Thursday, September 30, 2010

Court ushered in a small colorful blooming

 Shallow green when the seedlings have not fully cover the vegetable bed, when the curved wooden frame covered with ivy shrouded roof yet, but the flowers were in the yard can not wait to shower the clear rain celebrate with Shear Wind, a light overnight closure between clumps quickly grow into a lush. Plants that withstand bud,UGGs, stretch, elongation; that bud a little bit of swelling, Liezui. Rearranging the small hospital and thus also flourish together.

the first to perceive the spring, the colors of spring to move into the hospital is that cluster bicuculline, a thin rod covered with leaves the coffers of a string of heart-shaped, rose-colored fabric, the bottom is white edge, there are dotted with small yellow flower, one, two, purse strings, light up the yard from the winter since the desolate and lonely.

exceptionally cold last winter, the rose window froze to death several associations. Although the outcome is known, but I could not bear to dig out, or quietly hope, one day after the rain, the dry stubble that emerge between the thin and tender shoots. Has until now, the missing flowers, the gap in that there is still my immortal expectations.

and rose along with Yong Lu catastrophe befell both sides of phlox, did not germinate. Fortunately, the flowers last fall, leaving the seeds mature, the wind falling to the side, quietly germinate this spring, I planted a tree on both sides again, the idea is slowly survival after the rich.

cluster in front of those two peony, thriving in full of the flowers. Huge, beautiful, aromatic, charming. I could not help but spend a day in front stopped for, gently bent, hand touched the Rose-colored petals, satin warm my heart. Mood also will be gorgeous, charming together. Then lightly rose

also open, rich fragrance, fragrance of our simple life. Like red velvet,cheap UGG boots, pink shy, pleasant yellow,UGG shoes, white, elegant, colorful warm in the window together to celebrate the summer with flourish luxuriantly. Although some sturdy flowers, some small, some are incomplete, but each head of the flowering plants have a dream, quietly singing a dream round tonight.

morning, opened the window, smelling the flowers curl to float in, a warm smile they wake up. Evening twilight, standing Yong Lu watching a brilliant today, filled with flowers into the long period of sleep. Venus farewell and usher in the Big Dipper, the stars are also the same as the home of garden flowers?

Hibiscus just out of the chilly cold spell in the summer comes, it will begin to open the green leaf; honeysuckle quietly climbed the stand, stretch, stretch vine, also exposed the bud; that several Cong bluegrass, strip the leaves, green thrive, during which out of the flowering twigs, it also breeds a flower above the bud. Eat the dishes that garden, casually yellow flowers in full bloom, like the rape-like poetic verdant.

I know the flowers last forever, bicuculline, also ten days of flowering peony, rose to be longer, in order to keep this wonderful moment, that day,Discount UGG boots, I borrowed a digital camera to me that They took a lot of flower pictures from today's collection of beautiful and fragrant, and I want them to bloom in my life forever, I believe that life will be forever so she explains.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Hibiscus House in front of two glossy sprout new leaves

 1 (Lunar New Year early March 6) Hibiscus House in front of two glossy sprout new leaves; streetsWere trimmed on both sides of the bare Platanus acerifolia (Hamamelidaceae) shot up the leaves. Fairview Riverside roadside trees out of purple rhododendron, but my two are still in hospital in the bud. Government compound pond, a row of blooming Marigold replaced the original Cineraria; three year on the lawn in Punta pink and white flowers opened, they are a new member of this grass, this herb belongs to Asteraceae invasive alien species, is now growing everywhere in the north and south of the river, this spring morning, they announced himself with several flower flowers have a new territory; and a large pink flea suffix protested, they opened a small disheveled manner white flowers, declaring he is the owner of this land; a white British in the Solanaceae in a corner not far from laughing, it has taken out two feet fluffy to high, it will not be long before quietly Man to climb over, who told the weeds are the ultimate driving on their head Pro.

2 (Lunar New Year early March 7): houses the back of the vegetable, the onion just begins to bloom, they bloom earlier than the garlic; mustard (Brassicaceae) out of the thick squid, their flowering cabbage than the same time almost half a month later than rape. Vegetable side, orange trees Citrus medica (Rutaceae) out of this year's new shoots, twigs Ye Youguang shiny dark green. Trees at the White laevis (Rubiaceae Gardenia is) the issue of new leaves, which are evergreen shrubs, shoots under the care of the total growth in the old leaves. Around the city across the river, a fig tree (Moraceae) of the new leaves are as big as the palm of your hand.

3 (Lunar New Year early March 8): Family hospital, the Japanese pine branches are each half an inch long out of the small green pagoda. Government of the courtyard, trees Asteraceae Sonchus food today flowering, they are grown in a closed two-story office building on the open-air veranda, it was not a good place, I stood on the first floor, they do not see how thick roots headlong into the cement board. Dishes at the same time with the chicory flowers bloom along with a yellow pansy (Corydalis Division), which grows in the pond side of the crevice can be described as solitary.

4 (Lunar New Year early March 9): Today is the Ching Ming Festival, the weather is fine, accompanied his father back to home plate Pavilion. Mountain ridge named after the small village, located in the northernmost mountains of Fujian Province, between about 700 meters above sea level. At this time of blooming along the way have seen many, the field height is the milk vetch flowers and rape, yellow purple and white layers of terraced fields, built the wrong films, early spring is the most beautiful countryside in northern Fujian scenery. Walked into the meadow-like fields, will be in between vigorous yellow purple flowers, some additional crushing: the Kim Chang grass Labiatae fluffy little white flowers open; Asteraceae rice dishes and mice Cha grass small yellow flowers; several grass Viola (violet, to be spread to grass, and mountains of Viola Viola) open purple flowers and white flowers; grasses Alopecurus taken out lush spikelets flowers with white powder on the ear. Ridge side of the road, is also flowering Buxus pink grass, it took like chickweed leaves may Buxus; Ranunculaceae of the buttercup, Ranunculus and Tin Kwai Yangtze, the first two yellow flowers, which open a small white flowers; Asteraceae small Kumai, like the flower Youngia; poppy flowers and carved leaf yellow Corydalis Corydalis, Corydalis both classes herbs, the former yellow flowers, which open purple; gross Labiatae spend grass, they just started flowering. At the roadside ditch, into a piece of rush is blooming, the flower like a cloud of yellow egg-shaped leaf node in the prick halfway Department. Gold opened a clump of purple seeds, this is my first one this year to see the flowering plants of Polygala. Also see Mountain sedge Carex tip, this time has been weighty. This season has been green mountains, during the main flowering plants are shrubs, the most prosperous in addition to red and purple azaleas, and white blossoms of the wood (Hamamelidaceae) and tassel tree (Oleaceae), two flowers such as filaments, shape and color are similar, can not distinguish between non-near to; several bundles of Chinese Spiraea (Rosaceae) flowers, Sheng-like as much as its artificial cultivation of flowers; other Rosaceae grouper are also flowering trees They bloom the branches, white in the reddening, Lichtung have to; several positive Rubus shrubs full bloom, they are the bottle base, palm leaf complex basin and raspberries, and raspberry flowers have been grateful; Yichang pod ( Caprifoliaceae) in bloom, white crystal jade, was asked in the branches holding leaves; In contrast, the small structure tree Sankoh seemed shy, it is the purple leaf male female flowers are hidden in the armpit; flowering also Elaeagnaceae Pinellia hair wood, the yellowish white in color, the shape of cloves; aggregata out the side buds to open from the side of small flowers; pine brown flower spikes are out, they are leading the pine trees to the sky on the stretch. Many mountain bamboo, Ching Ming is also the father said people do not dig bamboo shoots, is the most stupid person under the sun, which I agree, because in Chushan on several occasions came close to being drilled from the ground shoots stumble I saw some bamboo has grown into one tall. A small farm in the village courtyard, and saw several strains of rare medicinal herbs: Berberidaceae trefoil nine grass (Epimedium), has opened the minor white; hexagonal lotus lily family and re-building of China, the former still in bud, The latter coincided with flowering period.

7 (lunar March 12): The Government hospital, five Pittosporum in a start this year's flowering, first released into the atmosphere of small white flowers open from the fragrance. Lawn, a Solanaceae nightshade flowers are today, a small white flowers, green leaves hanging in shame take the next ride; Duchesnea indica start results, and their flowering is over, and the snake are still in with Potentilla continuing with their flowering. Experimental Elementary School Park, one of the Caprifoliaceae Weigela florida flower garden trees to open, the flowers were red roses, it is dazzling. 8 (lunar March 13): Lu Xiong went to the Baoshan afternoon to accompany the road can see the most beautiful purple blooms are paulownia, Paulownia fortunei later than a few days they are flowering, now enter the flowering stage. Along the way there to see Rosa laevigata flowers (Rosaceae) sporadic open, bright dazzling white flowers open early. Free field, Ze stars dish (Primulaceae) the existence of discrete groups into full bloom, white nodding quite strong shadows on the momentum, not here with inferior milk vetch. Tephroseris children roots and Po also blossomed, both Asteraceae herb, yellow flowers, much like the fall of the Chrysanthemum, but the former is blooming at this time has been Sheng, who has only just begun flowering. Also on the side of the road buttercup yellow flowers, they have only just begun flowering. The two sides at the foot of vine flowering bushes, they are Action (Labiatae) and Clematis (Ranunculaceae), wisteria like purple grapes, a string hanging down; wire Lotus things sparse, flowers Some look like small white cross. Baoshan home in front of the lawn, the most turbulent Rearranging the snake with Potentilla (Rosaceae), compared with the blue flowers of Campanulaceae participation is almost negligible, but crouch down to look, each of its an elegant blue flowers are called perfect. Asteraceae grass and small white liquor grass began to blossom, and the former a native, which is invasive, is the owner of this piece of turf, they are unwelcome weeds. Unwelcome there Asteraceae Lactuca, behind the house they live in groups in the land aerodromes, opened a clear conscience, their yellow flowers. Some wonder at the piece of land that several strains of the brightness of grass aerodromes (Ranunculaceae Delphinium species), blue-purple flowers few to fly like birds together in the lush flower scape, the wind rocked slowly pull. Floor next to two hundred years of tree Castanopsis (Fagaceae) into full bloom, garden trees, like yellow-green catkins numerous trees Results little mistake. There are trees into bloom stage smiling, while mountain breeze, the flowers sent to the same ripe banana incense. 9 (lunar March 14): house courtyard, and finally a cherry from the tree, the tree blooms is fourteen days before the transplant from the nursery, when the flowers garden trees. Home hospital, Cherry began to fill with the next day, my father will start a winning birds are difficult to set the cherry Battle. The government compound,UGGs, those born with the tree Sapindus Drynaria (water bone Long Branch) began to germinate sterile pale green leaves, but leaves the back of their fertile spores have been covered. 10 (lunar March 15): afternoon out, we found that cherries are cooked in the courtyard, a few readily adopted; flower beds, the ginger lily (Zingiberaceae) and Hippeastrum (Amaryllidaceae) has been pulled from the ground Banchi high leaf buds; charge out from the water after the two leaflets,cheap UGG boots, it seems nothing in the. The Government hospital, all have shed all camellias, followed by Chinese rose bloom day; and the short sides of the aisle Podocarpus leaves, leaf color in the gloomy storm out of the new green this year. Pucheng Hotel, a row of outside plant Pyracantha (Rosaceae), which is full blossom trees.

12 (lunar March 17): Big ripe cherry, a father and birds are also heating up the battle, he hangs high in the trees of a red scarf, as declared on the people in this tree Cherry's enjoyment of all; birds were expressed as the bamboo, they are flying to and from, while fighting for delicious berries, while twittering, they unanimously say is: see a portion! 13 (lunar March 18): morning, the father of the flower beds in front of the house transformed into a vegetable plot, in which he planted a green onion, spinach, peppers and eggplant. The Government hospital, the largest full bloom today, a Pittosporum; not far away from it huge hydrangea tree pods (Caprifoliaceae) Rearranging was nearing completion. The flower beds in county hospitals, Pansy (Violaceae) and the British beauty (Verbenaceae) in bloom.

14 (lunar March 19): Some time ago Paulownia flowers blooming white flowers garden trees have been rested. Open-air balcony on the second floor office that several strains of chicory vegetables, flowering is not over yet, but it has begun to seed and the seed head of each piece has a crest, numerous crested form a white fur ball, while the wind However, crested with a seed will be wandering, I hope next season they can go to a better place, do not then rooted in the cracks in the cement board. Government of the compound has a palm, which grows in a shaded corner, usually no one will notice it, then section it is flowering, and the broad leaves out few of them will spike following the above full of tiny yellow flowers.

15 (lunar March 20): This season is very long period of time, every morning at nine to five, as long as the weather is fine, the government has become a compound filled with flowers and lawn a small meadow, a red flower with purple wood sorrel, yellow flowers is the shamrock, snakes and with Potentilla Youngia, in addition to light purple flowers on thin air opening round of the dish (lip shaped Division) and the small white fluffy Kim Chang grass (Labiatae), also between the Duchesnea indica dotted with bright red berries, weave them together in this beautiful spring flowers blanket. 16 (lunar March 21): courtyard flower beds in a corner, a grass from the mountains quietly blooming, it is four years ago, I transplanted from a farm. This grass basal rosette leaves, stems erect, open tubular purple, always thought it was a Scrophulariaceae Huang, failed to find it in the flora of the name, and now I began to wonder whether it belongs to the Gesneriaceae , feeling that it's called Dragon flowers and moss grass is somewhat similar to chicory.

17 (lunar March 22): his father this morning from a cherry tree down the red scarf, which means that he and the birds are this year's war is over, and yesterday afternoon he finished harvesting the last batch of cherry, Maple leaf leaves of a tree shade for the birds to them, this year in fighting between man and bird have to shake hands in this way, the father and the birds will not be the ultimate winner. The Government has a three-meter tall hospital's Gougu, he was two more tightly squeezed in a corner of Sabina, find it today, a Sentimental bear fruit, they would understand that I have missed it flowering.

18 (lunar March 23): vegetable garden behind the family home, the white and purple pea flowers have shed all, the plant is covered with green and tender pods. Home in front of two Nandina domestica (Berberidaceae) leaves for natural, dense foliage in the drawn out end of this year's flower buds. Side of the road, the tall Neem trees full of purple, the next period of time, the air will be filled from the bitter aroma. Park, Japanese dianthus and petunias are blooming, the former is in the thick pink tall, the latter may take the cows, but it is Solanaceae; At this time of kale (Cruciferae) has been a stray bloom The kale is no longer the foliage of human well-cultivated flowers, it resumes its own true nature as a natural life. Not all of the foliage plants are submerged in this season is blooming, fraseri, Acer palmatum red flowers and leaves like fire, they will not sub in any one splendid grand trees and flowers.

19 (lunar March 24): north of the road,Discount UGG boots, milk vetch and rape have been welcome, the flat fields show a piece of light green and blue-green, it is the milk vetch seed fields and is rape fields. Rosa laevigata mountain on the dough rose blooming flowers and a large Sheng, piles of white and pink flower clusters. Yellow flowers on street children is the root and goldenseal Po; Polygonaceae of Rumex crispus and also to the fruit of, which appears to be almost the tall weeds, but some of the former appear to be more sturdy.

20 (lunar March 25): Today Guyu. zy outside the office building, Malus halliana flowers are grateful; field pea flowers into a piece of disheveled; pink woodsorrel sorrel grass and red flowers are carried on their long flowering period, in normal people's eyes, the two are the same as , but look at their efforts to reach it, the former is purple, which was pale green. City of Riverside Park, Trifolium repens (Papilionaceae) flowers everywhere; Photinia (Rosaceae) tree studded white flowers; and Bauhinia (Papilionaceae) has come to the end of the flower. 22 (lunar March 27): the compound, with no sub-tree out of green flowers; Pittosporum blooming has ceased, and the flowers at the bear green fruit. 23 (lunar March 28): home hospital, two pomegranates, and a cluster of Buxus Gardenia Hanbaoyufang.

24 (lunar March 29): there is a kind of courtyard in Mandarin Jasmine, today opened its first flower. Together with its white flowers are two bones in Phnom Penh (Rubiaceae), white like a little child blinking stars. Outside the flower beds, the kindred lonely heterophyllum Blume star quietly taken out half a foot high Buddha flame package, now that it has been the edge of the dense clump of bamboo shelter south of days, I almost so given a statement of its flowering.

25 (Lunar New Year early April 1): bamboo in the lodge, a clump of honeysuckle (Caprifoliaceae) in full bloom without restraint,UGG boots, Ji Cheng pile of white flower, every flower to fly like a The Kocho; small wax and nail spots are full bloom Hayama, they are privet shrubs, lush foliage and a strong fragrance suitable for hedges, and now they suffer suffer growth squeeze squeeze together, greeting each other into their flowering season .

26 (Lunar New Year early April 2): the morning in the Villa stroll in the forest and saw some small flowers: open five small white flowers is false Veronica (Scrophulariaceae); purple flowers are Polygalaceae, Han grass (Labiatae), and a little red (Asteraceae). Woods, chestnut and persimmon trees are quietly into the flowering stage, they are all the trees bear patiently, only to the fruit ripening time will be noticeable.

27 (Lunar New Year early April 3): house yard pomegranate open flames like red flowers blossoming. Outside the court a group of celery (Umbelliferae) have blossomed, the rich and gaudy compared to pomegranate, celery few flowers can be described as plain Yen.

28 (Lunar New Year early April 4): rockery courtyard, the SSB (Sedum) and saxifrage flowers today, the former is faint yellow, which is refined white inlay Red; pot of twelve volumes (Liliaceae) out of the bud. Government compound in the pond at the flower field, two rows of Coreopsis in full bloom, and replaced the original Begonia Calendula officinalis. Wasteland, the most grand Rearranging Po children belonging to Asteraceae root, eyes full of bright yellow; with it the same family Daji, mud Hu dishes conyzoides and fish-eye daisy has blossomed, with respect to Po children root, they are blooming faint; complex irrigation, the Gang Mei Dongqing and Premna (Verbenaceae) into the flowering season, the former opening sporadic small white flowers, which open scraps of yellow; waterfront office, four leaves (Rubiaceae ) and water Polygonum quietly flowering, they are humble weeds. Carried the Board go (Polygonaceae), and the results of a bottle base, the former is Snakebite medicine, which is delicious berries.

29 (Lunar New Year early April 5): arborvitae foliage in their flat gray and blue fruit hung, which was once naughty boys attack each other bullets.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Your love is a noble love, just give and not asking for any retroactivity, not to discuss the kindness

 Mom, I was much concern for your side of a bird, and today it gives you title to a bunch of fragrant flowers.

● mother, no matter where you are, where is our most happy and want to go.

● You always look at me understand, you often say that happiness is the child's gift. So today, I brought a laugh, warm your heart.

● heal your heart with my wrinkles on his forehead, with my head feeling darken your hair.

● gone through so many years, I deeply know the people that you love me, mother.

● Autumn of your life is a maple leaf color in general, not the spring is worth a spring, a time when Shuangtian season, but seem to sparkle.

● the first step that you guide me, help me find the way after, thank you, mom!

● all thoughts, more integration with the endless gratitude and admiration, I wish you The festival was filled with bright,Discount UGG boots, peace.

● Mommy, I love you from the depths of the soul, I am willing to give your life, from how much to how much you accept, the original is the case, now will not change.

● Mother and daughter have grown up, not holding your skirt, through spring and summer and winter.

● No you do not have me, not my few years of grief, nor did I have seasons of laughter, thank you for everything good in my life and growth. Happy Mother's Day!

● There is only a good mother, not days, there is no way, no you do not have me, thank you for bringing me all these.

● your love, I can not ever repay; you quietly supported me over the years, my positive spiritual support. Mom, I love you.

● this world, no one more than you love me; this world, no one can replace your place in my heart. Mom, no matter where I will always love you.

● never written anything for you, nor what you said thanks, but your concern and love for me, bit by bit in mind.

● Mom, thank you for giving me such a bright happy life! I love you forever!

● mother You gave me life, and I became worried about you always. I can not spend days or so, my mother would like you to safe and happy every day.

● You at the expense of your slim figure, as I gave birth to such a nice BB, wife, Oh you are really very great.

● You always be my children's beautiful mother. I wish you a happy holiday, and I feel pretty full hundred.

● Mama, usually a father and son we hundred of your blessing, father and son today, we let the saddle before the horse bustling day for it, you'll enjoy the good fortune it.

● every day of your big belly, but in my mind, every day your face is beautiful. Mama, I love you.

▲ ▲ want to send your carnations, you can always say it is too wasteful; would like to invite you to a fancy meal, eat at home you say no outside Hong; want to send your gift, you always said that everything at home. But I have to send a gift: my mother, I will always love you!

▲ ▲ slightest trace of white hair looking at the mother, one of a gradually deepening wrinkles, feeding my adult years devoted themselves to the mother, in this The festival belongs to you, please accept my deepest wishes to you: happy holidays, forever young!

▲ ▲ You are a tree, leaning against your fantasy spring, summer lush leaning against you, fall Reliance forward to your mature, winter leaning against your meditation. Dear Mom, Thank you for giving my all, wish you a happy holiday!

▲ ▲ traveled thousands of miles, read the ebb and flow, through wind and rain, tasted the ups and downs, and always felt You embrace the warmth! regardless of how far my heart, forever loved. I wish my mother a happy holiday!

▲ ▲ growth is carved in my forehead on your bars, my indulgence is carved on the vertical bar your eyebrows, and my joy is engraved in your corner of the tail, My success is engraved on the side of the dimple on your lips. Mom you worked hard!

▲ ▲ mountain, there is no mother's love is high; the sea, there is no deep love for his mother; days, no mother's love wide; land, without a mother's love of tolerance; the sun, without a mother Love warm; Let us wish the mother were healthy and happy!

▲ ▲ looked at the mother the growing number of white hair, deep wrinkles increasingly looked at the mother, watching her mother slowly bend the body, children have endless gratitude mind , but they all merged into one: Mom! I love you!

▲ ▲ work, I would often wander; love, always make me want to stay. Though not miss each other, there is always owed to the mother. Let the wind bring me miss, let me cloud carry a wish: I wish my dear mother always happy!

▲ ▲ I like a bird, feathers with each caress of your affection and earnest instructions, let me fly freely between the outside world, your arms like a tree, will always be my warm home. Custom Mother's Day

wear pink in the chest. Color is luxurious. The mother of the deceased who are still wearing the white carnation flower, and her mother alive who will wear red carnations. On this day, people will always try to make the mother a happy holiday, thanks to one year and compensation for their hard work. The most common way is to Mother Mother's Day gift cards and gifts. Festival, every mother's heart will be filled with joy, accepted the children and her husband donated the roses or other flowers, candy, books and souvenirs, especially when they received small children made their own hands to write it with a childlike crayon But the most precious and generous gifts or take them from the daily household chores of liberation, relaxing day. On this day, many families by the husband and children to pack off all the housework, mothers do not have to cook, do not whipsaw wash the dishes do not have to do the laundry. Many families also serve breakfast in bed the mother practice.

after the creation of Mother's Day, has been the support of people around the world. Amanm Jarvis was alive, the establishment of Mother's Day has reached 43 countries. Today, the country celebrate the holiday even more. Mother's Day, has become a truly international festival. Traditionally, Although some countries are at different times throughout the year celebrate their own Mother's Day, however, most countries including China, such as Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia and Belgium,UGG boots, etc., are in the May celebrated the second Sunday of Mother's Day. Mother's Day originated in ancient Greece, the ancient Greeks to this day the gods in Greek mythology, Hera, the mother of honor. In the mid-17th century, the mother cutting reached England, the British put the fourth of Lent Sunday as Mother's Day. On this day, young people will be home away from home, the mothers bring them some small gifts.

modern sense, Mother's Day originated in the United States, by Amanm, Jarvis (1864-1948) initiated by her unmarried life, stayed with her mother, her mother died in 1905, Amanm distraught Two years later (1907), Amanm and her friends began a letter to influential ministers, businessmen, to seek support, to allow for Mother's Day as a statutory holiday. Amanm that children often ignore the feelings of the mother, and she hoped more people to think about Mother's Day to pay the mother of all the family. Maternal love is an everlasting theme of human beings.

we give it too much interpretation, but also give it too many connotations.

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contemporary essayist Yu wrote in an article: people moving in, I heard cries softly softly drifting back also. End of the World

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Monday, September 27, 2010

I remember the way our three-year junior high school days

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Autumn Long Hua Xu Shadan Middle School crush the turtle squad also has been asked I do not bother asking questions of the random joke you silly smile and had also a favorite saying,UGGs, making a fuss in the class small blind for half an hour eat eat apples drink chrysanthemum tea and hot things hot skinny tall turtle has been such a call you do not like us but now you heard the turtle is also good to think of different styles of China Xu Shadan beautiful all the same ... many, many good-looking stars in the sky with some high school, crazy one to have your time even if a third year in another I will be happy to


so much to think of it Now we all fit in the head each have their own oil do not know when we all dream to see goodbye to ugly duckling and the swan must change the oil I believe we will own a wonderful

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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Master Cheng Chuan few last words division ordered

 Youth-year-old shoulder the burden of pressure Hengshan Suzaku gate. Hong Sang light

leader rose from his throne.

kneeling in front of a woman, eighteen-year-old look, good look. Show long black hair, allowing the back of the head from the plate, stuck a white hair in the Hosta.

BA could not break the palace, only knew these five words from five different countries. So this matter to the emperor to investigate five major sects. Suzaku door as I also received one of five martial task: to break the Persian content.

matter entrusted to him, and as a teacher with the Prince Yi Jin friends or old, holding my hand if you find him letters can learn more about some clues. he also had a son, only one year older than you.

This is gold,UGG boots, Wu Qian, you make money for the journey. I wish you a speedy find clues. ,Discount UGG boots, formally took over the land of uterine security basaltic pray together, either recruited by. For the division now the screen door keepsake Yu Yuen pay with you. do. Xian Huang door even ordered me to crack the stone of the secret door. You remember? As a teacher only know this one clue, the cause of Xuanwumen cross with you, you will not let me down, right? br>
Years, you and I as father and son. Although I am chasing martial arts, it has into middle age, physical resourcefulness earlier than ever before; you though young, rivers and lakes less experience, but thrive. Today, I formally Hall White Tiger Tiger wing door delivery with you. This is the token white tiger wrist, come, put you in person for the division. That was nine years ago, almost when you are fast on the Mount, the division received Xianhuang edict, ordered the door to decipher the stone white tiger Puma Chinese content. Over the years, we have no progress, only a few disciples in the south of the priest asked to be Dai Biao has studied Chinese, you can go visit. Here there is a stone rubbings to you, and I do not know. Now Prince became the emperor, but also the effectiveness of your door is when a white tiger. There is also the drafts two thousand, take it as money for the journey tomorrow to hit the road! Disciples live set high expectations. .

A personal letter to this Xiandi also for safe custody, perhaps be useful. This is the stone of the rubbings and the key to the treasury chamber, which I have to pay you. I stay in the Dragon Gate, you go to the Palace bar. We're looking for a fu text, this is not entirely the cause of the late emperor. Jin family's honor,UGGs, Dragon Rise and Fall of the door you can depend on. Take a personal letter to find Dangjinshengshang Xian Huang, open the treasury chamber, take a look at stone. The rest you can figure it out. sleep. the burden of pressure of the door division in their young hearts, too heavy too heavy, they can only fight with one of their youth and.

Li Ke daphne think: I've been looking forward to his eighteenth birthday, arrival, allow me to take over the gold fire early Church. I did not expect in return for such a heavy burden. but I will do a good job, when the Suzaku Gate unmatched martial arts can be a total Day.

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lighted palace Jin, Jiao Jin Hee side of the small princes drink, while enjoying the singing and dancing. Very calm and composed, had in mind a few: and soon recruited by promising to make their own decisions: daphne Li Ke Yi Jin decided to visit the Prince, so the starting capital of the southwest; Palace security imperative is to find her sister decided to go to Suzaku Gate Ke Li daphne, then proceed north; and Xue Yi kept to Dai tribe to the south, the knowledge about the Puma Chinese, then south starting; Jin small princes of the most comprehensive term, he will make rubbings with several reliable degree after they look at the monument planned departure to the capital, and the emperor of a chat chat. Incidentally, stay in the palace to pay attention to the case of several other faction. Actually a surefire plan. And he himself? Because of outstanding beauty and talent, and love in Beijing drum, so for the women's body, and the housekeeper invited to attend the capital Chang'an.

four young people from different regions, because the former tiny stone and each piece of a mission, to get together. Their fate and have consequently contact. Our story began.

Sweet Dreams in the grind is a faint ink

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Monday, September 20, 2010

Early in August to buy a pot of new branches of jasmine Vertical Division of Labor

 Vigorous branches Qiu Qu circled above the kernel-like encrusted white bud, there are several flower has opened, it seems, very quaint miniature taste.

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About a week and the flowers on all withered, and gradually the leaves began to turn yellow, as if the past Growing Flowers have to repeat the mistake. I became concerned, how do? That night, and it began to rain, the rhythm, I would like to put up on the lawn in early summer of Napen gardenia, now, gardenia has been transformed a lot of long camel. If you let the rain a shower, I believe that Jasmine will get better it. The next day, I really moved the flowers in the lawn out back, also played a half buried with soil pots.

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the past few days, Jasmine gave me a pleasant surprise, it actually has twice the bud,cheap UGG boots, it seems, than the first one just to see when it is more strong build, and when a flower opening up of the I take it back to the TV side, watching a bunch of buds, I think the

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sanya Bay Begonia

Begonia Bay and Yalong Bay, East Bay, Sanya Bay, Sanya, five were tied Office Location of Yazhou Bay Bay.
Begonia Bay has beautiful scenery, set the blue sea, blue sky,Discount UGG boots, green hills and silver sand, oasis, odd in a cape.
Begonia Bay, is only 25 km, after the relationship because of administrative divisions, the entire bay is divided into two parts, called Tu-fu there Lingshui Bay, Sanya Bay, here called Begonia.
even a picture of thousands, almost primitive beauty at a glance .19 km long coastline of beautiful scenery, rivers such as the network, oasis spread all over the place, fragrant grass. Begonia Bay south to the South China Sea, and the Yalong Bay National Resort District, adjacent to set sea , blue sky, green hills and silver sand, oasis,UGG boots clearanc, strange cape, rivers in one, Bay of , rattan Eastbound and West River meanders through natural and human in this integration. In addition to Wuzhizhou, South Fields Spa has been developed, the coconut Chau Island, such as iron stove in mangrove development and utilization of tourism resources have not yet.
About Begonia Bay, a beautiful legend. long, long time ago, Coconut Island in the vicinity of the fishermen have not caught four fish, the fishermen confused assistance to the god of the sea. the local king Mother Mother (witches) tells the fishermen, the Dragon King U.S. VI (his wife) died, so long as to the Dragon King sent a young and beautiful She Ipomoea (unmarried girl), he would put away magic, to allow fishermen to resume past the days of abundant fish and shrimp. to the interests of fishermen, this area The She Ipomoea all have a voluntary commitment. we decided to throw the mother by the king your mother betel nut, which She Ipomoea caught on to marry the Dragon King. Finally,UGG boots clearanc, the nut was a girl named Begonia caught. At this point there Begonia Amin was a sweetheart, but resolutely Begonia farewell sweetheart, into submarine. On that night, Amin also join the submarine with two stones, he has to fulfill its promise, and Begonia with the total death. The next day, people are really in this piece of bay fishing to fish. To mark the Begonia girl, people will bring this piece of the Gulf known as Begonia Bay.
in the division on the bay and South Fields Farm collectively Begonia Begonia Bay area, the land area of about 253.8 square kilometers, a population of about 60000. Begonia bay is the seat of new town, only 2001 original Fujihashi, Lin Wang merger of the two towns. ancient times, also known as Fujihashi Market Begonia bay, Sanya since ancient times to the throat, the historically the county seat of the district, trade is very active, and Lingshui British Weizhou, Baoting three farms, South Fields Farm is called  Transportation: to Begonia Bay Beach, Coconut Island can take the bus to Begonia bay, 4 yuan fare, then walk to.
Accommodation Guide: Wuzhizhou resort in Yalong Bay Resort,UGGs, Sanya urban area, South Fields Spa, the world known hotel (Begonia Bay)
Entertainment Guide: Sea Project: fishing, sailing
food and drink: fresh seafood, local specialties
Hainan four dishes: coconut, sea and dry

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Life with Peach first between desire and reason

Jiang I can not help but panic, looting in the past pat her back,Discount UGG boots, Chou Xuhua body of a soft, almost share the soft ground, he rushed to help her out of the lift, the waiter to come and help, the two moved into her busy divvying room.
closing the door when the waiter, he seemed to see the waiter's face nearest approach to expression, Jiang I greatly upset, why always the situation evolved into a situation beyond his control?
he took a wet towel from the bathroom, looked at her little chest classes in all filth, do not know how to start, had to wipe her mouth before, towels, new to her, eyes closed eyelashes Chouxu Hua Yi Chan suddenly, he knew She is awake.
river to not speak, at this moment, that is not nothing right, go on to pretend it! he gently wipe her mouth, chin, neck hh. Tude sharp ups and downs of her chest up , under the soft lighting, Chou Xuhua light and thin coat, chest of two small points clear of surprise out of contact with the cold towels that became an instant hot carcass; River to the nose and the smell of filth and fragrance mix distributed out of an indescribable stench, ears to hear her rapid breathing, it is only natural, somehow, had to ignite the lower abdomen in an hot air, it may be alcohol cause trouble, or I do not know their hearts why they are so desires, he is not saints, nor want to saints; the sound of his brain Hong Hong would slowly pull her spaghetti straps, revealing exquisite half cup bras, when the towel gently grazed the breast, become a holy white light illuminated in the crystal clear, sparkling, he could no longer bear it, bent down, pulled some rude bras, full of love for her pro-palace, she moaned, body trembling, his hands clutching the river to the open, eyes the tears, but you can not help but slip face.
Saw Spring into instantaneous infinite, two hot chest pressed hard together, four hot lips constantly with each other to find comfort, the original desire in this moment broke out exhaustive, River to the brain no longer think of other, the Heat need to vent, since she does not care, why should we care?
mouth with his hand, the search every inch of her skin, feeling her reaction, gently opening her legs, and when he finally combined with her for the moment,UGG boots cheap, she enthusiastically to meet, but I obviously feel the river's jerky movements with her tight body,UGG shoes, so that he can not help but surprise, opening her appearance, is it the first time? this is like the same pledge poured cold water, so he quickly calmed down, holding her, stop motion, low in her ear voice asked, Suddenly a turn over to the above, her upper body looked up, his hands supporting the bed, watching him, and chuckled, her dazzling white breasts, with a sigh, she knew what he was doing it? or just to gamble breath? this has always been ever increasing demands of the beautiful girls, take a bet on the future of their own, the stage of life, not throw in the towel She and he went to bed, really love you to?
moment to Jiang, the brain was chaotic, reason and passion disputes, he in the end to obey the waist or the neck and above the choice? Wang Yan Philippines gorgeous face in the brain appears.
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Related Reading:
life with peach Part I: alcohol ignition (21) life with a peach first mm scare (20)
life with peach truth came out the first mm (19 ) the first order with Peach mm 1 Bing (18)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Roadway bridge over Suzhou

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Roadway bridge over Suzhou
Child read the Tang Dynasty poet Du Gou Crane's poem The Water City of Suzhou leave a good impression. numbered desire them, and finally to Suzhou since the Spring and Autumn Period 514 BC king to He built the city so far, been the history in 2510. Although through the ages, still maintains a kilometers of river, nearly 200 bridges, is still showing a famous Tang Dynasty poet, described the Linhe in a long alley, out of a river is in wonderful, bow they see water, move the foot bridge. It also marks the shape of the bridge itself is a long history, we saw green moss sealed with stones, stone railings have not completes.
Day, I watched from a distance on a humpback bridge across to a few boats along river banks and the human voice boiling Yang, occasionally heard cries charm long, watching the scene in prosperity, a sudden interest was surprised, somewhat added to the rustic charm . These are people like, people hang around. Sometimes, looking at the city cross the river anyway, Itabashi, shore trees, and flowers, often do not stop, let you spend most of the day time.
Bridge over, is indeed a major feature of Suzhou Watertown. In particular, it is interesting that for thousands of years, ancient writers and poets of the Ode, and Suzhou Bridge actually had a close relationship. From ancient times, Such as full of stars move on the water according to days, Nanfei Wu magpie shadow dancing, As for the Suzhou, dreamed of Huaqiao pavilion head Bridge Lake, Local government departments, to build the Suzhou Chinese classic so that there is flowing water everywhere in Suzhou river flow, showing faction waters of life. In the future, tourists will be in the city ; monarch to Suzhou see, people do pillow River