Friday, October 29, 2010

Chinese teachers reported that Di Jinyu

 Chinese teachers reported that Di Jinyu

liberal arts school in Shenzhen, one of 16 experimental classes, namely high class inception, Li Jianguo,UGG shoes, when the president to decide their own language as a teacher and personally on class, not only due to there is concern, there are queries and concerns.

That was in September 2005, the principal person in command of any part-time teacher and subject teachers, which has rarely met with the current city. Moreover, the experimental class of students and teachers are not out of merit selection. Average scores and other student enrollment is roughly equal to the parallel classes, of which 5 people are still not reached the high school course score Futian School Choice students; Apart from Li Jianguo, president of the class teacher and part-time language teachers, other classroom teachers, mainly for young teachers, of which 4 Three had never been with a bit too high. The school management tasks in the body, Li Jianguo, a lot of class when needed on behalf of the younger teachers.

Li Jianguo, a lot of people do not understand why so Li Jianguo, this is just a smile: pinched the founding of Khan: not to experiment in high school play,

Now, three years later, the experimental class on how the situation in the end? With curiosity and questions, the reporter went to the Shenzhen Futian School.

in the principal's office, the reporter first met Li Jianguo. Li Jianguo, more than 50 years old body is not high, a bit fat, it seems it does not seem exceptional. However, after a few words, the reporter found that the inner world than the appearance of Li Jianguo attractive.

sufficient autonomy to the students of liberal arts

experimental class of the goal, , democracy, rule of law Li Jianguo

implemented in the classroom, two Second, the issue of language teaching in the knowledge, teachers will only solve 20% of them, the other 80% of students in independent research to resolve.

speak in the classroom is often very little Li Jianguo, a unit of the class and sometimes even ten minutes to finish the course, which is based on full autonomy for students based on preview.

In order to guide students to develop independent learning and independent thinking, Li Jianguo as the experimental class of 10 students listed analysis of the text to make their own judgments, to develop in the course of reading circles, dots, hooks, planning, approval, note the habit; adhere to write weekly journal or diary as well as study notes; bold imagination, active imitation and creation; dared to question and criticism, dare to speak the truth ... ...

in order to avoid too much teacher control over death, Li Jianguo, the experimental class also provides a First, all students can learn their own knowledge, teachers can not speak; Second, all students have the ability to organize activities, teachers can ; Fourth, all students who have been fully explored in the formation of consensus, the teacher must be given enough respect; fifth,bailey UGG boots, all students in the autonomous behavior of the inevitable mistakes occur, teachers should not be blamed; sixth, all students have the freedom of thought a variety of innovative, teachers should be given a positive assessment and encouragement.

in the experimental classes, teachers with full respect for the students, giving students enough autonomy. Student Wang says.

Li Jianguo told a little story to reporters. Shenzhen is a city of students school uniform uniform, the quality is not good, washed several times after the legs to become very fat, wear is very dirty. Many of the students put the uniforms changed a bit, but some students to change too narrowly, and aroused the vigilance of the school, so the school provides for students to wear school uniforms are not allowed to turn into the campus. When the student told Li Jianguo, because the problem in the class school uniforms detained twelve, he began to pay attention to this phenomenon. He felt the students to change well, but also found that individual students have changed much. So he drew on the blackboard the three graphics, a trumpet, a carrot-shaped, a narrow slender. Finally, the unanimous vote of the students radish good shape, so he said Li Jianguo was convinced at the teachers of moral education, they also agreed that changed.

Li Jianguo was on many occasions to tell you this story. and independent thinking

, but in many ways, more perspective, it makes me a lot! , both emotional and rational ... ... English teachers Liyuan Lin told reporters: classes each year has consistently ranked in the forefront of academic performance. Although the experiment called the liberal arts classes, but students do not side branches, science has also learned well. Absolute advantage in the school they Zengyi technology out of the first section of the community. In school science and technology festival of nine rings, Rubik's Cube, astronomy quizzes, bridge design, the top three in multiple projects, you can see the name of liberal arts students in the experimental class. In this class, there is an essay competition in Shenzhen, the first scene, Futian District, there are outstanding performers of English drama, the Guangdong Provincial Youth Science and Technology Invention Contest 22nd leader in the ... ... three years, this experiment class created a miracle.

more importantly, the experimental class develop their independent learning and independent thinking, almost every student found confidence and find his own personality.

students become more confident. College entrance examination this year, 47 people out of class to reach 48 degree line, far more than other classes. And the experimental classes did not work overtime, not the sea tactical, not diverted to any other class. On the contrary, most experimental class self-study courses, students free time is the longest.

experimental class scored a lot of people envy, Li Jianguo, but did not care about this: A young man he had been a high school in Hubei Jingzhou, vice president, has created a college entrance examination was the most brilliant achievements of Hubei Province. Li Jianguo 90s last century,UGG boots cheap, south of Shenzhen, Futian has Renmei Lin secondary and secondary school principals. Prior to 1999, Fukuda secondary entrance on the province each year only a few dozen dedicated people, Li Jianguo, 2000, transferred to Fukuda middle school, then doubled the number of college entrance examination, the number of studies in 2001 had doubled compared to 2000. Fukuda progress in secondary school entrance rate of four or five years has been continuously at the forefront in the city.

present, the rate of college entrance examination is still the great care that most high school principals whom the main objective to work hard, but in Li Jianguo view, there are things more important than the college entrance examination, laboratory values are more important college entrance examination results behind things.

- Many people believe that even in the brilliant achievements, they still should not have some regrets and mistakes. knowledge and skills examinations, but they often lack sufficient personality, lack of independent spirit, the lack of independent thinking, lack the courage to pursue truth, the lack of morality, will, feelings and values the experience and so on.

Li Jianguo that those students who can be attributed to the lack of the lack of civic awareness. To this end, he will ; no longer just focus on imparting knowledge and skills, which focus more on the moral, will, feelings and values of culture; no longer limited to books and classroom, but to allow students to participate in practice, to society, to give students more choices and opportunities; civic education, and ultimately to achieve the purpose, which is for the future of democracy, the rule of law, prosperity, and civilization, China is ready to 'people' ready. thousands of years of feudal traditions, a people for us, subjects, Caomin deep-rooted sense of national, civic education, especially practical significance and historical value.

the class will open into a In the issue oral comments, written comments priority issues. Three committees of the candidates are democratically elected, and the implementation of the tenure system. Important rules and regulations related to the class, all students from ballot generated.

students a sense of responsibility to the experimental classes strive to So that each student is both a member of the class, but also the actual management class.

the class will open into a Rules and regulations of the experimental class was considered by the whole class, the class go through each event in the class for consideration. Students in class activities by independent design, independent completion of the class teacher and the teacher has been

books only focus on the truth 'of the spirit. responsibility, a responsibility of teachers and parents, a social responsibility.

Ma Yue a teacher to attend the deliberations of the students. Students to speak freely, recommend new candidates for favor or opposition. Throughout the entire agenda completed by the students themselves, organized and presentable shape, as if an adult's social and political activities.

this review to Ma Yue filled with emotion: When people dare in front of the class clearly put forward the question of management candidates, dare to know when to agree and disagree, or even abstain? But all 16 classes in high school there, and this is a majestic old principal the class. generous activities of the students stood on the stage organizations to arrange that this arrangement, this is how I can not think of before - think the unthinkable! words when speaking voice is very low, basically can not hear the teacher.

Li Jianguo, requires students to speak out loud, vocal, the courage to express their true thoughts and actively participate in classroom management. After half a semester

many habits and awareness stressed Chen Jiewen a marked change. Later she was active in the running, and successfully served as Chairman of the Executive Committee of the class is equivalent to the traditional sense of the squad leader's position. The daily life of the whole class to learn self-management she led her students, including class will design the layout contest, school rules and classroom implementation and coordination of various departments. The active cooperation of the students and teachers to help guide, Chen Jiewen lead the class time and time again demonstrated his style: In the technology section, won the school first; in Shenzhen English drama contests, the students prepare their own articles, arrangements for practice, the initiative to schools to apply make-up costs of performance, quality productions, and finally won awards for best actress; arts experimental classes open week, Chen Jiewen independent chair classes, organizing students to discuss the shortcomings and disadvantages of the class and discuss how to solve.

experimental classes, according to Wu Jian, deputy head teacher described the teacher as Chen Jiewen this situation a few in the experimental class. Zhou Shunfeng

physics teacher, said: They have ideas, not just repeating someone else's point of view for their mindless to think that is right or wrong. The students often volunteer to the community. One Sunday, Li Jianguo, teach in Shenzhen Book City with his family. Shenzhen Book City's radio suddenly heard this voice: your students here,UGG bailey button, you know? They're in the Shenzhen Book City.

experimental class teachers of other classes also had an impact. Now, Li Jianguo, many teachers are active learning teaching methods of education, campus, self-invented the

due to health reasons, Li Jianguo, from the experimental class this year is no longer taught, but he said they will continue to focus experiment: system, in the context of the further implementation of the school experiment. education in every corner, so that students do feel the concept of the advanced education and really give them the 'benefits', and then consciously or unconsciously, in accordance with the advanced concepts to guide their own words and deeds. This largely educational theory to solve the bottleneck between education and teaching practice problems, this really should learn from experiences and practices to promote. could not do by pure philosophy.

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