Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Collection of essays, dreaming

 Original text: Banyun to photography: visual
fox one, so you listen to

sound from the strings for years, come from the west wind toward the direction of you, day in blue comfort me. Look up overnight, so that the cloud of white eyes rolled to the love letters, no one read, but you know. Even the slightest, one after another, a film, a self-pupil indemnity to the horizon, rippling wings numerous search, remote unpredictable horizon, but to the vast Li song down my fly, so I can not tell direction. Watch longer season, when you have not had time to love me, my life had already started the color yellow, Acacia tree stand, and tears as the leaves mature. Autumn covered the years

limbs, and persistence is written in my face, wrinkles in the lake position, winding road for the blue. Fish bottle, leaving long, long time, I do not know that heart folded in a vase, you already received. String Man lake,UGG shoes, reflection, such as a boat and floating notes, weathering of the shore waiting for you. May recover the reflection that moment, the trail will be old lipstick, but I do not regret it.

I believe that when the flowers, you will resist remember. When your footsteps traced back along the blue water of me, I have been waiting for a ramp time. Put your head on my arms it, listen to me in the ring seal in the love songs, I'll rhyme for many years, Qinru your soul back. Mottled under the sun that Acacia is not a simple decoration. Traces of dust blow, only to waiting profound.

In fact, when you listen to me, I have heard whispers of pity you had. Heart beat of the gap, loneliness go to the far Plaza. Heard the call from the heart, over the leaves of fatigue.

two, so I watched the summer and winter

me trapped in the middle, I had to a golden, welcoming look to your eyes hurt. You smile like the color of my pleasure, I am not cold heartless thing. Pan Results thousand hair in the wind, so free and easy is it? Unloaded off the forbidding, you will hold me in flesh and blood, even if you have been waiting for a reincarnation. You see me A little yellow flame, forward your students singing the song.

woodpeckers away, and rain and snow the next. I spread the branches, planting tenderness in your heart. In the darkness before the advent of the rainy season, I will grip the fate of a variation to the sun standing belief in hard work, so that light and shadow are happy to grow as the fruit of happiness.

looked at me, Do not deviate from the eyes of the blend. Deer hooves blown in the depths of the forest, like a bunch of graceful flute, praise for the gazing time. The butterflies do not have to display their dancing, and a slight knowing smile, they can pull off fate. But, you do not grieve the silent on the TV, do not let me mark frost covered the arms, always tears depart.

yesterday, holding my right, I remember your soft, beautiful. And today the great, Ye Ye has been into the environment. Although you can not hear the call of my blood in circulation, but you can feel the only remaining green I have spend the space vacated. When a passion Chuan Lin and over,UGG bailey button, you will hear the sound of Bluebird's wings.

three, please listen to me

together, and yet apart, your emotional diary, what is left? Not on my reading of your days and nights, I cloud floating in the Acacia, the text has already put on your Spring Hill. I believe that you have against those pale faint trace strands, playing a countless number of tears in the quiet strings, those low, slow the heart and because wan rhyme, to open the lotus in the flat ze video. You just need a look, I know which one of Sweet, has been contracted on the Tang and Song.

other in the fall, I harvest your Ruqierzhi. My tears can be mature, but the moment you listen, sieve falling. Pick up drop it, you think I treasure those days, you must open each cluster aware to my branches, and hang in the Gao Yang hesitated. I do not want to get away from you pressing the beautiful, but I do not know if I can to the story of a forest, in exchange for your courage in this life.

Perhaps in the distant horizon, you can look forward to the woods of the Kiwi,Discount UGG boots, tall, my fantasy, my Chu Chen, and I dance the wind free and easy. But when you walked into my world, you will also say that I am about to dead branches and leaves, still full of poetic? In the be the same time, you'll let me have suffered a loss of it? When I was so into the trees, I know I woodenly character,bailey UGG boots, and old quarter, has not qualified for your fresh youth, plating a layer of rose color.

we can see the love I can not say, only the rustle of the swaying, in your hair, on your shoulder, my shadow is the most mottled autumn Perspective. I know you will eventually leave the leaves with my tears, to distant memories. Even if you can put aside the secular, recklessly into the forest of my sadness in my vicissitudes of the branches, the freedom of building your nest. And I can not faded desolation, transformed those destined to the body, yet you embrace a green and lush. I can only tighten the silence of love, hang some loss of every second and forth until the afterlife.

IV heart

drift bottle to a fish how long I have ideas to solve. You taught me, so pick up my heart to meet a pair of Acacia hand. You said if we destined, you will be happy to pick up those who. At your feet, where it has flowers, and I set Acacia in full bottles, so look forward to rising drift of sailing, either fish swim into the distance. Can you find me before you miss the fish does not help parking.

Perhaps, deep sea fish have been sunk, look for its kind. My heart goes on printed letterheads, passed away in the forgotten. I am destined to be the tree of the lookouts, even with three hundred sixty degrees swaying, loneliness does not quote rates for flowers, because I have been old, because you are too late. Perhaps, that heart is put into the basket picking up people, has been sold into the scrap yards, has been broken in the secondary processing plant. So, I wrote you come Acacia can return it? Also allows you to read my face was haggard?

sky will not answer you, clouds will not answer you, and the lake has deep flow convergence. Confusion in the water I would have been covered with moss. Looking scars along the snags, the wind outside the ring in the eye. If I did not stop until the fish go, the blue where it can be spared the pain?

sitting next to me, you will understand my frustration. Twenty years ago, if I draw a circle in the sky tonight will be withered. The broken light, the dumb but distant. You do not have to bear resentment gray to face more questions and criticism. Will you never say it's love in my heart now, then when you stand up again in the sunlight, looking back I am full of cream yellow, I will shake off all the leaves tears, learn to be patient.

five, standing order not to fall

read, I will rooted in the very calm. Through the land of warm, germination cycle of promise, and according to the invitation of the forest bird, plan the future of branches and leaves. I believe, leaves no longer tears, autumn leaves are the most nimble and wind chimes. Wind, the branches will dance the sound of wild chrysanthemum, as I run the line in the suffering in the song, lonely drive to make all the haze.

differentiation of the world is not without reason, unfortunately, is never to regret. When I was waiting for you in the fall, when you are young in the spring. Season of life is so numerous updates, and I do not know that quarter have been before they can out of the jungle, truly stand by your side. Lakes may be friends forever, according to my lonely, never laugh at me crazy too deformation expectations. I believe that my first step, has stood up calmly in the secondary zone. And I will greet the winter percussion, to find my next reincarnation of the prototype.

with me by it, even if only this once. I miss when you're standing, the fall will be solidified. Plastic tenderness at parting you, not just listen to the peeling white birch, red pine that stood behind me, those Populus, Tilia who will be in a forest of courtesy, to send you looking for the perfect way home. And my soul up, gushing in the sky, the shadow will follow you to the other side of the lake to the other side of the mountain, to the heart in the middle.

Listen, I have shaking branches, so that rational, long hair flying in the relieved. Even if the outcome already started, I would have buried a long time to exhort, to your beautiful replenished. Please remember my heart, please remember a year today, please remember you in a corner, and I suddenly met. 
the third draft of original works, Copyright, declined reproduced

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