Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Many times as we like Forrest Gump can not find the reason to do one thing

 Many times we are nowhere near as Forrest Gump,UGG boots clearance, those who do not know why they always easily left off.

person's life is often the case, as the leader and trailer floating in the wind, the white patch of feathers, most of the time, we may have in the drift, no specific direction of this floating, flat to the people tired.

However, a one turn maneuvers, the total can still controlled by their own, you only need to try to do it successfully, do not care about how much you really are, then you can fly higher and higher, you will found that the more places higher ground, the more close to heaven, I believe that the success of Forrest Gump is not accidental.

Gan has a lot of his theory, he sat on the bench side of the road on the way and did not know about his legacy, his theory by adding three words each: mother.

---- mother said, life is like chocolate, you never know what you will taste the flavor.

--- Mom said, you have to understand that you and the people around you, like you and they are no different, no.

---- mother said, I just told myself, when I do one thing, I will try to do it, like I do in this life to your mother, that I can not choose to do, God gave me you, my child, I must try to do your mother, I did.

Forrest Gump is a very obedient child, he remembered these words, he said, there are stupid as stupid. When Jenny told him to gallop, he stumbled into a run, had fled his first pair of magical memories of shoes, but also to explore the potential of his first: run. He has been running, first run, then he ran into the football team, and then later ran into a university, run a degree. On the battlefield in the Vietnam War, he still remember the words of Jane, back to their lives, but also back to honor and friendship.

you have to admit, in fact, the success of a lot of things have their causal factors, it is not because of your deliberate and closer to the end, it will be when you inadvertently give your efforts a reward the most appropriate praise. Loyal to him, so he was alone in the Vietnam War out of danger, he still ran back to the jungle to find his comrades.

his word, he promised his comrades were to buy a shrimp boat to, but his comrades died, he was incredible in the eyes of others to achieve the wishes of his, also won for themselves great wealth. He was persistent, so he will run in a three-year after the departure of Jenny, across the entire United States, ever, he tells you that he just wanted to run, he was measured with a running life, which does not require any high-sounding a peaceful freedom or something as a reason.

his friendly lieutenant saved his life after the lieutenant had lost his legs he could not have been killed on the battlefield to disability of the body of beds many are still ashamed, and angry, because the lieutenant was such a person: he sees the honor above all else,cheap UGG boots, he can not tolerate ordinary, is the Forrest Gump kind reclaim his life with confidence, so he found that, even without legs, life is still full of life.

Forrest Gump did not lofty ideals, he also lost a lot, he rarely has friends, he always was a wise man laughed, his beloved mother, and Jenny has left him ..... . But because of this and he sunk, Love still continue, he had his own children, a bright little Forrest Gump, and his life continues, he is not smart, but he will never know how to make life full of hope. He also won the honor, wealth and love, ordinary people may never have both of these things.

why it is so much loved this movie? Although Forrest Gump's IQ is only 75, but in him, we see the loyal, trustworthy, dedicated, friendly and most of these human nature shine, excellent quality and valuable and see the dedication of life, the hope of life, of faith firm. ordinary life, extraordinary life.

when we grow old, looking back antecedents, if you can all of yesterday no regrets, then you already have a very successful life.

Forrest Gump - Forrest Gump with a congenital spinal disease, IQ is only 75, pure, persistent, strong fool. The movie Is such a comedy, a deeply ironic story touched heart of every audience who, shaken or firm pursuing the dream of every person. Everyone

shortcomings and advantages, Forrest Gump Although congenital mental retardation, mental retardation, suffering from spinal disease, but has a strong personality, support and encourage self-improvement Forrest Gump's mother and return at the expense of body by the normal education of his opportunities, but also has a pair of dashed the Colonel

first car, Forrest Gump met the girl Jenny. Under their care since the beginning of a lifetime of running. Bullied by classmates when Forrest Gump, Jenny told him: Forrest Gump ran up and catch up with students trying to escape, the miracle began. Forrest Gump ran into the university, ran up the football field became a football star, went to the president under President John F. Kennedy met with bow.

After graduation, Forrest Gump unwittingly joined the army, and participated in the Vietnam War. Forrest Gump parting confession to Jenny, Jenny was once again told him no matter what happened,

in the army, Forrest made a shrimp like the black soldiers in Papua. Came to Vietnam, they Jia Rudan Lieutenant troops. Lieutenant Dan ambush emission losses, Forrest Gump superior running ability to rely on almost all rescued. However, Bob is dead, and Lieutenant Dan never lost his legs ... ...

After the war, Forrest Gump as a hero by President Johnson's meeting. In a somehow be dragged into chaos after the anti-war rally, reunited Forrest Gump Jenny, Jenny tells the life after, respectively. She has been completely into the fall, she's wandering around, social chaos and even participate in drug abuse, had once wanted to commit suicide. Forrest Gump once again to express their love for Jenny, Jenny said they have a different life, street life begin again.

remember Forrest Gump's wishes Bob friends, he bought a shrimp boat, and got a disabled veteran to his old boss, Lieutenant Dan ... ... so when the first mate to accidentally made a big Choi, became a billionaire.

a star, a war hero, a millionaire in a such a miracle without any sense of lack of wisdom of Forrest Gump who continue to unfold.

Forrest Gump's mother died, and finally bequeath is, Abandoned the position of Forrest Gump fame, and began to work mowing the work became a gardener. Jenny actually met once, in the common life for a while, Jenny leave.

confused and Forrest Gump, Jenny had told him he thought so, then started running. He several times across the American continent, attracted media coverage and speculation, and even drew a big crowd who generally follow the prophet chasing him, until he felt tired and wanted to go home.

finally did find Jenny Forrest Gump, Forrest Gump she has had a baby. Soon, Jenny died.

fact, a closer look will find that this film is worth a lot of pondering the details of the office, such as Forrest Gump and Lieutenant Dan said that his captain to do when Lieutenant Dan said that if Forrest did laugh at the captain himself would astronauts to do this for the future also planted a small hint, because the final leg Lieutenant Dan is to use the space shuttle made material. Forrest Gump and Jenny wedding last when Lieutenant Dan is standing on end, other people are sitting. For those who lost both legs and can stand and happiness.

Gump lived, when called about the hotel across the floor to go check, he was building opposite the flashlight barrel light eyes can not sleep ... ... this is in fact the famous Gan cleverly arranged for the director as informants. We can immediately see that Richard Nixon resigned in the following scene, in fact, hang in Forrest Gump when the call is finished, you can see the sign on the table to write the Forrest Gump jogging

saw his face was splashed mud yet? Forrest Gump passers-fed to the vest with the facial, T-shirt from there.

to know before that there is no marking on the vest or patterns. Remember Dan invested the money Apple computer? Forrest Gump actually said fruit industry of investment, really funny. Take facial vest shirt that is not just that simple ... ... wipe out the imprint of the famous brands smile ah, that person is the founder of ... ... Oh, the original guide him is Forrest Gump!

the film's most funny is: Forrest Gump in the American football game, when he rushed off after scoring when the next floating banner stands: STOP!

get started, when Forrest Gump was young his mother pointed to swing dancing on TV and said that King ... ... He did not expect was a guest. Indeed, at that time, Elvis Presley's first lead of the twisted hip fashion, but most Americans feel the beginning signs of this movement is very dirty. .

Forrest Gump met at the rally, a black man in the torrent of speech, did not know who it is, but after I read the film Denzel Washington is the Black Panther Party after that. Forrest Gump to the anti-war activities in the field and pushed to the podium of the woman's name is Hillary (Clinton), do not know ... ... after all, in alluding to what Forrest Gump is released when the Clinton era.

Forrest Gump to the White House as guests, the bathroom has a photo of Marilyn Monroe.

you can see the film: Bob Hope (Bob Hope), American comedian, received more than 1,UGG boots cheap,500 awards during his lifetime, entertainment industry. July 27, 2003 died. There is also a familiar American astronauts landing on the moon - Armstrong (Neil Armstrong).

Forrest Gump, when stepped on a pile of running SHIT, with the man behind him to remind Forrest Gump, he said, the advertisement was a Forrest Gump

25,000 companies in the cards on the table tennis printed GUMP-hair god, funny to say ... ...

a child, when they went to Forrest Gump Jenny fear , Jenny came back when the heart can imagine how scared. As a child, like Forrest Gump with the same gesture opened the quilt, nestled in his side. Jenny said to be small when the Lord took her into a bird! Forrest Gump after her death in her gravestone, then walked back finished! Launched into a group of birds in the bushes! Forrest Gump look back! I think he must have thought was Jane into a bird!

Lieutenant Dan was fraud in the first legs hurt when the cursed one: Damn Vietcong. His fiancée is Asian then I think it might be China or Vietnam, in short, is likely to be under the leadership of the Communist Party of the State, he directed such an arrangement must have profound significance. There is a more familiar, Forrest Gump, after the veterans returned home, his mother gave him for the racket is From this movie I have seen more of life, as the leader and trailer patch of feathers floating in the wind, our life is like this, very often we are in the drift, we can not know what to do for our future, we not to change the society. But an up and down one so we can always be changed, as long as we try to do our own can, and do not care about a lot of gains and losses, then we would be like floating feathers Mao Yuefei the higher the wind, getting closer and closer heaven. I always believe that the success of Forrest Gump is not accidental, Forrest Gump's dedication and efforts, the achievements of Forrest Gump! I love Forrest Gump, Forrest Gump, as I would like to love life!

sixty-seventh session of the Oscar for Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Director, Best Visual Effects, Best Editing, Best Adapted Screenplay award six

sixteenth Golden Rooster Award for Best dubbed Award

Forrest Gump is portrayed in the film incarnation of virtue,UGG shoes, honest, trustworthy, conscientious and brave paying attention to the feelings of the people only know how to give without asking for anything, never mind others refused, he was just open-minded, magnanimous in the face of life. He put his only wisdom, faith, courage concentrated in one point, he ignored everything, just know intuitively kept running on the road, he ran his childhood and classmates, ran the university's football field, running through the fire swirling in the quagmire of the Vietnam War, ran a ping-pong diplomacy of the war, running all over the United States, and eventually went to his end.

each seen ... ...

I think the story of Forrest Gump is simply a typical American, he is just growing up and we have experienced, and he clearly recalled our past history. He was a good man, can cause tears can laugh.

- Hollywood producer temperature Difeileman

In this film, I want a simple-minded Forrest Gump, innocence, lack of strong-minded characters who appear on the screen, I put the film in various roles as the U.S. national human symbol.

In my opinion, this film is unique in that: it re-affirmed the old culture of moral and social subjects, to promote the 60's the mainstream American ideology, while denying it to other avant-garde new culture. I think it was based on this, it can won the American people.

the sky, the wind fluttered a feather, drifting across treetops, fly sky ... ... And finally, it fell on the feet of Forrest Gan, Forrest Gump sitting on one of Alabama bench, holding forth tell the story of his life -

Forrest Gump is a low IQ of 75 children. In school to escape bullying other children, listen to the words of a friend, Jenny began to He ran to avoid other people make fun of. In middle school, while others ran into him in order to avoid a school football field, and thus ran into the University. Forrest Gump is taking an unprecedented move, and became a football star, was received by President Kennedy.

after graduating from college, Forrest Gump and conscripts to Vietnam. There, he had two friends: keen shrimp Bubba and awesome Executive Deng • Captain Taylor.

Life is a feather -

see Flight feathers fluttering when a movie starts shaking, the end is a flight feathers fluttering shook, it is fully occupied my attention. After looking at the first feeling is: a flight feathers are a symbol of the impermanence of life is a form. Erratic ups and downs of life as a feather. Destination where it? In the treetops? At sea? On the ground? Is unpredictable. As Forrest Gump's mother said: This sentence seems to imply the end of the impermanence of life. But the film does not seem to express the theme of impermanence of life that succumbed. But regardless of the fate of the arrangements you have to keep fighting, to pursue. It uses a pretty face, aggressive, a reversal of the traditional Forrest Gump's Forrest Gump was originally set

break the iron shackles on the leg after the attack run like the wind event of the fast, we might understand it as with the fate of the race. At this time the film appeared in a few bystanders. Onlookers seem irrelevant to those callous, but it is a race against the witness and the fate of Forrest Gump. This seems to prove by running. Details of such a film: that is sitting on the mast below shouted Lieutenant Dan, the kind of stirring of the call, as Gorky, . They are fearless, so keep stay. So very productive fishing. See here also reminds me of Ernest Hemingway's and eventually to the shore as the fish leaving only a skeleton, although he and Forrest Gump in different ways, but the performance of the same theme: to dare to struggle with an uncertain destiny, life in peace with each storm, as Forrest Gump's mother said: Death is a part of life.

Forrest Gump in that platform and tell their own extraordinary story, but many people regarded him as an idiot, that is such an idiot, like they've been used on the battlefield and the lives of his goodness and honesty affect the people around them towards optimism, low self-esteem Lieutenant Dan, Forrest Gump and fall due to changes in drug use and even incorrigible Jenny, Forrest Gump has been infected, even if the death was so poignant. He did not forget to get rich friends and the public good, he said stupid is as stupid does, in fact, they stupid? The answer is self-evident that we need such a It also seems to think the movie left us.

the end of this video, Jenny said: , but it is unexpected, no one wants to see this end, we can not accept this reality, good no good results, are inevitably ascend to heaven. So the ultimate fate of the theme of impermanence to the complete performance.

It is directed by Robert Zemeckis, In all movies, these two lenses can be called classic. Piaofei feathers, not just as a prop in the film exist, but as a metaphor throughout the play. Robert Zemeckis on Robert its unique and very poetic way of artistic expression, the fate of the proposition that a heavy metaphor in a feather, the feather floated in slowly to start the fate of the subject; in feathers gradually drift further away, temporarily end of the topic, and people continue after the end of the film memorable and thought. Only directors can create such a superb superb art. Fate uncertain and unknown, like feathers floating aimlessly, who had expect, an IQ of only seven-five mentally disabled, this is not a normal school has been accepted by the people, will be a student, a football star, the more War hero, ping-pong star, Congressional Medal winner, or even a billionaire.

is not the destiny of this some stupid special blessing Gan? If we think, will find it is not. Forrest Gump Although not smart enough, but he was as mother says, He did not try to pursue anything, but success has no utility in the sense of his efforts to come over unannounced. Forrest Gump's success, in addition to his efforts, and some of his innate qualities have a great relationship. As he won the Lieutenant Dan honest friendship, his trustworthiness and dedication to his achievements in business and love shrimp.

One day, when he woke up and found that Jenny had gone, he began a last 3 years 2 months 14 days 16 hours of running. I got there, I thought a green bow across the county, I think so far since the run, simply run through Alabama, no particular reason, I have to run. I went to a big ocean, to where I thought, why go here, simply go back to run down. I went to another ocean, I thought now was so far, simply go back to continue to run. For the purposes of Forrest Gump, life is like running a no particular reason, there is no established in the end, just keep running. As Forrest Gump said, The difference is that a desire for fame, one for love

. What happened to them, I think, may represent the fate of two different presentation forms. I want to be famous. To do so famous singers like Qiongbei Si, I have to empty stage, only the sound of my guitar and I was the only solo. Jenny wanted to be folk singer, and this relentless pursuit, but eventually shattered ideals, reduced to a restaurant waiter. Memphis City in a theater stage, she sat alone on the stage, holding the guitar, playing and singing of However, they are just to view her body. She was confused about life, I was impressed by a lens: the night on the rooftop, Jenny standing on the edge of the railing on the roof, with open arms, trying to say goodbye to emptiness and despair of a fall. The wind blowing her hair mercilessly and slightly aging face, she looked back, pauses for a while, eventually down the fence, unable to fall in a chair, tears spill from her eyes.

the sky, the clouds obscure the moon. In the film, Barb is an interesting character. His ideal is to do shrimp boat captain. For shrimp thing, he knows everything. He always paid lip service all day long shrimp. First time I saw Forrest Gump, he and his talk about shrimp. He said he intended to do after ex shrimp business. Shrimp boat captain, Bob wanted to do, however, he died in the Vietnam War on the battlefield. Perhaps this is destiny, no one can predict. In the film, Lieutenant Dan Roberts this role trying to convey about the fate of another point of view. Dan that Dan came from a military family, ancestors of several generations are sacrificed on the battlefield for the United States. He thought he should die on the battlefield, this is a military honor, from the battlefield back ----- but after losing both legs - ----- entirely their own shame. Because of this dominant view, back in the U.S., Denmark by Later, under the influence of Forrest Gump, renewed confidence in life and in the management of enterprises to show his talent.

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