the beginning of Japan, we believe that too Well, too advanced, but later the United States, Germany, have come, also will broaden our horizons, and for a more comprehensive understanding of the car.
previous car companies are all state-owned enterprises, if not reform, how will the private economy? Geely, BYD, these private enterprises to the Chinese auto industry has brought vitality, the market was fully competitive. This is the planned economy to market economy is a major feature of reform and opening up a major achievement.
second is how to understand the car into the family. In the past, excessive inhibition of the cars into the market, which killed the car's technological progress. Now it seems, is the reform and opening up the car went into the homes of ordinary people home, people need to promote scientific and technological progress, and science and technology letting consumers in China were using the car good and cheap.
third is innovation, the CPC Central Committee proposed the building of an innovative country, and promote a car the rapid development of science and technology industries. an American multinational manager once said to me: you dry (annual) 200 million to 3 million, when there is no innovation can also, if you go to the 10 million do not value innovation and to strategic mistake will be made.
I agree with this viewpoint. China must have its own ability to innovate, not their ability to innovate can not develop.
Reporter: There are many types of enterprises in China, all enterprises has its own model of development, the development of China's automobile industry do you think the model is to rely on the foreign joint venture? is it yourself? or the industry collaboration with the dry?
pay in force: China Automobile Research Center is now the study of Chinese automobile industry development model. the diversity of the Chinese economy led to differences in consumer demand, which determines the pattern of China's auto industry, like other countries do not. from the market terms, China is to export, but domestic demand is characterized by The biggest difference with other countries.
is the dual economy of the Chinese economy, so the car will be for the long-term agriculture development services. The farmers can afford, with annual demand for affordable cars in the 500 million to 600 million.
In addition, the first affluent areas and less developed areas of the difference, the difference between east and west is particularly prominent in China. difference had different needs, how should companies locate in the end, this is the issue we face. China has in the luxury car market, Geely, BYD, Lifan in the second and third tier cities are also selling well. in the Beijing market, QQ, Geely also selling well, the market is determined by the level of economic diversity in the study of the automotive industry development, the understanding of the market is particularly important.
in commercial vehicles, the country has an absolute comparative advantage. because the technology is mature, affordable, so people bought in the Chinese market or Chinese car. theoretically solve the problem of vehicle development model is currently an important issue, an industry have theoretical guidance. light of Brazil, South Korea is not comprehensive, drawing on foreign experience into the Chinese model is very important.
recent years, China's fastest-growing auto industry year, this time the development of the automobile industry is very important theory. After all, a huge automotive industry can not do without theoretical guidance.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Talk on three films in Hong Kong

 Mentioned that Hong Kong's three films, most of China (especially China) as the audience will usually synonymous with pornography. In fact, since the end of 1988, the film classification system practiced in Hong Kong since the division of the third films in addition to the standard nudity, but also includes violent scenes, excessive foul language, and may cause other children under the age of 18 subject matter the circumstances, and so objectionable, such as the director Jacob Cheung's were due to foul language when too many of the same sex was classified as Category III subjects.
However, even three films in Hong Kong called broad range of topics, type of rich, but the censors were year-old man released, The love affair as both the three pornographic films is meaningless. As for the three films in Hong Kong described in this article, of course, follow the laity to understand that my generation is that the layer of eclectic love affair means that it is declared.
than Western and Japanese The so-called erotic films are known for artistic and bold truth, domestic porn Cult Zeyi complicated types intermixed with secular Yan interesting gimmick to win. Furthermore, Hong Kong's pornographic films in the Chinese world for over 30 years despite far-reaching, but said to develop after several ups and downs are a few words is difficult to do. Therefore, to really interpret pornographic films in Hong Kong, we might start with bent over backwards to start hh
(a) traceability
50's of last century, relative to Taiwan, the Mainland as the film gradually propaganda tool by the government, political preaching the color is too heavy, Hong Kong film does have a relatively free space for development, can continue to play a strong basic functions of public entertainment, come up with a lot of subjects to meet the tastes of the audience gimmick. such as At that time, whether Mandarin or Cantonese films, there are women in glamorous style for a detailed description: Director Li Han-hsiang's debut, the.
to be 60 years, the trend of sexual liberation by the West, Hong Kong films, some brothels in the plot and eclectic mixture of the lens is commonplace. Even worse, the late 60's native Cantonese films created a slump due to over shoddy when actually reduced to only to nudity and scenes of the soft seduction gimmick to attract viewers position. However, pornographic films in Hong Kong which also happens to the originator. to 70 years, many famous people keen to join the film, the combined number of Temptress Moon porn attracted record breaking box office film companies take this type of competition, gradually began to form scale. It Among them, Li Han-hsiang, Lui Kei, where three of the most deserving fan, the highest achievement.
Li Han-hsiang in the 50's to create a costume anecdotes about the warlords is a comedy, but filling coquettish Hu Mei, in more than Cantonese films (such as , the film box office sales, it also strengthened the Shaw Brothers film is more pure and Li Han-hsiang, and The collage has become a similar course structure to emulate the origin of film, but Lee's love affair carved interesting films on the secular, the film's character acts and research of the role of clothing sets, arranged to create a relaxed atmosphere mirror bit scene integrated master the skill, have made far behind those of other follow suit. especially the 1974 Ximen and gold, two bottles of the love affair dissolute life, make me speechless endless generation.
love affair with Li Han-hsiang theme costume preferences, compared Lui Kei, and any fan of porn are more modern context. Both were born actress, Lui Kei was a popular niche Cantonese films (with Chan Po-chu co-star had Film soft spot for the 1973 Female movie She Really Show a precedent, creating a sensation.
Lui Kei and although it is equally good at making any fan of modern porn, but due to creative ideas and different backgrounds, there are significant differences in work style. Lui Kei's This is an internationally renowned photographer operating any fan of the The most skilled at using the mirror reflection and the ghost of the beautiful woman approach Jie Ling showing off the carcass was very tempting. resulting alone, this unique visual style erotic aesthetic is enough to attract the audience to join in the.
the 70 years, Hong Kong cinema in fact pure porn rare, more influential remove Lui Kei, Ho Fan works, I am afraid the rest of the costume director Yang Qun film Temptress Moon, piece together performing intercourse, kinky punishment in a cruel, many bare and bold out of place, later Mak's had far-reaching implications.
(b) of the climax of the film in Hong Kong today
most miss the 80s of last century, because that is the real glory days of Hong Kong films. According to a famous director and actor Wu Ma, who recalls that no matter what movie shoot have the audience to join in the basic rate of return money to achieve one hundred percent mm since a road, exacerbated by censorship restrictions, hand, makes it easier to profit from porn few people to encroach on, regardless of yield, or response, and 70's not here with more extensive warm? Now, it seems hard to imagine.
fact, before 1988, Hong Kong, censorship has been in a vague state of scale, there is no exact uniform standard. that strict, when Hong Kong films, frequently appears in the nude Sex play but can be reviewed; say relaxed, not only restricted to set many subjects, but also because at that time most of the videos are available for audiences of different ages, so Sex and censorship of pornography is quite sensitive; two incompatible up trouble chaos, people naturally know what to do film studios. However, this does not affect the mainstream Hong Kong films, playing a salty gimmicks, such as the 80 top-grossing molestation Funny, very popular with viewers. In addition, Hue is not by showing off a bit, the original story need comply only dedicated performance only, a different matter.
into the 90's, domestic pornography has come so far the most prosperous period. Speaking of making pornographic films that year set off a fight boom, is naturally introduced in Hong Kong since the end of 1988 the film classification system. censors to review film is divided into three levels through which the third films banned spectators watched 18 years of age, while the general audience of the film in Hong Kong pornography, violence, terror, foul language and other elements has always been inclusive, the third film will go further, more break taboos. sex in the struggle with violence, foul language and funny flying, terror and temptation to co-exist, the total domestic porn the type of hybrid can Rou gimmicks piled plot elements and maximum sensory stimulation of the audience.
perverted sexual violence and porn films are three main types of movies, such as the famous film Whampoa had also produced Yan Tan activity, apart from the audience were dumbfounded, in the end the is still the veteran in this field from the hand of any fan. this person since 70 years, never stopped shooting porn, he also Zengyin costume 1987 film Temptress Moon futon three directed comedy Zhang Lin to Mixture complex metamorphosis murder, violent rape porn crime record breaking box office success, winning the audience sought after.
contrast with what fan medium-sized production. exquisite beautiful scenery props, Live Flesh fox lover Italy, 70 years to regain the traditional costume pieces over love affair, but also added a hideous special effects processing, combined with increasingly exposed passionate love scene, so that Chua Lam produced Treasures of the affair , rather ironically, as a pioneer in the Hong Kong film Temptress Moon costume, Li Han-hsiang 90 when re-shooting this type of pornographic films, because of the creative mind of aging, are not interesting and passed their prime audience nowadays, the result is certainly bleak business, back to the days weakness of the retrospective 90 hh
booming domestic three movies, of course, can not bypass Jing. He is not involved in the field early, the end of 1992 produced the first three films, shot three-tier competition in Hong Kong film boom has started more than 3 years. However, the king of fat is behind, the strongest achievements, 1992 to 1999, he produced three films set the billions of dollars Hong Kong dollars at the box office income, can be described only solution of Lights.
No matter what type of Wong Jing film production, begin to fight plagiarism and good at creating a gimmick to win Cou, specific to the three films is getting worse. such as The Secret History of the Qing Jin Gong, three masterpieces of the sequel and others under the guise, with a more bizarre stunt too far the easy way out of the packaging for the new. There were the most popular of the one, piece together the ingenious imagination, makes the film is full of a considerable wealth of entertainment. The Jing hand to create the Temptation, Crystal's three films? had a small investment, low cost, domestic production of crude is the common problem of three movies, while making porn film companies and film for most people, but is a relatively easy way to make money only. Many film production companies shooting on the request of three relatively simple piece, just enough hot love scenes, violence, perverted enough design, enough adventure story, then OK. Now is holding multi-purpose grab market speculation, inevitably led to the monotony of plagiarism for popular patchwork, as if In contrast, such as the Nam Yin Production of the deliberately rendering the atmosphere, operation of gimmicks to make surprisingly hard it would be very rare. And like difficult for the sincerity of the practitioners, of course, is a rare.
(c) Status
according to past experience, the Hong Kong film market downturn, three films will be popular, low cost and to meet public , but it just is not the circumstances of the loss.
become the leader of class film. This was before the fat remaining prestige membership, continued to produce a large number of three pornographic movies. such as To , but due to economic downturn, the box office revenue will naturally have than ever before. In fact, in 1998 to 2000 During that time, including winter. Therefore, after 2000, three films screened in cinemas has drastically declined, even Wong Jing, even though his film is still beautiful actress show off every sexy Jieyou plot gimmick, but it is pure porn begins to taboo.
such as Jing is great pains to make friends of good wheat surgeon personally responsible for editing two films work. MicroHand good in wheat, the meat of the film though silk war wanton passion, but do not see how much dew point of the lens, so smooth through the Hong Kong censors sector review, which was designated as the two B. In this way, it means free admission to watch mm, perhaps, this is Wong Jing film quality of this movie is a dead lift three to two the reason for B grade. and we only can be gleaned from some of Xu Wangjing mercenary In addition, there should be three pieces of the status quo expressed his serious lack of confidence stop?
Even so, Wong Jing is still not on the three emotion-laden sex. Now Zhesi the surface, no longer seems really involved in the production of pornography three films, in fact it did not stop. recently have been following his old partner Liu Baoxian frequent production of relationship. However, these films are not arranged in theater release, but directly into audio video distribution, also accounted for a substantial profit.
fact, back in the late 90s of last century, Hong Kong movies photographed low When the form of audio and video products direct to the market had already become the main survival sex porn space. While this popular Japanese AV porn videos quite similar, but fortunately not reduced to a shooting actors and actresses The melee combat situation, after all, still need to stay in the secretive The three films with the richest, most wide field of vision, he not only remade many times eclectic classic novel can also open a new, Malaysia and Taiwan and other Southeast Asian regional markets, it is striking. However, the bank and its peers YE Tian'd done a great time to actively engage in the same time to join the Japanese AV Actress, also plans to enter the Japanese market, hoping to and Japanese counterparts, each funded half, when it issued the two to reach a win-win situation. Unfortunately, this plan was not yet aware of how much substantive progress.
objectively speaking, domestic porn porn come only audio and video tapes can be issued by the extent, nature and the cinema release of the three films is very different, because it marks the place of the Hong Kong watch porn gradual transition from theater to home theater. by the public, and becomes personal, that of course, is an improvement, but Hong Kong film is no longer focused on the production of theatrical release for the relative quality of pornography seriously shooting three films, the loss is still huge. the recent box office well in the Although the film is due to the oversupply of nudity and foul language, but the film truly inspirational theme is about the business and fraternal friendship, nudity, foul language, and describe attitudes of Hong Kong's sex industry is out of the story needs, may not reach the is not prostitution, The theater has rarely met.
this situation, in the end it is the Joy and sorrow? mm, or further back to see strike.
the name suggests, porn stars are often in the movies is to show off the sexy actor. would have the multi-fingered women in the domestic title, but now raging feminist, many female viewers have begun to use In the third film, such as rare, really rare, but added Charlie Cho, Ho Chia-chu of the generation of such hideous big shot salty repeated three that if they call for Dina 70s of last century, Hu, Tian Ni, Chen Ping or seductive Jiaodia known, or to boldly naked famous people of Hong Kong as early as the year's hot talk of gossip .80 era Cecilia Yip, Xiawen Xi Yi Yin naked debut carries the 90 years, three pornographic films of unprecedented prosperity, porn stars are like the river carp, are numerous. But when it comes to the reason why actress, ; make money, three films out of place, but the walk is not the same number. Amy Yip of dew point. sexy porn stars of the road, they never taboo passion love scene, but the dew point to lacking specific to the silver screen, but still greatly audience, Chingmy Yau was with three films, , repeated after careful consideration, decided to to continue the filming of some of the soft component with a salty drama (such as Moonlight slam seductive, eager to become a phenomenon in 1993, more. Loretta Lee, Yvonne Yung, Chen Yalun three actresses are starring in the three films released over the same period, natural play very lively battle arena, and finally defeated Yvonne Yung Li-zhen, Chen Yalun by her starring every bottleneck, not down, decided to sacrifice three. Results Loretta Lee breakout success, and subsequently with the Asian sister Yvonne Yung wants to like her, the world knows by three films fame. In fact, she finished , but intensified, to starring in the Comedy potential, development of the Mainland after Hong Kong and Taiwan at the same time, grades were pretty good, and now the cause of smug, but also step Veronica Yip, Chingmy Yau footsteps married, can be considered the fruition of.
actress chosen to do porn stars take third, which of course forced by lack, but most of it is from the name of IDS, but in the end both fame and fortune, longer-rare. such as Irene Wan, Zhen Chuqian other famous actress, faded clothes and took a role in three, just to hit that in so acting career turnaround, guessed little response, it is inevitable drop a Wanjiebubao end. Lili Li, Peng Dan, Zhang Huiyi, Pinky Cheung continue to follow the porn stars Amy Yip still secretive way, and are good at hype, limelight, the result is Lili Li failed to adhere to a long, long married to teach the child; Peng Dan, Zhang Huiyi, Pinky Cheung is sexy all the way down, and now the momentum earlier than ever before, are also considering restructuring. As for the other, such as Qiu Yueqing, Zhou Hong, Liang Simin, Jing Zhi Wen, Zhong Shuhui other three porn stars now play in the film though occasionally also reflected in its tracks, but little to porn stars to appear in. Yinhai ups and downs Most of them, may not be proud of, but better late than off stars is known in his early twenties, the three-year-old curtain call Pauline actually to commit suicide. After all, such as the plight of Pauline, or very rare.
addition, because Hong Kong is an international city, and the exchange of a wide range around the same time, attract a lot of people outside the territory, so there are many non-native Hong Kong artists active in the entertainment circle. solely on sex three terms, the early 90's Hitomi Murakami Linai, the Friends of pears and other Japanese popular AV Actress Chennai participated in the exercise; Li Han-hsiang's Three Heroes significantly stronger than the local star, fresh and stimulating the audience apart, there may be other towns into the market. Today, Alfred Donald Yap, who shot the line and more to find Japanese porn videos AV Actress to join, that is, the thoughts saved.
the day with gold in Hong Kong, South Korea porn stars compared to stars off into Hong Kong to Taiwan is very common, because Hong Kong and Taiwan has always been closely linked entertainment, the exchange of the two artists are quite frequent. but even so, 90 years the late development of Taiwan to Hong Kong to battle porn stars large-scale, still caused a great sensation. Shu Qi, Zhong true, Yang Fan, Chia-Ling Yang, Ji Xiang, Hong Xiaoyun, Zhang Xuan, a large number of other well-known Taiwanese porn stars appeared in three films, so that Hong Kong's local de-Star feel threatened. Unfortunately, less than three or four years of work, in addition to these Taiwanese Shu Qi porn stars with After the awards, get rid of porn stars from the image, quickly among the front-line star, the other like bells true, Yang Fan, Chia-Ling Yang, who pocketed the money for the journey back to Taiwan after the majority has quietly and rarely showed up.
Today Hong Kong, three porn stars only Grace Lam, Sophie Ngan little known, others such as Yangjia Wen, Chia-Ying Cheng Kung University can hardly. but rather to a large force by the United States, Zhu Ye straight, Yoko Sakurai who frequently appears in the domestic Japanese AV Actress sex movie began to be the viewer's attention, sad indeed.
(e) masterpiece
number fine.
1, classic, but compared to .
Whampoa produced the color scenes. Cheonggyecheon Takenoya among the beautiful scenes, beautiful bath Sex in the lens and the cloud's position are of great beauty looks, really be called male production of destruction of all women with kinky devices such as movement, position design, the unrestrained imagination simply can rival martial arts films Tsui Hark, even into today, so the viewer can still Tut tongue endless.
2, this level is also hot. was in the film industry is still a rookie Yi Chuan investigation by any fan and the I, from a three directing (by the late 90's ironic gangster film , and any fan guide complete too absurd exaggeration, the former to the book rich dad spent his son to inherit the estate must be married before the age of 30 elaborate plot, which is accompanied by the ghost of the heroine in her husband's lover to find the real story. However, the two films presented results back from the life of many funny, though often vulgar and obscene, but to meet a lot of audience tastes. born photographer Fan Ho, continue to use the mirror reflection and lighting changes and other means to show the female body. As for Opera and the the early 90s, known only to the famous director Clarence Fok acute shot two styles of three different types of film the story closely, but the ultimate feeling of the audience was not that blindly pornography. at least, Wong Jing as the playwright's stunt man penis ridicule (such as knife and two female killers and bullets will be a man's lower body as the target, as well as the police inspector of the impotence and penis together to discuss details such transfer), very popular. In addition, Chiluogaoyang the movie come out. However, this version is inventive ... Clarence Fok

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

MSN group interviews with the sns community future 3D

 (Note: The MSN group accepted the interviews as is recorded. Post is very long, are interested, please take your time.)
MSN group interviews: The Future: 3D's sns community
【Topic】 Future: 3D The sns community
Time: October 16 14:00
PM Location: Veterans MSN group
guests: Beijing Science and Technology Co., Ltd., founder of Grace Ge Yu Kwong (hereinafter referred to as Kevin)
Moderator: Community VP Zhang Chunhui Wu 3d Parra (Sunny)
following interviews:
Sunny said:
Yu Yan Technology founder, CEO and CTO. Tsinghua University, 89-96 years, Computer Science, Master of .03 their own business years later, in 2004 Beijing Yu Yan Technology Co., Ltd. was founded.
first call GE widely introduce your project, praises his time, to say more
Kevin said:
our project: real-time interactive 3D virtual community operator services. We use client-side + site combination, to carry out the core of B2C model real-time interactive 3D virtual community operator services.
B and C of the relationship: B to provide services for C organization or individual. We are committed to the development of B assigned to the platform to all registered users (C) provides the main features of real-world interaction docking, work, consumption, entertainment and other services.
our platform without joint integration of traditional Internet, integrated instant messaging capabilities for individuals and for groups of super interactive features to build an emotional bond of 3D virtual community, to provide users with a highly interactive platform for simulation of production and life.
Sunny said:
en ... the moment we can see is a \about it: on the Super interaction: to use text, graphics, facial expressions, many audio and video, 3D interactive physical interaction, etc., can be shared whiteboard, documents, multimedia, Web sites and applications, online collaboration can be complex, with 3D simulation function, with a sense of belonging, highly immersive online interactive features of the Internet.
order to facilitate better understanding of our project, I can give an example:
a school in our community to build a network of campuses, first we registered on the school website, download the client, and then can go to our Web site to purchase or lease transaction channel number of rooms are arranged into a classroom, auditorium, laboratories, libraries and other places, and then let the students are up and download client side, you can branch in the network of education and training activities carried out.
Sunny said:
en ... most people on these descriptions are abstract, and I'll add Geguang Jiang stressed is the \and on-site flu \use of land for housing development to engage, and then sell or rent?
Kevin said:
land value will be an integral part of our platform, but this part is not the point.
Sunny said:
everyone start a project certainly has his background in the inertia and resources, you do the 3D community motivation? see what, want to achieve?
Kevin said:
my business is well thought out, when 34 years old, and enough to live comfortably, but the very sense of urgency, because I have always had a dream, to make something to be proud of something. was feeling 34 years old if they are not out too late after 03 years of
polished, in 2004, after pondering, we believe that the field of the Internet in real-time interaction has great room for development in the future have the opportunity to make things consistent with our vision. although I do not see so clearly now, but do not take into account the early stages of 3D form of expression, but looking back, was thinking of the general direction is right. Therefore, a good enough preparation, we start to embark on the arduous journey.
we consider the solution to a problem via the Internet , a little big, huh
we want to solve problems: using the Internet, through the extension of human capacity to create and share information to the liberation of production and life simulation of the field of electronic productivity.
Sunny said:
I have a \
feel the need to explain the information the Internet solves the problem of sharing, we believe that future of the Internet will permeate every aspect of human life, not just information sharing.
there are two points I explain
( 1) at this stage because of time and space constraints, many competent people who can not give full play to their ability, can not fully realize their own value
such a good teacher can teach students well, but subject to constraints of time, he only two or three classes to teach one or two hundred, and if they solve the constraints of time, he can teach a twenty thousand students, or even millions of students!
(2) the cost of production is needed to reduce production One way cost is simulation, for example, many people know that students learn to fly, most of the time inside the simulation environment to learn.
on the Internet we can create a large number of virtual simulation device, so that you can greatly reduce the The cost of production.
Sunny said:
hehe .. all the distance education are based on this theory to solve the space constraints
, is to reduce the cost and improve the timeliness
Kevin wrote:
With the hardware and network at this stage of development, we believe that the Internet has begun to address these two problems have the ability to:
(1) Human Resource sharing;
(2) 3D virtual simulation of production and sharing .
interactive Internet-based solution can be focused on the former, Internet-based 3D forms can focus on solving the latter, a combination of both, we may further promote the development of social productive forces and the great.
Why? < br> I think we all learned in high school: three elements of worker productivity, of labor and labor object
we use the Internet to reduce or eliminate the constraints of time, extending the human capacity; we use the Internet to create 3D virtual production, reduce the cost of production and can be widely shared, for the object of labor can be electronic, is not available electronically in the field of development greatly enhance productivity?
we want to achieve, is to build on the Internet a platform extension of human capacity, production and sharing of simulation of production in the area can be e-further development of social productive forces to promote and further enhance the quality of human life.
I come out and start that want to be a great company, to do one meaningful thing to society, in luck to find it, and has insisted a full 4 years.
Sunny said:
may ah, a lot of people rely on games to make money, ah, is a \; productivity \macro-theory is also estimated that the 3D volume of information into it's all become non-macro is not it? Oh en ... I stuck it in a, over the pursuit of an ideal start, but also a more dangerous business
Kevin said:
Oh, yes. macro is one thing. But to execute, from the microscopic to proceed
Sunny said:
especially up to the \companions are very difficult to understand, even Yuncai the ordinary people.
OK, and then continue explain Ge Guang characteristics of your project right, there are specific product description for?
Kevin said:
Oh, yes so. But I think the ideal long-term benefit, but to grasp the tactical.
roughly what I would like to feature several
(1) real-time interaction with the field of intellectual property core technology, enabling P2P way into the scale of group interaction.
(2) can be shared within the 3D client throughout the Internet
(3) a distributed architecture and P2P technology, dramatically reduce operational costs
(4) with open architecture, the future third-party products are available through API interfaces to integrate
(5) B2C core model, a wide range of development partners, to create 3D virtual community chain.
Sunny said:
oh. .. I stuck one, the P2P rule is already done inside, or design? what is meant by this distributed technology, distributed? user computing do locally?
Kevin said:
has been done into the , the initial realization.
server-side logic of a distributed server as a master control
, each room has a separate room, there are operations the user's local server

Sunny said:
server is the server room , or the user's computer to achieve?
Kevin said:
user computers and servers can
computer users need to have public network IP, you can dynamically.
products was generally described as follows:
including three major components: web, 3D client and create tools.
Sunny said:
you this project is the biggest technical barriers will be? which basically has the module structure?
Kevin wrote:
interaction in a group have a certain technology threshold. strength is relatively weak companies, at least one to two years may reach this level; big companies may only need half the threshold of .3 D has not really part of, and now has a lot of master piece of the company.
main components of the module, please refer to the products described above. In this part of interaction, including peer audio and video (MSN, QQ and other IM technology), P2P audio and video broadcasting-type (Webex technology, but they may not P2P), the whiteboard and other major components.
Sunny said:
a delay, ha ha, after engaging in interviews like 3D, and GE wide water we all see, hey Kevin said:
Oh, yes ah. I think within a year can do
Sunny said:
Ge wide, then what is your position now? do solution providers? or platform operator ?
Kevin said:
platform operator.
many companies now provide a solution, similar to the well-known areas such as acquisition by Cisco, there are also a number of domestic home like doing also, we can not adopt the practice of direct competition with them. They were not 3D, but our position with them closer.
way we operate with the community, the use of the advantages of our low operating costs, the fee by at least one magnitude, focused on the development of sufficient number of users, through the establishment of alliances to as many people as you can make money on our platform. using this subversive way to compete with them, be possible to do together to achieve our vision .
There is also indirectly speak to our competitors do not now, 3D community, but webex such companies to provide online community services.
on these. next
Sunny said:
ok ... Ge Guang, that someone asked: \the ah. \greatly reduce the fees
Third, they provide the main application, and we provide a community-based services. Users can get a full range of services (Total Solutions)
Correction: they provide the main application - groups interactive applications mainly on these three points it

Sunny said:
ok .. let's look at industry benchmarking it. recent years the concept of a strong 3D, do you think PE is 3D, you think you and other 3D companies What is the difference? should be said that the biggest difference? What are the advantages?
Kevin said:
3D now basically focus on the 3D community that forms, and we first look in the interaction, including text exchanges, audio and video point to point communication, broadcast communication P2P audio and video, whiteboard, share documents, share multimedia, sharing Internet websites;
Sunny said:
en ... is aimed at \; exchange \Interactive areas, as well as in front of us talked about those features.
So, from this perspective, we are comparing many manufacturers of complementary 3D. PE has done in the user to create strong, this is very complementary with our .
Sunny said:
OK, just ask the users continue to ask \How are charges or to facilitate the competitive advantage? \The simple answer is

(1) Polycom this often has a one-time investment, we will not need; (2) We charge very low, in accordance with an order of magnitude lower calculated; (3) We are the group interaction aspect of the total solutions, for example, schools in line with their distance education program can solve the problem, the school with our line, directly in our community to establish an online school.
Sunny wrote: < br> OK, then we continue, what areas / industry is your target customer groups?
Kevin said:
our customers are two categories of services provided for others, organizations or individuals (B2C, B ), one is to enjoy the services of organizations or individuals (B2C in C).
early stages, but in the early
we will proceed from the direction of a subdivision, such as the field of education
the field of education can also be further fine points, such as the present cause for concern as the area of food safety education and training
Sunny said:
en .. I feel it is rather tricky, as the language of education, 3D scene used for the most suitable interaction.
Kevin said:
establish the influence of the initial cases and then gradually horizontal and vertical development.
Sunny said:
Ge Guang, if, as you have just cited and POLYCOM the difference, What do you have to attract user to use this platform?
Kevin said:
not proceed in this area, but I think generally it has the following methods can be used for specific areas

first when we take a variety of promotional promotional means to highlight the attractive selling point to attract users up;
the development of some characters to the platform that we carry out lectures and other activities; such as today's interview, I can try to move on the platform, Oh
development of large Customers are generally required;
early benefits can be used for B or even free, to establish a clear advantage against competitors;
Sunny said:
ah, free period is positive, we used the Internet for free as early as Early in the dinner and midnight snack.
Kevin said:
also focused on community development within the established system of organization or individual (the practice of learning a lot of games), so that users have an incentive to the development and long-term presence within the community, allowing users to in the community can not only access to application services, customers can earn and maintain customer relationship development.
generally think of these now. next
Sunny said:
en ... QQ users group has questions Although the network is high, but the software's \because there may actually increase the cost of communication enterprises
Kevin said:
Our technology has been done on relatively low bandwidth requirements (512K ADSL), the hardware is relatively low (after 2004 the basic machine can be used , integrated graphics can)
performance in terms of user experience, generally will not have any problem
Sunny said:
I have several other friends comprehensive look at the question asked: What is your project to the stage operational situation? business users have had? If so, is said to facilitate the kind of user you?
Kevin said:
I believe that many companies can meet the needs of real-time interaction. Of course, we will not meet all the of the needs, the solution will certainly Ploycom long.
Yes, I answer this question
our project is currently post-production phase, like the computer parts are good, and now being assembled.
There is no on-line operation, the plan is the first quarter of next year, on-line.
Sunny said:
en ... can be understood as into the UI phase of the right
Kevin said:
about it .
solution we follow the pattern of early development of several customers, but customers are not well known
Sunny said:
I think veterans group would be closed beta users of your project, Kazakhstan Kevin said: < br> Yes, Oh
Sunny said:
anyway ... in the start-up phase of the project is not too well-known user does not matter, the key is to run through the line experience. We continue to the next question
Kevin said:
early development of the customers are engaged in online education, there is a corporate internal communication.
of Sunny said:
if it is to provide these business services are fee free, some for fee , What are you charging?
Kevin said:
not think a lot. it is as follows:
(1) membership fees. Free two types of users and user fees, charges users into a number of levels. < br> is a member of a voluntary fee, of course.
(2) .3 D space ad can do many types of ads
example, the virtual 3D space, Focus mode, virtual outdoor advertising, wall advertising, signs, MV movies and TV commercials, text ads and so on. Furthermore, all the 3D objects can be made that the reality of the brand in brand advertising.
(3) introduction of appropriate land-concept stage, you can collect land fees. the land may not be pure virtual valuable, but the reality of the land would be worth mapping.
(4) virtual goods trading charges. real estate, goods, etc., sale or lease
(5) .3 D charges of scarce resources within the community, there are many scarce resources to bid charges.
(6) value-added service charges. For example, credit evaluation, performance evaluation, payment guarantees, financial services,
mobile value-added services, personalized services, customized services, etc., in addition to the popularity of free services, \br> can provide the depth of value-added services of various universal. These will be in the operations, launched.
we are committed to the development of operational partners, more than a lot of expenses can be charged by partners, we talk to partners divided.
similar to these, next
Sunny said:
en ... ask users to insert QQ group: \, and if you pre-focus on the education sector, that of \threshold it? \less to do online education and training sites, they are more appropriate target. as long as they can reduce costs, more conducive to bringing customers, I think they have power to learn something new.
course, we specialize in arranging them training and answering. However, many will be in our community, Oh
Sunny said:
OK, 3D application of market development is inevitable, will not be a problem widely Ge, we, too, we to do with the burn cultivation, ha ha
continue to market competition it
Sunny said:
you this vertical application of competition is also very obvious, such as a video QQ, MSN has livemeeting, well you just mentioned The webex, there polycom, as V2 is my friend doing, these will be your competitors, how to deal with?
Zhu in the country a few years ago carried out a soft video, conference and make friends, are also the application of 2D
Kevin said:
these competitors can be divided into two categories. The first category is relatively small, due to space much, not to say, talk focused on the competition with the giants.
giants are good at striking. for the giant threat that in many ways as a result of the delay in direct competition with them.
be joining us for giants such as direct competition, we have great, hard to be overthrown.
Sunny said:
en ... It depends on whether your application has viral or a unique place.
Kevin said:
early must first focus on the direction of a subdivision, the first Let yourself grow up quietly as possible; the direction of the relatively small, generally not too much to care about giants, it can generally be avoided.
also disruptive to the use of targeted models, such as Webex , LiveMeeting charges and fees are not low, we use the approach of the new business model for free, just to maintain their vested interests, it is difficult to quickly turn against you.
Again, that is Sunny said, in the the Internet, be sure to use viral marketing, we have recently a focus in technology, is aimed at viral marketing technology solutions.
network learning fun, learning pyramid model, Oh
even after a certain scale , in order to protect themselves in the fierce competition, is still a reasonable tactic to be used to select customer differentiation, differentiated services to carry out, give full play to its advantages and strengths.
Sunny said:
care giant
Kevin said:
compete with the giants, Chairman Mao to learn, think about how he Jinggangshan, step by step onto the giant, the establishment of New China (of course, we need not consider the giant push, huh, huh.) learn two things from Chairman Mao: the first is to have the ideal, from the start with great goals; second, his tactics and methods.
Sunny said:
Oh, but not afraid, boat disaster U-turn, as long as features, a user acceptance model can quickly build like, but more critical is the capital support.
Kevin said:
Yes, targeted disruptive pattern is mainly devoted to giant, so that they can not immediately compete directly with you.
Sunny said:
Ge Guang, 3D community promotion costs are high, promoting slow, you will see this kind of SL to the present, how much patience do you have?
Kevin said:
now generally difficult to promote, I think the main problem is two, the first is not accurately identify the needs of users, to the 3D community after the user nothing to do, after a while does not mean fresh The second is a technical issue, for example, online users on the same platform, a multi-system performance to drop significantly, the user experience is poor, so users do not see any meaning.
Sunny said:
OK, so you have any questions daily sleep well?
Kevin said:
SL is basically this problem, the above two problems have. Of course, there are points goodies inside, Oh, so can maintain a certain user.
Sunny said:
you be patient, as well as two or three problems can be entered free to ask questions, Oh Kevin said:
I have kept for 4 years, from 0 to today's stage, I'm already very satisfied, I am very confident behind the stick.
Sunny said:
for development next year, how many users you? think when profitable?
Kevin said:
first thing I to, that is practical, this is the key to stick users, other platforms have to call from the technical problem of SL.
the way, I believe that as long as the identify of the user, to meet the needs of users, user The platform can be expected from your expectations, it may rapidly develop, break through 3D community development dilemma. Now I feel it is time, time not later than earlier.
Sunny said:
en .. for the development of next year, the number of users? earnings period when?
Kevin said:
the end of 2009 we plan to develop the million or so registered users, and can have some water. We hope that after 2 years in this field in the domestic have an influence, and for the initial break even. This is our ideal goal.
we will be profitable as the company's most important indicators, this indicator with the number of registered users are equally important.
Sunny said:
one million, and as the main line of products, vertical applications in terms of a challenge, Oh.
OK, I asked the last question, which I just replied to someone else yesterday, a problem.
Kevin said: < br> Yes, it is more difficult. We need to go all out to do.
Sunny said:
\standings, \investors concerned, SL is a 3D field of benchmarking, you have to face this problem, we also have to face PE, yesterday I responded to someone else, and today I used to ask you, O.
Kevin said:
the first point first, in the case of the current financial crisis, in the late item on the Internet will affect their access to financing will increase the difficulty. SL can be considered this type of project, so if the collapse of SL, I do not accidentally .
for early projects, I would like to impact will be smaller.
I think we can not apply the previous development model of the Internet company, is desperately burn enclosure, do not pay attention to profit. At this stage, profitability of this indicator is as important as with the number of registered users.
If we can be able to have revenue in the early stages, I believe investors will be encouraged.
SL has a lot of problems, one is practical nature, it is not; one is the target customer, he is not for the general public, but the Geek (understood as fanatics, right), this population is small; of course, there is a problem with his platform architecture, the cost is high, poor scalability. I believe it is more than a year before he broke out in a while, the hesitant important reason.
we then, from SL who have learned many lessons, it will avoid the error.
mainly those it
Sunny said:
ok ... the problem is that all business entrepreneurs need to face seriously!
my question to this end, questions are now entering free time, half an hour.
BTW: Beijing Yu Yan Technology Co., Ltd., established in October 2004, just 4 years. office is located in Tsinghua Science Park Haidian District, Beijing. all from Tsinghua University, a substantial shareholder. Since its establishment, has focused on Internet software product development , is a technology-oriented company, currently employees more than ten people, 80% are doing research and development. companies mainly rely on the past few years a variety of software projects to undertake to keep the company running, gradually we want to keep out of software products . while in the process, we continue to deepen our understanding in this direction, in early 2007, we have basically completed similar Webex web conferencing system, the further introduction of 3D technology, the gradual formation of the current strategic planning. has now entered the post-production stage.
Glacier, said:
I first asked, the current 3D map of the hotel and travel on well-known application of
Kevin Han said:
we do not have much relationship with the 3D map. so there is no map areas of 3D problems too concerned about, so he did not understand. I probably know the e city, mirrorcity these, huh, huh.
Liyong Hu said:
Oh!! I asked one, you will become a competitor for the two later!! !
Kevin said:
3D map that many, of course, there is a pseudo-3D, Oh
Liyong Hu said:
like that today's interview on the very historical!!
Kevin said:
our future co-operation with them, but it needs a real 3D.
Sunny said:
I certainly will not be widely Ge competitors, we have some
Kevin said the bottom:
education, I also see 3D map of Tsinghua University, Oh
Liyong Hu said:
Ge Big Brother to see how ah!!
Glacier, said:
the bottom of the original master there, Yanzhuo
Kevin wrote:
I tell the difference between Sunny: Sunny side bottom, I partial application layer; Sunny prominent users to create, I highlight the interaction. In fact, a great room for cooperation. to add that: We are now using a 3D engine open source, while the PE own the engine, it is possible that we, huh, huh.
Sunny said:
en ... If such application is widely GE INTEL chips, then we are doing chip machine .
Sunny said:
Ge Guang, some netizens asked: the great things you have done for four years, has not been profitable if it goes on, your limit is to a few years?
Kevin said:
my limit is 4 years again, Oh
Sunny said:
have friends ask: many Chinese university graduates, and if the way through the 3D context for students to do through the network to accomplish tasks internship would be a good application. We also strive to
Kevin said this talent:
fact, related fields of education, college students into the environment to learn and engage in English Corner, engage in tutoring, do lectures, the kinds of education, interactive entertainment, is good.
through the network to learn, I can give a description of
Li Xiang (take-away Po said:
what it can do, but nothing is done, This is a common problem
Kevin said:
example, in our 3D client within the class, class period can be broadly described as follows:
before the start of classes, teachers and students into the online 3D classrooms, Everyone has a 3D virtual image, you can see each other, greet each other, do facial expressions, you can open the microphone, direct voice conversation, just as we gather to a real feeling about the classroom.
class. Teacher Press \writing on the blackboard on the board, play courseware and documents, play movies, television or personal video production, web sites, classroom tests, and students answer questions to the students, the students raised their hands to ask questions, and other interactive show of hands of students, maintaining classroom order.
class the teacher can achieve real classroom ...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Diary of silence decoration

 You say getting goods to hang a sample. Next time come to take delivery. But I do not know I am holding is not the lowest, down a total of less than 600 anyway, I am satisfied on the line. Yesterday to help to give a note pad! order not to delay too much time, I started from the 5:30 phone call reminders to the driver, then hit a 7:30, 7:40 the driver came, and quickly bolted down the stairs one way or another GG. meet After seeing the characters look like a leader, come talk to me. asked who he was, A: Yes, boss. Ha, sales particularly severe in the mouth, bad temper, the boss finally appeared, a 40-something middle-aged men, wealthy family. ask me where to unload the mattress? unloading? me dizzy, could not deliver upstairs? I negotiate with him, he said this price, you can not send floor. I said, with the last sale Well, I talked about is shipping it upstairs. he said it? and then his mouth began to impatient annoying chatters. I GG was angry with his theory of a few, and I pulled him, no need theory, Let most of the money yet to pay, not afraid. I got GG said return altogether, and I can not say that, I said, I have hundreds of pieces of the deposit on their side, not pull out. then so much of people waiting, not to say that retirement can retire. if I did not keep promise, I never would not bother labor organization of such financial stuff, I do not agree that most of the money did not pay, how do I see him. He began to call JC questioned me about the staff, said this price, why should we agree to send floor. do not know the phone inside to explain to him how, anyway, was sent to me and says, his tone is not very good. I was also angry, and I said I really do not know what it is for, thankless, I am so sick. girl is this good, even at the grass was also a pity Hong Xi. that BOSS watching me, and not the sound of words , only asked me to get that done by employees to buy them water to drink, I agreed. But yesterday, we plot 20 mattresses, 10 a few households, and some people 10 people is also not fit into the lift mattresses, have to elevation, the four porters them really busy. send this house, attend to the house, a head or two big. suddenly my phone like a bomb, pick a night phone no less than thirty, another reminder reminder. I have some trouble, but we understand the feelings rush back home and had to patiently explain to them, to apologize, it is too much family, and Gubuguolai. a family to move it. Hell they do not want Staff collect the money, afraid of a mistake, they can not pay. I had to follow a piece of money. delivery, there was a lot of neighbors have asked me since the mattress, which I did not say a word, hehe. and some neighbors to be mattresses, I keep telling them that you set it to the mall, if the price difference is not too far, did not need to be in my, Oh, a night do not know how many households politely refused. I really find it troublesome, there is a orders neighbor neighbor thought I was selling the mattress, the old small profits with what I mentioned, I am angry, I said I was not selling the mattress, I organized this made a big loss, I did not benefit, I pray In me you do not set the. the neighbors to see me angry, and hurried over and explained to me, I was a neighbor cell, the organization of JC, not a dealer. I also blame my GG, had a recent poor health, but also toss it broken things, I laughed and said, this is not breaking things, you see, I get to know a lot of the mattress is not a neighbor, that your future is famous LG, and we should always pay attention to image and keep a good body. laugh: Head. send mattresses time to a lot of house and found other families are beautiful! more beautiful than my home! I self-comfort, I is light fitting, re-decoration, ha ha. wheat is really nice, she is in addition to our home away from home, the countdown second to send the mattress. She did not blame me, hee hee, good ah. we are good neighbors, I have not met a bad neighbor to the present, it was great. Last 6 mattresses put my house, except two of my family, the other by the release of all neighbors. I said GG melancholy, so many things, put furniture in our house after that?? Oh, Altan, I really do not care about furniture, I was afraid of people coming and going , to throw a cigarette butt on the mattress Han, and out of trouble, I can not pay. So, you put the mattress in my comrades, and you dragged go!!! a favor, and it is not very convenient. Finally BOSS up money. I'm afraid the money wrong, I counted the money with the GG and a few, good, right! seems to have more out of 10, you may find that the neighborhood of 10 dollars less money .10 short, I no longer check out one by one. finished received the money, I complained with the BOSS, asking him to give me reimbursement, telephone, he said it was impossible, you did not profit, and can not be reimbursed, but to his staff the money to buy the water, I can forgive. I laughed and said, no reimbursement of telephone charges, you move me to do your staff, and I certainly do particularly well. He said it was to see a little out of your management haha. I particularly strange GG sure how can I chat with BOSS's hot, in fact, he did not know, its one more enemy, more than a friend, nothing bad will happen anyway, and besides we still have to deal with, no need to get relationship is so bad. the BOSS send the elevator. I lay I pure elegance, and drop off to sleep, tired of the decoration details can not be careless, : 11:09 Monday, silently 3f 2005-10-17 Men have a curved balcony to master convenience I quote, buying is in mosaic (and later the master that he did not need, with a balcony on the wall that put the 15 dollars The small brick will be able to solve the problem), careless workers, cement paste is black, and we are transparent mosaic that ugly ah ... ... ... ... I asked the teacher need not pointing He said no, honest I will not insist on the ... ... to stay later, but how to see how he is not pleasing to the eye, because the mosaic is transparent, set off by black-black cement is particularly Unfortunately, my family mosaic. Then one day, do not know who lost a small bag of marble glue on my home. that thing soft, white, GG mopping the floor in the balcony, I found it on the balcony, when the side of the fun side of the guess is something to hand to use it to hook my mosaic seam ... ... found that hook after a good look. whim, then I'm all in marble mosaic round plastic tired of pointing out ... ... in particular, , special effort. I also have a sense of achievement in particular, with the GG form work for many days, let him boast many days I was a genius ... ... (did not know this is a marble glue, I thought what is it) Unfortunately, good-looking is good looking, it is estimated marble plastic is not environmentally friendly, so I always have a son balcony smell children ... ... sorry ah, now put a lot of green plants, open air every day, the bedroom doors are not open, fear of contaminated. In fact, when my neighbor points grouts should hook ... now, think about our family, what glass, plastic, adhesive, floor adhesive, marble glue ... this plastic that's used a lot of glue, cold, there must be pollution! left! next opportunity decoration, we must note that would not rubber without the use of plastic, non-use can not I buy a good glue! look at my home, sewing balcony bar, new students learn the experience of old comrades, what things can not be lazy, not fun, not make do! At first I was trying to clean the marble to the glue all, but unfortunately freezing, and washing can not. look at it in the balcony, there is no great danger ... I did not leave it there. buy things is to find the Lord, I did not want to say, but see more and more students suffer, I still stand up and yell soon it!! Qi Lizhuang the nine, animal husbandry, are dealers, real agent in the West Fourth Ring Road in Beijing Redstar's Man Cheung opposite the plumbing wholesale market!! Man Cheung also has two nine, animal husbandry, only the main entrance of the first is the agent!!! However, Man Cheung, animal husbandry, where there are two nine, only one agent, you remember, if you go ask him the price, and he tells you the price in the price of more than 3.7 fold, and quickly turned to leave, That must be the dealer! nine animal husbandry distributor there, generally do not have more dish than 200 leading buy !!!!! I am on a Saturday, and to help Wei rain with a leader, because I did not two meals that day dinner, plus the weather is hot, and I simply asked a few dollars too lazy to wear a price!!! I bought a lot of things, a rough count, the price of the 3.6 fold. cheaper than the four hundred block off it!!! have to cut my comrades in the effort to chop ah based on the re-use, in addition to nine, animal husbandry, I know the wholesale price, but unfortunately not easy to say here, comrades in need of a small window asking me to send !!! buy things looking forward to being God. see a lot of DX with my buy price of the price disparity so great, I'm speechless!! in mind how long it!!! ceramic tile ceramic tile buy a large learning by clay and other inorganic non-metallic raw materials, molding, sintering technology, the ceramic plate or block, usually at room temperature by dry pressing, extrusion molding or other forming methods, and then dry, burning at a certain temperature percent. Ceramic tiles can be divided into five categories according to water absorption, the porcelain tiles, stoneware tiles, fine stoneware tiles, Stoneware tiles, ceramic tiles. water absorption greater than 10% of the known ceramic tiles, interior wall on the market generally referred to tiles, widely used in residential buildings, hotels, restaurants, public places and buildings of the wall decoration, interior decoration is the main product. water absorption of less than 0.5% of said ceramic tile, which is commonly referred to as tiles for the paving of most of the surface finish after treatment, so called tiles. widely used in various buildings on the ground decoration, interior decoration is also the main products. water absorption of 0.5% to 10% of the ceramic tiles used as part of modified in the wall, part of the ground is mainly used for interior decoration (used for toilet) and supporting the use of the wall. by glazed tiles glazed tiles by status and two unglazed tiles. glazed tiles is mainly used for toilet, kitchen ground decoration, and supporting the use of the wall. unglazed tiles are mostly surface-polished, so called polished. tiles water absorption of less than 0.5%. After a polished porcelain tiles, the surface smooth as a mirror, is a high-grade ceramic products. To buy ceramic tile ceramic tile selection to the bed of roses, to be from the investigation, seeing, hearing, several aspects than the reasonable and scientific choices. check the selection of ceramic tile, first check product manufacturer on the box if the name, address and contact telephone number and product name, size, grade, quantity, trademarks, production date and the implementation of standards. brand complete contents of the boxes containing the true, legible, even taking into account Paving method and transport. Then open the packaging, check for certification, whether the damaged product, packaged product inside the quantity, quality is consistent with the content on the box. must also be access to high-volume products with inspection reports, inspection reports and verification of purchased products are the same. Since 2002, ceramic tile companies already have the national exemption product and more than a dozen brand-name products in China. These companies better product quality, packaging have a state inspection or fluorescent light irradiation, the brick on the 1-meter vertical distance observation, should not see the obvious glaze flaws. a pattern of brick color pattern should be fine, realistic, there is no obvious lack of color, disconnection, dislocation and other defects. quality shading the back of ceramic products, trademarks and other clear, complete, and little trace or enamel defects. Second Look Size: smaller size deviation a good product, bad product for decorative effect size deviation of the larger discount will be the number of products on a flat surface vertical to see if there is no wide disparities. Third, look at the degree level: a good product should be flat side face, the deformation is small, after paving brick flat appearance. select a surface roughness glass plate, plastic board, desktop or ceramic bricks and the side and front, respectively, close to the surface in parallel to observe the straight edge of the extent and degree of surface warpage, but also the two sides brick close together, to see if there are no gaps. It should be noted that there are glazed tiles on the existence of appropriate convex center is permitted, because it can improve product performance against enamel crack. four to see the product color: Take a few Brick fight together, in the careful observation of adequate light, the product color shades between the products are inferior products, paving the overall effect after the poor. listen to gently tap ceramic tiles, listen to the sound quality more clear and melodious sounds good product. inferior products due to improper formulation of raw materials, firing short period, firing temperature is low, percussion will be issued when There are several tips to help you determine about the intrinsic quality of bricks: one listen to his voice. Second, weigh weight. the same size and thickness of the ceramic tiles, heavy low water absorption, intrinsic quality is better, weigh a weigh to know. Third, the drops of ink. the ink drops on the back of ceramic tiles to observe the spread of the ink, the proliferation of faster, larger tiles of its larger water absorption, whereas low water absorption, or licking bricks the back, feeling more than the water absorption of clay bricks, whereas small water absorption. For consumers concerned about the tiles generally antifouling method can be applied to identify the following: the ink or other colored liquid drops on the surface of polished , after a certain time wipe the surface, leaving traces of less pollution is better tolerance bricks. to purchase ceramic tiles should also note the following points 1. Do not buy product identification unclear: the packaging manufacturer's name, address unknown or non-manufacturing enterprises such as the name (if marked with certain operations, etc.) should pay special attention to the product purchase, or quality problem can not be traceable. 2. trademark of unclear or inconsistent with the package not to share: back of the product should be clearer trademark, logo and packaging and should be the same, otherwise there will be another company's products to serve as the company's products, after the ideas to solve quality problems. 3. inspection reports when there is not doubt the letter: If an inspection report The unit is not a national statutory inspection bodies, the report traces altered, the report does not correspond with the sale of products, inspection and project failure (evasive), the conclusion does not match with the results and so on. 4. production time is too long Shen purchase of products: products to buy pay attention to production date, do not buy storage is the product of long, do not stack products to buy back after too long, not stacked in the wet or in direct sunlight. 5. the name of national inspection, the Chinese Shen-purchased brand-name products: the national exemption and Chinese famous brand products of better quality, prices are higher than similar products in general. However, some companies on the market tend to have the name of national inspection, signs of Chinese brand-name products deceive consumers. consumers in the purchase of ceramic tiles can visit the Web site or read before general use of cement mortar paste. ceramic tiles in the tiling before, to be pretreated to the building surface to remove dirt from building surface sticky. At the same time the walls must be water wet, such as the lack of surface wetting, mortar The water will be sucked grassroots, which led to the hollowing, the bond is not strong. Paving test is necessary before discharge in order to make joint evenly. Stones should advance through the selection of ceramic tiles, tile should be no defects, color consistency, pattern matching. for use of ceramic tiles must be fully immersed, full of water allowed to smoke, or ceramic tile soaking time is too short, the mortar in the brick water will be sucked away, will lead to hollowing. paste the force should be uniform, as ceramic tiles to prevent the arch, should allow some expansion joints, mortar should be in the gap in time before the initial setting adjustments, adjusted to shoot real, should be smooth vertical and horizontal seams, cracks between the blocks to fill gelling. Paving 1 hour after the brick should be promptly cleaned from top to bottom of bonding material. paving is completed, to a period of time, such as cement mortar used only after complete solidification. the maintenance of ceramic tile ceramic tile maintenance is also important. maintenance within the wall is relatively easy to keep clean brick and reduce pollution. At the same time to avoid collision, in order to avoid hit and split. slabs should be noted that frequent use of ground clearance, reduce dust, use a wet towel wrung mop or light rub the ground. to avoid direct contact with the ground nail the shoe, thus reducing the surface scratches, keeping the floor of the beautiful. Do not pour water or corrosive materials on the ground to reduce the pollution on the ground, corrosion. keeping the floor dry, do not water on the ground, to prevent slipping, falls. to prevent the weight smashing hit the ground, so as not to smash brick, is the character of the use and appearance dictates? Why do not I see around some of the decoration when the one thing people are so worry! own house, lived a few years to live, be careful ah, comrades. recently saw what really makes people suck, buy a brick of a comrade, and I try to take back the water, bricks are through to the the. our colleagues decoration, decoration team contract for labor and small broken ingredient (tile, paint them) the price of fifteen thousand to her, God! I am so pay attention to price, those who run the market for so long, are the most simple decoration to over thirty thousand, and she fifteen thousand to do the house to live with?? you tell her, her? she did not listen, she thought you alarmist! comrades, buy something, to be kept in mind. such as buying bricks out from the box and see flatness, this hard? observed with the naked eye it is glazed, it is difficult to do? get mineral water from the bricks back in the past the opposite, try the initial water It's hard? If difficult, why do not you, why should you listen to JS 忽悠! JS Luanche do not listen to what is normal through the glaze, but also soaked brick posts. you go to, or Nobel Prize winner Try to get brick, you see through there? Really, if you want to map peace of mind, you do not pack any clean work, hire a trust company, trust, supervision, to large supermarket and buy brand-name building materials, silver is sacrifice, at least to keep the quality! want to save money, then it can not be peace of mind, especially the cheap stuff, you should make sure you buy is cheap. If not, you better not decoration, to live more environmentally friendly cement! a price of a sub-goods, this sentence makes sense. but this is not absolute. with the same score as the price which the goods are not, so you need something put in some effort to Amoy. laymen not just watch the fun, no one is born is the day material , and thoroughly is very difficult! learn a JS dare not deceive you so that is still very easy! to Act. Remember, in this world who you really believe only you and your family, if they is not responsible for their own, who do you expect is responsible for you! silently decoration Diary 2: The money spent would be a cool kitchen tiles !----! spend time on the brick particularly to the Qi Lizhuang times. follow the army to see Brick plot JC N times. I did not expect unintentional positive outcomes, my brick, is actually set in the supermarket, or can not be cheap cheap bricks, let me say carefully: before brick look through refrain .21 units on the morning following the big brick with Carroll to see the living room wall and floor tiles Hanford (a company with the United States and Canada), the results showed Carroll kick off the bricks have to more than 30 large stimulated, LZ budget brick kitchen I only took 25, and fundamentally do not want to super. afternoon organized teams to see OSL, continue to be stimulated. and then to the Qi Lizhuang wandering around inside the blind, there is a special seamless brick hit the Great Wall 4 folding, folding end 36, the heart, but Xiangui. a special brick Shuangling 28, heart but not easily start, also plans to go online to search evaluation. looking for a long Guinness, seeing that I have admired the blue water wave , JS said that would not lower than 50, anyway, can not decide to buy, not how to bargain and left. read Chinese and Sheng, there's still like an imitation of mosaic, but did not look carefully. I want to continue watching it men have been called the tired, man is not in the shopping area woman can endure, ha ha, reluctantly go home. there are like several of the above can take a look, and then doom bargain, the bargain to spend leisurely ten strokes! 22 day with family even pull coax to coax my 24th floor, the amount of room, hard process refrain from that. results go downstairs, only to find the stairs a few mistakes, we are the 25th floor the amount of floor room .555555555,25 owners, if you see colorful chalk on the wall, you do not look for property in trouble, come to me directly, I was wrong ...... the amount of finished lunch downstairs and saw the bus shop Leroy Melancon Xing, improvisation will go up. The results of a go there, huh, huh, actually most of wall and floor tiles are set over! The key is low, followed by the color barely acceptable, huh, huh. I set the kitchen floor tiles are white texture, 28, a flat, Asia special rates. Kitchen is a white marble wall with a level over 19, Manchester United special. I fixed the bathroom wall is a flat 18, Rome special. I set were: Asia 3560, Manchester United ** M-24007, Rome dpp2755. If the Forum There are fixed comrades these bricks, we can also leave a contact with each other, that time could help each other. But I guess I've had enough, is the fear that time no place to make brick, and I made a special buy a lot. Anyway, You can also back it! on Leroy Merlin I have the VIP card, also called 9.8 fold. not in the past with the way the way back to eat KFC with supper and ate nearly one hundred, huh, huh! I did not to eat Law Hunong, or uncomfortable:) The money so straightforward, mainly the price is good, color is also acceptable, huh. Men are not the best, just the most affordable Lord! LG is like asking the same capacity range may not be the most handsome with the most money for you the best and most comfortable you feel is best for you, as I with the families of such diligent I only Lanmao rabbits the best, ha ha. buy a dead brick your dead your out there, even then the United States, I carefully Ji Ji, multi Leia! rent a house for so many years of his career, I am most concerned about the comfort of life, of course, the appropriate price range, the United States is to pursue, Oh! like me who are keen to give old clothes, like our household:) always old points, packaging, or want. I think the kitchen is white with a white marble floor tiles texture look very good. Toilet The color of the wall needs to find charge time with a brick, and I must be careful to pick what to get the whole beautiful point! avoid being everyone laughed at me, picked up cheap suffer heavy losses, 55555555. also like to ask you help me think about the color of the wall, what color tile with a better arrangement? my bathroom is small, only less than 4 square, with windows, but not particularly bright .. we have seen with my shall match the brick wall you compare? this week to set the door with the large to the rest of the floor with paint. the floor a number of my psychological, intended to be butterflies c08 series, to be Dulux paint, although I heard does not depend on the state legislature, But the boycott of Japanese goods Well, huh. the door is more depressed, Masonite molded door you dead, more expensive than solid wood composite. Maxim, Lize store actually said to be 780 minimum, it seems that fried it up online: (the stars estimated retail investors to buy the white doors also have 800, depressing! heroes who have recommended about 700 sets of door ah! the kind of cheap! not I have to keep looking! also wallpaper, is there that bit heroes saw the quality of trust in the special wallpaper ah? I strongly recommend ah! tank was going to buy a benefit of the. later said this was too heavy, will affect the cabinet, there never used to talk about the heroes of ceramic water dish your experience. there is a stainless steel water dish ye so expensive? There is no cheaper price of beautiful things? also dish taps, in the end that a good buy? nine animal husbandry? United States and Canada? American Standard? Zhang Gong said that the small poplar I could not find ? ? ? ? Lvkou Ban anxious that I will not, Oh, I find a cheaper bargain to end, to the point in time to buy. lamp is not without Jia? Bahrain to buy their own lights An available? what did not set it? remind everyone? Yes, there are no set decoration team! 5555555, I have not started to pick renovation team, huh, huh! next month and then start looking for it, start on time in July! Postscript: As of today, my idea has changed. they want to buy TATA door Well, ha ha, but to discuss who should go home with, ah, afraid he called me, huh, huh ? ? ? ? These two models are very good quality bricks , anyway, I compared the many ten dollars higher than that of brick, there's no matter sorted out the quality of a brick tile ratio of these two models. Unfortunately, the kitchen's white with gray marble may not be suitable on the kitchen, I have to change, but the quality is really good, really not want to ah! test the water passing tiles can buy it? a room, the door mounted two grades possible? read my diary XDJM decoration should know, I bought a Leroy Merlin Special magnetic price models, is gray-green. because there is no matching tiles, so I need to find their own. Qi Li Zhuang Meisheng to the store to buy when the brick terrace, sales pushing Sa Suoluo brand floor tiles, and I just have to wall Brick matching colors, I like it. can be relatively small area of the bathroom tiles, my intention is to buy a brand of brick, anyway, the price that is about it much. can be hard to see my favorite color! and actually equipped with special tiles that ! 5555555! sales were very good, very generous to give me a brick plus a cutting! I went back to cutting fell first, click on the broken, Oh. and then test the water, the first positive (enamel) surface pour, put in one night. halfway watched several times, once looked up in the morning, did not see the water to penetrate into the negative. In the morning when you wake up brush your teeth, from the negative (no glaze) poured some water, half an hour after he looked at, there is no infiltration to the front to see. brick flatness, color and so I will see the difference, if there is no problem, this can buy a brick? I test the water the right way ? I also heard the sound, but I do not really distinguish between them, ring in the end be more crisp, brick is a good brick? because that section of the supermarket specials of the wall is too cheap! 18 a square:) So, I do not put under the heart, going back again today to buy one, make a thorough study of the quality, if not, do not delay as early as possible when the back of it anyway! Please advise what! In addition to hearing the voice, look glazed, test the water (how do I test wall are seepage ah), see flatness, there are other tests wall, floor tiles way? In addition, I want to buy the door, and the family wanted to save money on cheap door, he did not know five years after the development is still unable to live The house (audacity! huh!), we intend to proceed from the perspective of noise (in our house near the railway), health, kitchen, balcony or sliding doors with steel doors molded door (a good comparison molded door steel door you must register, But the sound is good, I do not know with the good, of course, must use steel balcony's sliding doors), two bedrooms with solid wood doors! your views do? In addition, there is a BT idea of family does not like to open the door others will be able to list in the end, to the front of the door (even more than before to discuss) On a bead or gauze, and I would like to ask, so that the beautiful and influential? Peng Peng attached picture of a hanging gauze (violation of the right of a) holding a dog to search: the stars this week, the door must be safety. We are signed on May 2, single, the contract is June 5 installed, the door has not arrived. to be called the shop last week Main telephone reminders, and then anxiety may be loss of working time period, random processes it! And, recently I noticed a wooden door set of stars, PVC Door of the points, can the contract did not specify what material I, by We asked around the island in the Panda PVC Door price 50 cheap too! this, I and shopkeepers sure, I should be the price of sets of doors ... ... and so on. related to money, he also some fell out, but still I am the truth, arrogance and a degree of relaxation of the sets of doors for me, when I am going to Tiananmen Square again, and his theory of money in the hands of whoever who is powerful, huh:) last night and gave the owner to call stressed, mild language and he became my very polite today. At noon I gave him a call confirmed that, saying only that the door has been completed, but the owner said he was much too busy store customers when asked to install! to call my agent to confirm my own. What attitude! I hit the agents where to ask out my door pocket is PVC, and the fastest on Sunday to security, I do not work on Saturday requested the workers are lined with a single to safety in March, said a long time, it is Saturday can not be installed as planned angry snappily's hung up broken. but I get angry outsiders always have a gas for a long time:) We first summarize the number, to the factory when a talk about the price, I was directly linked to the total generation. According to sales, said, we Sanhuanxincheng area has already been set, is 420 a square meter price. remind you need install door neighbor, Shide in a special Central Purchasing website Jicai, prices 398/m2! because the organization is to find people, I venture to another organization once. also welcome comrades have the energy to have time with me one to bargain! start selling on the phone said that 398 is the lowest life and death, and I promise I'll ask for instructions before Haoshuidaiyue above. So I now look at the number of statistics, a good bargain with them!! steel is the most significant advantage of a good sound insulation someone like me who like to do white contaminated with plastic will not affect the appearance of the so-called problem. So I'm going to the kitchen, bathroom, balcony off the living room there are all of the north bedroom with colorful plastic!!! just retail investors to buy, They would not get a cent less over there, am still are depressed to death. So everyone wants to go with bargain!! wanted to join it. and then find time to go get some new hair to their negotiations to go! Ha ha! the way Friendly reminder: steel doors that some manufacturers of low price pressure, but there is a transmission of the disease, less than 1.5 meter of linear meters to count by 2, so Suanlaisuanqu, or we eat the loss! another cheap The steel door outside my last Cheng Cheng also talked about a preliminary, 290 a square meter, according to the measured terms, including hardware. Danjue that was not her normal, so do not continue to talk about anymore! Price includes: living room, bedroom ground with a butterfly that strengthen the domestic price is not disclosed. the door for or molded from the door, anyway, I'm only going for a tang 800. terrace with about 30 bricks, tentative as Mei Sheng. I also intend to use the kitchen about 25 blocks of the. Lvkou Ban intends to spend 65 or so. kitchen door, sliding door with a small bedroom about a tang 500 steel, and a total of about 1000. the bathroom with a little better, Oceano bar, about 50. cabinets were 1800, hood cooker sterilizer 3000, Ware 1400, lamp 1000, switch panel, I just forget 600, Yuba, 340, Dulux around 1100. All told, does not include accessories with the wages, is about 22,000. Heating does not know can not be exchanged change, change, then have to add around 4,000 dollars, 55,555,555,555 originally wanted to install more than a little better, but is estimated to save money, or the change, even for a small one home also, so it was not so grand installed. there disinfection cabinet, I bought a very suitable price disinfection cabinet, looking at the money tight, want to transfer, and someone wants it? more than a thousand, Vantage A100 embedded, and there are fountains of what gifts, and I turn to you, do not pick it! heroes who help me find the decoration wages 6000, paint the walls with tiling to do door electric equipment Lvkou Ban Norway heating small change location, do to ...