Friday, October 15, 2010

Internet business opportunities in World War reproduction

 Why is Chinese-style sales training always makes our lovely sales staff training, the majority in this state? First day of the excitement, the next day to move, the third day motionless. What is the problem then?

Different companies, different levels of sales staff, sales staff exactly how to remedy the training? And how to make interesting, feel useful and effective?

a small misunderstanding about the training, for several years has haunted me: a good reflection of the training time, the effect of training to be okay? but be clear that if the time in the training of trainers do not always echo Well, then, trainer and what future? trainer to the atmosphere, to the satisfaction of business, resulting in the training process is now basically hovering in: cases, experiences, stories, games, interactive, slogans, and some expertise training or summary. In such a training course what we really learned, how much knowledge can be used, and no one to think. Corporate training departments or organizations complained,

In fact, the lecturer in sales training, when trainees must be made prior to the full understanding and grasp their needs, know their weaknesses, not his own packaging as In this way, as if that is his own one-sided, limited knowledge and experience extreme pressure to the knowledge of participants. A good trainer must be created an excellent consultant, if a joint needs of students are training to grasp, to know that according to his notes, according to their own routines, according to their own experiences instilled in students, no matter how at- passionate, intense, left after the inevitable According to expert analysis

physical: the human brain in two hemispheres, left brain and right brain. Produce the right brain intuitive understanding is emotional, logical left brain is rational understanding. The right brain is very easy to have likes and dislikes of the problem, but it must be left brain analysis, the induction such as a process of logical thinking, understanding of things requires a clock. Suoyi trainers training O'clock, forced to create stories, cases, interactive, games, gas 情节 aimed right brain students to be able to influence or cause a good impression, to impress students, get a praise, As students learn How effective after application, it is something of their own students.

for emotional aspects of people's right brain, the so-called fuzzy awareness, emotional thinking, emotional, impulsive, enthusiastic and so are right-brain dominated. This is the number of sales staff in training process, the first excitement, then is the impulse, the last laziness why. The left brain is more consideration of people's needs, interests, logical reasoning, rational thinking. The so-called thought, objective evaluation is a masterpiece from the left brain. Which is why many sales training companies have chosen to complain after a few days of training teachers do not understand their needs, training is the Bale.

In fact, the training of sales staff to the total points should be two categories: one is the renovation project on the training of character; one is on the sales or management skills to enhance! why these two aspects into the training? many successful science, a master of science advocated by the potential theory, in fact, one character in the transformation of a project, the project long way to go, not half past one the next will be able to improve sales performance. Because the character is difficult to change, we can say is the day set too, like Success in learning to learn why so many successful and is very difficult or very difficult to make sales, and some mess neuropathy. So if the sales staff to make some for Success, potential and other aspects of training, the best level for those newly recruited sales staff, giving them an ideal, a vision to strengthen their will and determination, to adjust their have confidence in the face of unexpected difficulties, but must be combined with systematic sales skills upgrading, and take this as.

For those hardened sales staff, if you want to change their character through training, or by expanding the training to change their mind or character, simply casting pearls before swine. For such sales, and that training should be where to start it? Systems, processes, skills, attitude, etc., for them is a common occurrence, and then training the same, still moves in accordance with established practice, relying on their own experience and common sense treatment affairs, but beyond their ability to face difficult issues within the scope, are often powerless to make deviant behavior, criticism of business leaders, still go its own way. In fact it? Have pain in their hearts, using conventional methods, you can not complete the mission the company issued indicators, but not immediate but also hard to find good way to change this situation. So they most want to and resonate with their own sales experience to share, learn, improve themselves. So the face of such sales, training, teachers must have a strong practical ability to make training in communication with them before, to understand their real needs, can address the problem, providing them with problem-solving strategies or methods, in order to make Effective Training.

Therefore, training teachers in training before they do any of a qualitative design courseware, courseware can not be fixed with their own content or ideas spread flicker, fraught. Teacher training must be entered before the training to train the object, not the packaging itself is so air and pride like a star, do not forget once out of the needs, effectiveness would be difficult to manufacture type of course, after all, practice is the sole criterion for testing truth. Teacher training in a trainer must take himself as a doctor or counselor, training will go real office, will produce a convincing effect.

But this is the ideal execution. As a marketing team in order to really enhance the executive power, it must proceed from reality, bit by bit grasping execution, so that the execution Buzhi Yu nothing. Execution related to the success of the enterprise, to create a marketing team's execution, should be Establish the concept of career

but the majority of the Red Army generals superb display of organization, discipline and strong execution, which is why although the Red Army to three million people left, but still Why to Perform

ineffective marketing team? fact, very often Dugen team members, especially the team leader can not correctly understand the execution context of a great relationship, and even some team . To improve the execution team, as a marketing team leader must establish the concept of career, that the implementation, to understand the implementation, the implementation of understanding, must not have views to resist, to stand in the perspective of professional marketing people to deal with execution issues, rather than do a

marketing team leader only by example, role model and example to do the implementation, in order for government decrees, thereby calling the shots, led the implementation of the marketing team. adhere to four principles

adhere to four fixed fixed rule is to enhance the execution of the core and key, the so-called four-set rule is the Executive should set your goal, will be responsible, set standards, set assessment.

target. Clear what we should perform. Requires both the implementation of the content, that the implementation of the goals. That is, to enhance and strengthen the implementation, we must first develop performance goals. For example, the annual sales goal is the implementation of goals. Meanwhile, in order to enhance the execution, but also good at sales target down into actionable sales targets, sales targets is a to run. For example, the monthly sales of 100 million mission is a sales goal, the sales target can not be performed, and only put it down to every salesman, every market, every customer, every variety, in order to truly achieve sales targets .

be responsible. To better implement the sales target, everyone is a target object does not appear, but not the goal of all stakeholders of this phenomenon, it must be a clear commitment to the implementation of specific objectives, namely to identify objects or persons responsible for the implementation of through the decomposition of the persons responsible for the target, target those who have a specific commitment, direction and goals only carrier. Determine the responsible person, must pay attention to a problem, that is to be good at the target accurately convey and implement, can not intercept and distorted, information channels and information collected as a flat, through communication, so that everyone can calmly accept the goals and directives.

required standards. To smooth the implementation of the work of the pointer, we must develop realistic performance standards. The implementation of standards to follow SMART rules, it is necessary to scientific, quantitative, specific, practical, executable, can be assessment, there must be temporal. The specific standards enforceable out, have a basis for the implementation of the contents, if the deviation in the implementation can be the reference standard, timely correction, to avoid bias target for too long and irreversible.

given assessment. The reason why many poor execution, a lot of time is often with no assessment or evaluation is not in place related. Execution is the key to assessment, assessment of the key is to implement, through goals, standards, inspection, implementation,bailey UGG boots, process-oriented management, through the establishment of fair, open and fair incentives, carrot and stick, excellent prize penalty bad, hard focus on management from the wrist, and constantly establish the typical pros and cons, which will allow the implementation of implement it, rather than a mere formality.

determined by four, as a marketing team can clear objectives and standards, through the responsibility to the people, to bind the target by a pole inserted in the end of the examination, so that the implementation of a standard, there are assessment, to implementation can be consistent.

good use of a tool in order to improve execution, as a manager but also a tool to good use, that is PDCA management cycle,UGG boots, through the use of tools that can constantly sum up and improve, so that the quality of implementation higher.

Plan, Plan. That the implementation of the plan to set goals, specific persons responsible for completion time, work steps, marketing programs, through the development of comprehensive marketing plan to make the implementation of rules to follow, laws to abide.

Do, implementation. Plan to do it, it has to proceed step by step and orderly implementation, this link is the key, only down to earth to do, to complete the assigned objectives.

Check, check. It is necessary to focus on process monitoring and management, success depends on details, sales plan by checking the progress and problems in the timely detection of deviations from the target areas.

Action. Perfect. Time under the direction of the deviation from the correction, the target to the intended direction.

through PDCA management cycle, as the administrator can check and improve the goals, so that sales targets can be achieved smoothly.

deciding the success or failure of execution, even to the company's rise and fall, as a manager, only the confidence of the sales target, put right attitude and correct understanding and implementation of the indicators, execution can truly improve in order not to fall for the empty words, the marketing team can seem invincible, to enhance the cohesion, solidarity, fighting to battle the market, winning market.

occasion to marketing potential, in fact, been concerned about an object, it can be an object, which can be events that can be active, can be character. Vientiane its carrier can be all things, it features is unified, there is this extraordinary attention and influence. Occasion, was the use of these concerns and influence to show their own (business or product.)

Chinese enterprises, we can see the occasion, with the Olympics, there is the Expo, there are F1, there are NBA, ... .... But we have seen, corporate occasion to business, this is not much. However, a number of network operators,cheap UGG boots, it is clear that the occasion Alibaba predators on the success of the network.

Alibaba occasion to network operators in the most successful, is part of the China Dianzishangwu Association, the annual selection of the Ten previous network operators in Ho Bin, Le Jun, Yang Xiaohui, who has become Alibaba spokesperson. Their own, but also a tendency Alibaba pretext to obtain business reputation, in the process of harvesting co-marketing opportunities. Secretary for the late King Ten countries network operators take the initiative active in the community, active degrees came from behind to become the first network operators in the top ten with the impact of Alibaba, co-operation and foreign representatives.

is not only a top ten network operators, are active in Alibaba's outstanding network operators are learning to take this chance to Alibaba. Shenzhen Li Hua Tong a production and sales companies trousers hook, Alibaba in 2007 was named the top 10 best domestic network operators. He occasion Alibaba achievement, His exhibitors, not to products, but show him the honor of Alibaba and Alibaba on his credibility; when his guests that he hoped to increase understanding of the time, he will take the initiative to introduce each other to google, etc. large-scale search and site search about his links to hundreds of thousands of enterprises; overseas customers visit, he will first put a video center in Alibaba own talk show; As cover, he would buy dozens of gifts to customers; even his business card, he would be printed on Alibaba member mark. In the community, he will apply for the vice moderator, naming a variety of activities and even a variety of network operators to participate in offline events. In particular, praise was his own position, is the In Alibaba, the Housing length Jun, Xu Huliang, Zhu Fall City, Tao Min, Huang Anfu are all good at this occasion a group of entrepreneurs in Alibaba.

as Alibaba, and Alibaba such entrepreneurs to take this chance to open holes in the door, and will be encouraged. An interesting phenomenon is, and network operators the most famous photo of Ali Baba's CEO Jack Ma. Means of marketing, the successful businessman has his unique nature. Have impressed people, the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong Citizen watch the market had succeeded to the interpretation of a rally of the strategy.

May eighties that day, sunny, cloudless. Hong Kong, a downtown square, crowded, packed. Seems strange that people's eyes to the sky in one direction all looked as if waiting for what appears in the sky. I do not know who is the sharpest eyes, shouting out Just listen to the sound of two brush, two huge banners rolled down from the side of the door. One is the

people after reading, can not help but applaud. Then surprise of, golden, bright, shining white in a wide range of Citizen watches from the plane dropped down, you saw that guy, grab it! People rush then, fearing that without free watch. Most watches have been caught, and occasionally fall to the ground, and before people see the broken hurt, to be picked up quickly, and quickly hides the pocket. Citizen

original company a few days ago several well-known in Hong Kong newspapers to advertise Rights; drop watch shows the time, place, and implicit: To demonstrate the superior quality of the watch, broke Keepers who watches the watch to the designated locations to receive ten times the value of the cash.

result, few holders of the bad table. Hong Kong company announced the next day by Citizen 0.8 per thousand in the number of stunned friends. All blown away by the quality of the table.

Only this one fell swoop, Citizen watches, world-famous Hong Kong, quickly spread to the mainland market.

east and follow the mountain people deeply understands and successful interpretation of the over; it was a few years ago one thing then: At the time, the mountain people employed by a private company founded with the group and asked to build a × × Garment Co., Ltd.. Installed from the start to build up production so good. Run a few months, there are two problems disturbed - employees and orders. Staff of the problem is remote because the plant's geographical location far away from the city, commuting inconvenient. This problem soon, under our brainstorming ways to think of a good; purchase a used bus refitted cosmetic eye-catching look and write characters to be interested in the city turn on the lap Hey! Effect really good! The next step is to take orders for foreign trade companies are looking okay, maybe a circle of people know that an unwritten rule, a newly opened training facility not a year or so the process is none of the foreign trade companies dare to order for you. How to do ah? To find old friends, old colleagues, old leadership to help it. There is a saying that good Thus, in an old colleague is also under the old leadership of the generous help a company to give me a single friends. Xuan Hu Xuan Hu really is to say, even the basic audit process did not do, all of a sudden give me more than fifty thousand pieces to the United States orders. Oh really bad to be happy! Delivery is two months. Good thing is to start friends. However, the troubles are also great friends. Think about the whole add up to less than sixty people across the company tens of thousands of parts in order to complete the business is not fun? Or help the old leadership now; this time, he gave me a word: you know that the Citizen in Hong Kong to sell the watch of the story? sum up the word Released immediately to the local television advertising subtitles continuous, requiring half of play. Job content is due to business needs orders to row to the end, only with a single stroke more than QC. Recruit employees not to mention half-word things. You also mention that this trick really worked. Now employees are much more attractive, many processing units have come to discuss cooperation Rights.

Days with the will of man, dozens of people with tens of thousands of pieces of the Association has put the business on time and completed the quality and quantity.

rally this trick mentioned above, I learned marketing strategy. you have a chance to try it. A firm commitment to give customers a sense of security, providing customers with a Moreover, research shows that only 1 to 2% of customers will ensure that books and theory of the firm.

reason consumers do not buy your product, one of the reasons is that they consider the purchase of your products or services may exist the following risks: 1. to make the wrong decision; 2. money to spend; 3 . less than the value of the goods; 4. the results are not satisfied with the purchase, but can not be compensated.

you if consumers want to buy products or services, they need to overcome these risks. So, to help people one of the strategies to overcome these obstacles is to provide a rock-solid, reliable, undertaking or guarantee, to make their purchasing behavior have become without risk, or at least reduce the risk to the greatest extent.

strong guarantee to help reduce obstacles and you deal with customers in the barriers. Companies to give people a reason to not have to buy today, and tomorrow they do not worry about product problems. Through the guarantee transfer of risk from the buyer at your business to succeed to the fore. You make people realize that buying from you easy and fun, so your profits will be growing rapidly.

, of course, provide any products and services is not without risk, which is understandable, but through the state and promote your guarantee, your commitment, your risk on the business outlook will be weakened, and greatly improved the trust of your potential customers, enhance their willingness to buy from you.

guarantee Recently, the study confirms this idea is wrong. At most, will have 1 to 2% of customers will guarantee you theory. Ask yourself the following questions:

1. In the last month, I have many existing customers complained about my product or service?

2. Last year the figure has How much?

3. how many customers have asked me to return their shopping money, or replace the product or re-provision of services?

you will find that if your product or service The quality is acceptable (even if the quality is really so-so), you get very few complaints. That your customers will often guarantee you on the idea of the theory is simply a myth. It is usually not confrontational, and they do not like nothing good. Therefore, enterprises can safely in all marketing promotional materials clearly identified on its no-risk assurance undertaking to do so the quality of products will easily get more attention.

six steps below to create

guarantee, according to the procedures, promise to help you build your book will make you even more powerful marketing plan.

1. Observation of competitors

browse the Yellow Pages or newspapers to find other commercial undertaking. Even better, the random phone call asking each other to provide the commitment to geometry. Where you can jump out of the scope of market competition and see a good example of other industries. When you complete the study, what you see? In this industry have a lot of warranty? You find what kind of? You find a unique undertaking, or stereotyped, monotonous ?


observe its own strength in your business, where are your strengths? is good at quick installation, good maintenance to keep, or faster response to customer inquiries? your product or service is not consistently high quality? at the local, you are not able to provide the most options? you save consumers money yet? find your shine.

3. commitment

Imagine the results when customers buy your product or service, he wanted to get this deal through which specific results? when customers use your product, a beneficial effect on what would happen then? better relationships? more money? reduce stress? specific categories of records of the answers, and then committed to these results (but be sure that you can achieve your commitment).

higher efficiency of delivery time, express company can undertake, such as 10:00 the next day delivery, or within 24 hours of delivery. On the ground, you choose not to provide the most abundant? To such a commitment, and encourage customers or competitors, whether observed more products found elsewhere (but make sure you can support the commitment). Do not just committed to You need to commit to the satisfaction of the concrete can give the customer what.

4. Select the appropriate refund pledge

you want to succeed in the undertaking (remember, only about 2% of customers will try on your commitment and your theory), you would also like to make a commitment to refund attractive, because if a customer dissatisfied with it? Ideally, it will not make you spend too much, but to improve customer awareness, and a lot of good.

without any reason, easy refund pledge is a good start. But try to gloss over again about it.

Remember, You should exceed customer expectations, so, you will be deeply remembered their

5. Test, track your actual results <

This is the most critical. You make your guarantee to be your permanent part of the marketing plan, you must know how well you did promise. How do I know? You can advertise in your publication, select one, just one, to advertise for your commitment, or the information in your phone to play, or in a set of printed business cards, or to your part of the customer base of the letter propaganda. You can then track the results.

year sales of your book before you release the total amount of commitments, an increase of the number? sure to test at least two undertakings, to find the most effective. In one test, you can monitor the results within 30 days, while in the other tests to monitor the results of 90 days (usually, the longer, the more effective.) You can even use the life-long undertaking. Try!

> 6. To determine the appropriate undertaking

Once you see fit test to find commitment to be made public now! Your complete, written undertaking As part of advertising and marketing. In your newspapers or Yellow Pages advertising, business cards, website, letterhead and brochures on the rise significantly promote your commitment.

to guarantee a competitive advantage

will guarantee the sale of weapons as a unique company will become successful together. Have you seen MensWarehouse ads? Their CEO, GeorgeZimmer, in the ad said:

use your guarantee to make you and your business separate from other commercial competitors, will make you become an overnight success in the competition, because other companies did not

is your opportunity to show you : to tell the world your commitment, can have a strong performance. According to the degree of commitment you make, you will win in your industry rivals do not have a competitive advantage. Your business will give you the courage to bring long-term returns.

how to determine your commitment to language is the key to success. Strong words or phrases can dramatically increase sales and to reflect the rate. Here are some of these words or phrases, may be able to dash for your commitment to increase vitality.

1. unconditional money back promise;

2. Needless to say, any refund; 3. I personally guarantee;

4.30-day free trial; < br>
5. no doubt, no theory to guarantee a refund

6. cast as a solid commitment to a refund; <

7. one hundred percent, on-site money-back guarantee; on Many newcomers to enter the sales job is, in order to quickly find a suitable marketing methods, is always difficult. Attitudes of thousands of their personality, character, conflict began in large part what kind of person to work for what kind of a running process. So one is for sale, want to give a lot or just entering the marketing industry has been in the sales performance of workers in the industry but not the cake and colleagues to share my experience of that experience.

way into the current sales telephone sales, strange calls, Internet sales of three. Whether you sell, there will be a common starting point, that is data collection. Phone sales require phone number, alien visits need to know in the specified area or in a situation within a building, network marketing need to find a staging ground for customers. So when we do a good job of preparation, we also need to think about the same time of, kind of in order not to waste so the most effective use of such information yet. &

When you're on the phone before, to visit before the Internet open the page (QQ  Msn) ago, if you have thought about how best to use such thin information that you have a sales staff of qualified , has been sold to know how to do a good job. If you simply never thought about or do not like flies like they do not know how to use hard data collected, this time you can cast a net fishing and started the two methods.

fishing, which means you may take a long time to do one thing, but if coming to understand the fishing skills, you will know where, what method will be able to catch large fish.

First, you of course, is to be familiar with the company's business fundamentals. Do not waste the opportunity every call, every visit an opportunity to carefully and ask your potential customers detailed their concerns or worries the problem already exists, devotes time, with the patience to fish around the customers, with their most enthusiastic , the most dedicated, most focused, most sincere side, trying to help customers address their concerns, help relieve the problem trouble, specifically for the real problem, write a detailed solution that enables customers to the hard work for you The move to allow customers and inviting for your program. Trained this way, the customer relationship,UGG boots cheap, there is a big advantage, that is, relations will be very strong, but also will have some input costs, to think of a single month, or months, a single, However, the performance of a single sales force to more than the general amount of time out of the same performance is better not to fight either, just a big one.

the way when you are fishing success by a friend of transactions of customers, and then gradually the skilled use of fishing methods to copy the successful model out, so that you can save a lot of time, make friends and more customers more performance out.

friends can not be impatient, appropriate to talk about the heart of the restaurant to drink tea, start from the perspective of friends, an appropriate concern for the family of customers, from the conversation, friendship quality care to find ways to break through the appropriate the test to find out the balance of its values. Rather than the beginning Lengtou Qing-like of his own intentions clear, the exposure of interest, must be in a relaxed state, business transactions, only the delicate relationship between prolonged growth. And if when a customer is a good friend to the holidays, usually can be right when the attention and sympathy, there are many ways condolences, postcards, ah, ah greeting cards, the cumulative number of coupons, ah, ah his small gifts such as wholesale and so on, to believe that continuing to pay will be rewarded, of course, this return is not asking for anything in the visible under your surprise, a very deliberate, it is made to do.

net, which means they must be very hard, diligent, your efforts must be able to let you build a network of fire cross, a thing to fishing, are destructive of the network. In mathematics, there is a concept called probability. Such as: When you played in 100 calls, so you have the intention to find the five types of customers, through in-depth development, and finally a deal, then this probability is 1%. But with the fierce market competition, while the difference depends on the individual ability of people of Qin Kuai in wisdom, the probability is now gradually being recognized as the 1% law, 这个 1% Law is not to say you played in 100 calls to a certain will be closing a business, it means that you have 100 phone numbers, or 100 units to visit and you find a transaction to the customer, you can be a basic qualification of the clerk. If you can not deal, that you are either not suitable for sale, or it is not enough hard work.

when you do not like the fish-like patience, slowly to soak, to grind, to develop a deep friendship with the customer, you can choose to own a gun as, multi-play call, many went out to see a day set himself the task of strict volume, in the constant phone calls, visits, find phone skills, find ways to visit, gradually closing the phone in the 100 to the transaction to the development of a 5 , 10. . . When you find that you can skillfully through phone directly (bypass the obstruction) will be able to find the charge of the business, by visiting one can see who is the responsible, through the visit can be very smoothly into the general manager and chairman office, you now you will find that you have like sold. Get ready to sell tools, opening remarks, the questions asked, to say the words, and the possible answers.

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