Friday, February 11, 2011

[Retired] do not know what non-mainstream facie

 What non-mainstream? Non-mainstream mean?
Answer 1 is the non-mainstream personality, publicity, alternative clothing, do not blindly follow the trend of today's public, pay attention to clothes line with their beliefs.
Answer 2, non-mainstream is individuality, alternative, non-popular, do not blindly follow the trend of today's public, pay attention to meet their own beliefs clothing, dress, words and deeds.
not the most popular non-mainstream means something ... that is relatively advanced or delayed The number of
from speaking, the pursuit of non-mainstream people accounted for a relatively small number of more mainstream of the called.
there are mainstream non-mainstream. mainstream and non mainstream literally meaning the coexistence of explanations for such : HipHop `R & B or Blues in the mainstream of Western society is living in the past in China is so non-mainstream, but is now getting into the mainstream of mainstream status is gradually lost as the Little Tigers like that. also calledExperiment What is the mainstream is not the most popular things ...
is relatively advanced or delayed
there is the pursuit of such a person is relatively less (more mainstream called a)
Answer 3 ,
what is mainstream and what non-mainstream
non-mainstream, I do not want the mainstream to define it. as easy to get caught first, the chicken or the egg paradox to the cycle.
in my opinion , non-mainstream, there are several characteristics:
1, no precise definition or far inconclusive.
2, which is change, or that there are still great change.
should be a mainstream the trend of the times and popular bar.
is the individuality of non-mainstream, alternative, non-popular, do not blindly follow the trend of today's public, pay attention to meet their own beliefs clothing, dress, words and deeds.
users answer:
have Friends asked me what non-mainstream?
in fact you are the non-mainstream
because the world is and you will not be exactly the same people
way, I also have their own non-mainstream way of thinking

people are non-mainstream way of thinking did not own this man who even then he was just a strange pseudo-non-mainstream who
blindly follow the trend of people playing the others can not really find anything

Maybe that is their personality
my personality is not without personal appearance

individual personality that is the reality of thought
. embarrassment of non-mainstream status
non-mainstream intent itself is a very petty and small circle of representatives of all words, but in China were of a serious vulgar.
you search for non-mainstream, all the relevant sites are nothing more than theft of a number of 163, sohu album, the trend Some well-known Web site or blog, photos, clothing brand tide of piracy, theft of excellent designers, and indiscriminate white crown on the google people say the only photo management tool, and then by those malicious speculation the company paying the money was absolutely no thought of spending so much quality in China webmasters who do not own the brand smashed. now is Petty and the representatives of the minority group spread the word to be such a hype. Now the mainstream is completely non-pirated, as synonymous with waste and counterfeit. hope that some unscrupulous people to spare, not to mislead the younger generation of Chinese culture.
the relationship between non-mainstream and mainstream is the individuality
non-mainstream, alternative, non-popular, do not blindly follow the trend of today's public, pay attention to meet their own beliefs clothing, dress, words and deeds.
not mean non-mainstream The most popular thing ... that is relatively advanced or delayed.
the number of terms from the pursuit of non-mainstream people accounted for a relatively small number of more mainstream of the called.
there are mainstream non-mainstream, mainstream and non-mainstream coexist. literally interpreted to mean such as: HipHop `R & B or Blues in the mainstream of Western society is living in the past in China is so non-mainstream, but now is gradually getting into the mainstream status lost mainstream, that is, like, like the Little Tigers. also known as Features
non-mainstream, there are several characteristics:
1, not precisely defined or so far inconclusive.
2, which is change, or that there are still great change.
non- should maintain its vitality mainstream. This dynamic does not mean its existence or are running or not, but to the ability of its creation. Many non-mainstream things, lose their creativity, although its form is still non-mainstream, So there are only two outcomes: first, elimination; II, is assimilation. such as the hippie trend, once lost its specific historical creativity, can not develop their own concept of the times, it gradually reduced to a kind of fashion. The exact definition or no conclusion can not, then the non-reflection of the mainstream of things with creativity.
mainly�� ��
Photo: favorite alternative strange pictures, like put POSE will put on a dementia, decadent expression. PS like the images.
dress: with the public different, such as women wearing men, dressed in hip-hop, body, and so ragged.
Hair: hair with blue and white and other colors, or make exaggerated form, etc. .
Music: Best, Pioneer, pull the wind so that the music is welcomed.
life: not others, and not the pursuit of popular, radical thinking is also rebellious, creative.
personality: Unlimited to show their self-confidence, sunshine, vitality.
��Related Comments��
. non-mainstream and History
history, often is the public version of history, rather than the historical truth of history. the idea of dominant and will not be overturned because said lose their creativity, although its form is still not mainstream, then there are only two outcomes: First, eliminate; II, is assimilation. such as the hippie trend, once lost its specific historical creativity, not the development of the times own ideas, it gradually reduced to a fad.
These are already mainstreamed non-mainstream things. more non-mainstream things, is produced, but in the ground or in the corner, unknown. In a sense, representative of non-mainstream social development is the trend of the energy source of human progress, the social fabric in the mutated gene fragment, where creativity. So, please do not be seen as non-mainstream entertainment and anecdote different interest like gossip. If you think non-mainstream very shallow, it is very regrettable, can only prove that you really just mediocre. as it has lost the confidence and the atmosphere, there is no force is to continue to create, has not been accepted things as zombie-like the existence of the world, this is not the fate of the so-called What the hell.
. non-mainstream and of the human personality
say another problem, people will appreciate and accept; if too alternative, alternative after a fire is bad, and not only destroyed his own image, will lead to destruction of some of those who follow the trend of the image of the community or a nation to rise to image. This is the so-called and rules, the result is predictable. such as travel, through travel agencies, then, today, tomorrow, after tomorrow's trip, attractions, visitor reaction, probably there is a spectrum of heart guide there will be no major changes. If a single person riding travel, it is impossible to predict today what I will encounter situations: such as community reaction, transport and regulations, horse feed supplement and accommodation, there is a problem. But in ancient times, the horse is a very common way of travel, is the main way. to become mainstream today, and it is the result of changes in the world.
can not be exactly defined or not conclusive, the non-reflection of the mainstream of things with creativity. such as R & B style, in the beginning of the birth , Debating do not say now useless romantic. but also because of its sharp and brutal descent, full of tension, it is difficult for the public to accommodate the community. Therefore, R & B style now popular around the world, is the result of transformation process After something has retained its beauty of form, but cut off the root of its development. no real nutrition, it will become a mainstream component of which has become a catchword, was commercialized, and in the world around the window display, for sale.
psychologically speaking, the total sought to determine what the mainstream and establish what, what is designated to maintain anything. Yet the world is not as a result of the person in, and constantly finding that the discovery of create create a re-creation of the world the more profound understanding, of course, more complex and esoteric. This is bound to be a good way to kill brain cells. non-mainstream not only destroy themselves, but also damage the surrounding world. Therefore, most of the time, The main non-mainstream society are difficult to be accepted by the public. historical fact, is true. the so-called history, often is the public version of history, rather than the historical truth of history.
non-mainstream is an experience, and as an experience, is bound to be thinking of actors feeling and behavior. So, the more popular view is that non-mainstream guy always shown a personality. This individual must be strong, otherwise the annihilation in common living things. In fact, living creatures have personality, but very weak, most individual seed husk not enough to break their own, let alone take root, open the prosperity of others to see the flower of the Renaissance. Therefore, the personality performance, not everyone.
but non-mainstream is now become a mainstream fashion.
non-mainstream, I do not want the mainstream to define it. as easy to get caught first, the chicken or the egg paradox cycle to go.
in my opinion, non-mainstream, there are several characteristics:
1, not precisely defined or so far inconclusive.
2, is changing as there are still more or major changes.
However, the so-called personality, seems to be expressed by words and deeds. words and actions must always comply with the law and rules. So there is a possibility to imitate and learn. conspirators then the more developed intelligence can be deliberately boasted high on the phony, such as priests Zhongnanshan. These words and deeds outside the mainstream, are in fact dead, cut off the root of the buzzwords of thought, commodity, it can print and publish large-scale sale of martial arts secrets, doomed, can not continue forward. I have made thousands of years and the apologists and the various so-called Guiyujilia high people.
. non-mainstream and trend of the dialectical relationship between
I think the era of the mainstream should be a public stream. < br> Of course, not follow the mainstream trend of things the general public, some alternative, more assertive, or more exact, is consistent with the behavior of our personal psychology. or lead, or lag.
However, there is a change in non-mainstream mainstream possible.
non-mainstream is a trend, is the pursuit of unique individualism. But the trend to catch up too, that non-mainstream has become mainstream. you go to imitate, it is not follow the crowd? take what to say and different?
everything has 2 sides, non-mainstream can not be special. I agree that some people dressed up as non-mainstream decoration, looks really good. But I think you can imitate the non-mainstream, the key It is a good imitation of one hand, and not imitate what is similar to There are many things to do! even some things you do not want to do from the heart, but you can not change society, only to adapt to it! (for example, you always have to eat, always eat money! you always going to make money, You can not forever rely on their parents, right?) of the followers of non-mainstream, all day long to know the personality, I know different, that's right! However, you can not play all day long to know, and doing nothing, right?
follow the non- the mainstream right, but at the same time in the following non-mainstream numb, his fall is not right! wear for non-mainstream, I think go for imitation, not suitable must not let others laughable! comparison of some youth and a long face cute, imitating non-mainstream understandable, but if you grow the more mature days, you deliberately to imitate, it becomes mere copycat, and people made fun of.
of non-mainstream advice above, any thing to our side, we do not need to imitate and follow blindly, but it is not necessary if the scourge show! I personally think: non-mainstream, if indeed for yourself and go like myself to follow, but to wipe bright their eyes to distinguish good and the dregs of non-mainstream places, learn its advantages, to its disadvantage. There is no perfect things in the world the existence of non-mainstream as well. But the existence of reasonable, non-mainstream does affect our society some of the people. But I want to advise is this: hope you like non-mainstream and those who imitate it, in your suck their blood, decadent dawdle, truancy fighting, chaos sex .....],[word usage is also different from Chinese characters that specification literally could not understand. In fact, the common language of many young people. According to research, results. soon, some users in Taiwan feel that this eye-catching alternative text, put this input to flourish. With the , groups of new generation pink cute, ; big blackfish Martian sought after and disseminators, seriously mislead the young generation of China's new.
Martian is just a circle of influential language. In fact, because of the convenience of the network, so that everyone can follow their own interests with others to form a circle after another, these circles will be produced in accordance with their characteristics,

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