Monday, October 11, 2010

The home of the southern Mediterranean region of Europe and of the Alps. (Including Provence)

 Two types of French lavender pink lavender from France plateau. Lodden Pink Lavender produced in Scotland. White Lavender produced in Scotland and northern England and Wales. Morphological characteristics

lavender perennial herbs or small shrubs, although referred to as grass, is actually a purple blue flowers. Lavender bunch, many branches, common for the vertical growth of varieties of plant height by 30 to 40 cm, 45 to 90 cm high in the mountains above sea level, individual can grow to 1 meter. Leaves alternate, elliptic Phi pointed leaves, or leaves a large needle-shaped, margin reflexed. Spike top students, 15 to 25 cm long; the lower part of the tubular corolla, the upper lip, upper lip 2 crack, lower lip 3 lobed; spent about 1.2 cm, with blue, purple, pink, white and other colors, common blue, purple, flowering from June to August. Whole-plant light, slightly sweet aroma of wood, as flowers, leaves and stems of the villi are in possession of the oil glands, gently touch the oil glands that rupture history

in ancient Greece, Lavender has been known for the Na Desi (Nardus), sometimes referred to as Leonard (Nard), the name comes from Syria, called Nada (Naarda) of the city. In Roman times,UGG boots clearance, lavender flowers can be sold for a hundred pound Deanery (denarii), the price was equivalent to about a month's wages of farm workers, or help and fifty men barber barber remuneration. Romans will be put together with lavender and a variety of herbs in the bath water, they will introduce this method of bathing to Britain. Black Death epidemic in the era of the French workers in Glasgow gloves as often lavender oil soaked leather, many workers have escaped the invasion of the plague. This story may be some truth, because the plague bacteria is spread by fleas, and lavender to repel fleas. The release of fragrance. Common varieties of lavender

native species around the world total of 28 species of lavender in Provence is divided into three categories: 1. Original Lavender: Lavender, also known as the United Kingdom, the best quality, and more are used to make perfumes and senior spices, leaves smaller, shorter flower spikes. 2. Long Spike Lavender: Lavender, also known as mint, leaves wider, longer stems and spikes. 3. Lavender hybrid: a hybrid of the above two, was a large number of cultivation, the flower fields of Provence lavender is now mostly this. Extraction of essential oils in addition to specialized varieties, but some varieties can be used as cut flowers or flower bed, there are currently more common sweet lavender, lavender bipinnata, tooth leaf lavender, true lavender and so on. Lavender Lady, the National Award winning flower breeding species, the most compelling combination of potted plants. Most suitable for annual cultivation, planting this fall, next spring which means that the lush aroma of flowers, plants neatly consistent full bloom continuously. Munster lavender, 6 August each year to open the light blue flowers, gray-green leaves, with lace, with a fragrance. Flowering than the Lavender is divided into two varieties, is English lavender and French lavender. But not where the growth of what is called. Provence lavender grown in France, is precisely the English lavender, lavender both the cold. Nine kinds of common narrow-leaf Lavender * Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) * Canary lavender (Lavandula canariensis) * tooth leaf lavender (Lavandula dentata) * big woolly lavender (Lavandula lanata) * wide-leaf lavender (Lavandula latifolia) * fern leaves Lavender (Lavandula multifida) * bipinnata lavender (Lavandula pinnata) * Spanish lavender (Lavandula stoechas) * Green lavender (Lavandula Lavender Lavender Whisper

is a fragrant violet blue flowers. It is like it the same location with romance. This was born in Provence, France, flowers, a beautiful love story: a legend: in France, Provence, one of which is the home of lavender, lavender circulating about such a words of love story ... ... Provence village has a girl, alone in the cold mountain mining the budding flower, but met a traveler from afar but the injured, girls saw The youth, of my heart will be his handsome smile to the prisoner! So go girl took him home, regardless of family objections, insisted to take care of him until healed, and after a few days, young travelers The injury has also been recovered, but their affair is spreading rapidly, has reached the point where Nanbannanshe. One day soon after, say goodbye to the girls to leave young travelers, but the girl is in love with the youth but insisted leave, while relatives tried to retain, but she insisted and youth went to the home full of roses! to the girls just before leaving the village the old lady gave her a bouquet of lavender, which she used to beam to test the young travelers lavender heart, because ... ... the aroma of lavender legendary unclean thing can make legitimate travelers Xianxing ... ... he gets ready to travel to her hands, the girls put in the possession of the coat Lavender throw him in youth, did not expect that young people who, after a flurry of purple smoke to the wind vanished! and girls in the valley also like to hear faint hearty laughter of youth, and thus, leave under a single girl was overwhelmed by a lone ... ... Before long, the girls, had disappeared, as some people think that she turned into smoke and young lost in the valley, it was said that she followed the roses of youth the & hellip find much difference ; ... In any case, the legend of lavender has been passed down to so. So, until now, lavender, or is believed to be rid of an unclean thing, and Lavender is one important tool. Legend II: The Lavender can be stylish population ages, because they there are many wonderful romantic meaning. Lavender has a great meaning, hidden exhibited the influence of a correct attitude toward life. People have been lavender as the pure, clean, protection, gratitude and peace symbol. Lavender also means lavender water to wash the baby clothes of Jesus, perhaps this is the last of the people are so like to use lavender to the reason for washing clothes. But others said the Virgin Mary was praying in front of lavender, lavender not only continued to be square so fragrance, as well as the ability to expel the devil. Charles I of England is also a passionate Han, in his pursuit of Nell Gwyn, there was a bag of dried lavender, tied gold ribbon, gave his beloved people. Provence is one of love poetry, any people can not live without moving in this. For people to have a custom of the bride dress with lavender to perfume. And in Ireland, the locals are tied to the bridge will be lavender, for luck to come. said to put a kill a lavender pouch in the body, allowing you to find your dreams. When you and Valentine separation, can hide a sprig of lavender inside the book lover in your next meet, and then look at the color of lavender, smell Lavender scent, you can know how much love you lover. at the wedding, you can Sasa lavender flowers, can bring you a happy marriage. Legend III: the language of flowers waiting for love lavender, there is such a touching story: According to legend, long ago, an angel and a mortal woman named Lavender fell in love. for her to leave the first drops of tears, although the wings off an angel for her every day Renzhejutong, but they are still very happy. can be happiness is very short, angels were recaptured the kingdom of heaven, with his Lavender delete the happy period of time, he was demoted before he left the next mortal tear, the tears turn into a butterfly to stay with his most beloved girl. and still waiting for his return Lavender innocently, with her only the butterfly. night and day waiting for the angel to leave the garden, finally, turned into a grass. written annually lavender flowers. They fly around, looking for the next earthly angel was demoted. People called kindred plant Bu Hui want to leave. because there is something you want. Everywhere is a vast wilderness, deep lofty sky, the wind blowing down low, the valley came the distant sound of sheep bells faintly, emptiness and silence. sunny June, the endless moving from delicate pale lavender mature green to deep purple. 18-year-old Andy is deeply attracted all here. he was carrying a backpack, alone walk the streets of villages and fields in between, Provence is really a paradise, it is completely different debauchery in Paris, everywhere is full of freedom and fresh air., he thought, until suddenly a vision of romantic, like a vast sea of purple lavender. He rushed to the flowers of this piece ran, did not pay attention to arms has been insect bite. an terrible pain hit, he can not help but stopped. sitting under the skirt of a girl wearing a purple linen, she removed a bottle of cream, said it was snake oil of Provence, abrasions or insect bites can be a few drops of anti-inflammatory. When she gently wipe him when he heard to a hint of lavender fragrance is very intoxicating. do not know whether drugs or psychological, Andy actually wound does not hurt immediately. In conversation, he knew the girl was at a small hotel owner's daughter, named Sofia . He did not read the books, but they have a deep interest in lavender. flushed, skirt over her legs. He was very sorry for his bold and become incoherent up; foot walk in the lavender flowers into ah! , shouted: be regarded as a lavender expert. She helped Andy put a lavender sachet in the bed, so full of faint scent filled the room, and it can relieve anxiety and mood, sleep. She also put olive oil or vinegar bottle twelve lavender, summer can make the Italian resident living in harmony... She also said that if the winter comes,UGGs, the dried lavender on the fireplace burning, but will also scented. Andy found himself more and more like this girl, she's lively and good fascinated him. but he found himself caught in a love can not get into,UGG boots, he was sweet. but also very confused, because he knew he could not give this beautiful girl any commitment. In the evening, the silver moon hanging in the deep blue sky, the air dry, warm, filled with the smell of lavender. Sri Lanka is also quiet, filled with the smell of lavender, as well as the wind Qingyin. Andy talked about her family: kiss her, he loved her like a lavender-like elegant calm, but he can not imagine that one day, when the elite become shopping malls, with a crippled legs raised in the cup cross country girls that appear on the dinner scene. Sofia wise to see his hesitation, she deliberately said to him: I am most happy to do ah. I can not leave my hometown. people do not have day and night. like Provence day not necessarily have to go barefoot in the lavender flowers. at any time, anywhere, as long as the chance to see a ray of sunshine, smell the hint of fragrance, you can Waterfront in the heart On a purple field. her tears. Andy returned to his own world, leaving the Provence has been a decade. the sea of hard work make him Xingaoqiao. but also feel tired. wearing a purple dress that has a lavender fragrance the girl has been gradually fading out of his living area. Her parents began to worry about his marriage is his lady flirting with those of the door, but he did not want to get married, because every time after the entertainment, he will feel a burst of inexplicable emptiness, he has aroma when it came to charming lady who will stop to smell the smell of their body. They scatter the violet and red roses perfume, but he often because they can not sense the fragrance of lavender and irritability. Andy 34 years old Paris has become a big time company president, and he was prepared to invest in a Provencal flavor production base. At the same time he has a wish that Sofia found, regardless of whether she married and had children, he must tell her all these years , his favorite lavender flowers only. Time flies, enough to make many things happen, people, when he hurried there, the tall roadside inn long gone, replaced by a modern farm. Andy asking around about the whereabouts of Sofia, that they had moved. back to the factory, and his understanding of managers reporting to him: scenes emerged, he hated his own selfishness and cowardice. Now this piece of lavender fields and every time he bought, but he has never lost to this angel flowers to life. is this time, he suddenly heard a familiar voice: hybrid of the two ... ... Andy Lavender identified the types of employees. is Sofia! Andy could not help the tears streaming down, he moved to walk in front of her, murmured: sun, smell the hint of fragrance, you will think there is a purple fields of Provence. I hope you can love a person and her day and night, carrying her daily walk in the lavender flowers, has been to the old. you say ... ... , and the purple flowers of this blend, as if had never been separated. Legend of Five: A long time ago, in a small village, there was a girl she often sat in the street, looked blankly innocent pedestrians coming and going, silently said: 'If there is an angel, I hope he becomes my hair the same as others. village, which is doomed to tragedy. the village people think that she is the devil in disguise, because people can not have purple hair. Her mother loved her, but a very respectable village Prophet said, if her parents do not abandon her, coming soon to a disaster to the whole village head. Her parents have no alternative but to severely kicked out of her mind. not to rely on, the girl was alive can only rely on their own. but she is too weak , and she can not do menial work, even if she wanted to do, others do not want to ask her for help. sometimes hungry, she went into the forest sites from only eat fruit. One day, she was very far from the village found in the mountains and plains where the white flowers, fragrant flowers that far in miles can smell the outside; more wonderful is that is standing inside a large flower fields, smell the fragrance is still the elegant and gentle, and does not sting nose. she had never seen such a flower, of course, does not know this is lavender. villagers have never seen, but they love the flower. So she picks a handful of white lavender, to the village to peddle. flowers attract a lot of the villagers, they can not pay to buy. Since then, the girl every day to walk long distances to adopt lavender to sell, the village has a very poor child all day with her behind He liked the flowers, he wanted to give his mother flowers, but he did not buy, give him a bunch of girls on a daily basis. She also helping those in need of help, such as to help the blind grandmother to wash clothes, help humpback grandfather pick olives. but received the status of her help is too low, say no weight, so even though she worked very hard, very kind, the villagers still can not accept her purple hair. They do not pretend, when flowers Look somewhere else is a hurried throw money, take a bunch of flowers, as if to stay a minute more with her doomed like. One day, she insulted the Prophet's granddaughter, also stole all of her lavender . she sadly into the woods crying. At this time there is a very handsome boy came to comfort her, the girl was surprised and happy, because no one is so good to her. But she soon found that the boys eyes invisible, which made her very sad. so good a man should not see the beauty of the world. than their own, she felt the boy even more unfortunate, that although villagers had been excluded, but at least you can see lush forests, see clear streams, see the silence of the mountains, there are the lavender hand it white as snow. lavender she sent to him every day, to accompany him. the boy the day before the day is always holding her flowers given to him , on their first meeting place for her. One day, the girl looked at the boy took his hand, said: down, and withered. Why do they do? for me to protect you. They see you almost every night, to get rid of pesky mosquitoes and bugs. too sweet, and they could not bear to wake you. mining the morning light a lavender, to give the boy a fresh lavender, she once again to the hill start. may be she is too tired to reach the hill after he fell asleep. When she slept, she heard the ear side as if someone is talking. The boy in the ... ... ? 'people did not see, but she was not afraid because her heart is calm, she knew there must be some kind of angel to help her in the dark. She remembered the dream that every sentence. she picks a bunch of flowers gave the boy, told him that she was going to a very far away, a few days to come back ... ... the girl after untold hardships, and finally found the fountain pool, she filled the bottle carefully, excitement way back in time. When she handed the boy the spring, when she does not hesitate. she could see the boys so excited, his joy is to comfort her. to spring to his eyes to wipe when She quietly left. spring to restore the boy's eyes light. around the moon shone from between the branches, he saw the colors of the world, also saw the lavender hand as white as snow, and even see Many lovely happy playing in the hills fine. but he did not see his beloved girl. girl quietly away, she did not want the boys to see her look, to see her purple hair. boy is very sad, But he could not find the girl. hill riding in pairs every day fine leaves and dew on the grass swaying, but they who can not tell him where the girl. One day, looking at hand gradually withered in lavender, lavender bloom boy decided to go to the place to find the girl. He did not know where that place, but the wind brought the scent of lavender,UGG shoes, this fragrance is like gossamer, he follow the Hong gas go forward step by step. In the sun set before he finally came to the field full of lavender. he first saw the girl. The girl screamed and ran away. boys chase the past, give me a pull her. the girl cried and said: do not care! I love you! penetrated into all the lavender petals, the girl's hair gradually turned into a golden, glorious, gorgeous, white lavender purple into a sea of ... ... Since then, has been a lavender purple, and people say This flower color is the color of love ... ... is a god of a sacred herb. Europe in ancient times there is this legend: a beautiful Cunnv see a handsome, handsome gentleman, and his tryst consecutive days, or even run away with him the contract to. However, They agreed to elope in the day before, Cunnv suddenly suspicious of the identity of a gentleman, so secretly with a handful of lavender in the body. The next day, when the gentleman appeared to take the occasion of her fly away, Cunnv sneak out of lavender flowers, throwing In the body of her lover and found the original gentleman was actually the devil made terrible! exposed Youjingyounu prototype of the devil, but fear of the sacred power of lavender, had run away. This shows that is not necessarily the aphrodisiac lavender recipe for it! Legend Seven: When the blue star suffered a purple angel, they are in love. God likes to joke once again, the stars and the angels would not have met, much less met, they should only be like two parallel lines never intersect, or further apart. But the stars chosen to encounter an angel or an angel has met the stars, this is true. stars, black and white, is in the tens of thousands of stars The one difference is that she was flashing blue light, so have the characteristics of her own existence. angels, is God's darling, with purple wings and lavender halo. a chance, after an angel the stars of the side, a touch of blue to attract him, and he beat the purple wings and gently said: like the stars, only because she was the mysterious blue light. Perhaps, the stars did not think the angels will one day tired of watching the blue. star addicted to purple light, she thought of happiness, have their own all earthly happiness, and their own and that is the most happy person. time passed day by day, an angel came less and less the number of stars, the stars to comfort himself: ! , I am an angel, but you just stars, I found a true angel, the angel of goodness Meili, Ta Caishi my life who really looking for! the sky came to a purple feather, it is an angel feather, pick up the stars, desperate look at feathers, such as a flood-like tears flooded out, she was very sad, never thought I think towards the screen thinking Valentine went so far back on their departure, she was crying, tears dripping into a meteor shower, the blue meteor shower! how magnificent! she continued crying until the last minute effort to run out, she said the same in one sentence: out of a lot of purple grass, as if the color of angel wings, people said it was lavender, beautiful words are waiting for the day of love ... ... many years, Angel found himself does not like another angel, but the stars, because For some reason, the stars have been deeply into his heart! want to forget forget the angels began to miss that touch of light blue. He decided to go to her, but he could not find, he certainly can not find! he came to a piece of grass, purple grass where there are many, color, much like the color of his wings, he gently lie down, a gust of wind blowing, there is a faint aroma, feel the stars are the angels around him, but he tired of the open eyes not open eyes, hazy, he heard the call of the stars gently: feeling, but it is so true. dim, he saw the body emitting a faint blue stars coming toward him, holding his hand and the stars slowly disappeared in the mist. The next morning, after a woodcutter Here, he found a purple angel, but now all that breathe, his face with a happy smile, as if in sleep, his hands tightly clutching the purple lavender, it never seemed reluctant to put open. burst breeze blowing, wafting a faint, but leaves the sound of friction, seems to tell a story.

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