Monday, January 17, 2011

Chen Kaige, Chinese film Reflection We are not being kidnapped capital

 Netease Entertainment Dec. 1 reported a new director Chen Kaige as this day of release. After the first round of screening in the media, it was praised, Chen Kaige to be resumed by the more complete form of the flu or have been diluted out of the human spirit force and narrative ability, the film is also a large advance in power for this year's Lunar New Year stalls establish quality assurance.

Netease Entertainment dialogue with Chen Kaige, learning English from his days in the U.S., talk to the Chinese film-making changes in the environment is no longer adhere arts master: Now the fifth generation of film directors with different when you become famous, Chen Kaige, he thinks that he has been slapped with a man: Writing about the plight of the younger generation, he described: , so gang. era, the era is not set off a wave, not knowledge, truth of the age was the greatest degree of sensitivity, it may be bad environment can still shoot. , when people are avant-garde literary and art circles. 80s to early 90s, these pioneers also have budding floating in the sea; Chen Kaige had spent some time in New York, then later went to Hollywood, the only one making his own film in English, aware that the industrial process is complete in place, the director largely just tools, and outsiders would not be able to get a good script. But this is not a successful film or infusion of some idea of his own: eighties, when, like you, Jiang Wen, Feng Xiaogang, and so film, when it stayed in the U.S., and for now are very avant-garde of the gang then. Steeped in the United States that some time later a movie you have any influence?

Chen Kaige: impact may have been invisible, I am especially curious to New York.

Netease Entertainment: Do you have over there to do?

Chen Kaige: What have done, nothing gets done, which means that, because at that time was a money, I do film school at New York University visiting the meaning to them talk about. My English is not the line, the first year people give you to find a translator, the second year you are still there no money, say you myself speak, but also spent a year here, and to start special stammered , and then I remember a call ABC anchor Peter Jennings-now dead man - listen to him every night to sit in front of the TV, look at how he said. Imitate the next day, the meaning of this melted into his, and slowly slowly you can say some. Later said good, okay.

fact that such a situation, there is no great thing in particular, in fact, I think the U.S. is an immigrant country, and I realized that why should the American film is simple, the film is for the United States from around the world The audience, though they are U.S. citizens, but some people are, why not foreign films in the U.S. spirits ah.

Netease Entertainment: can not read?

Chen Kaige: No, do not understand is that subtitles can not read, he can not keep that title, his reading ability not you know. Just do not know what he say is true. This is a special objective thing. He is determined by the specific national conditions, that is simply where you have to shoot, because each audience is likely to be from different countries, and his own American audience is the international audience, and this is the case. And we do, to fully learn this, nor, in fact, and no. Because from the cultural heritage point of view, the United States only 200 years of history, his culture still early.

, of course, so I feel like a city in New York, it's energy you can feel every day, I have a friend who is old does not sleep, I asked him how I say you do not sleep ah? He said I in New York alone, I think that each sleep a minute is wasted. HIGH that he felt especially fresh. Is such a thing.

Netease Entertainment: Then you go to Hollywood movies filmed, but now many of the audience may not remember the film, called That film played in your career as a director there, what kind of role?

Chen Kaige: not a particularly good script, but in Hollywood, he thinks you can shoot, but in Hollywood there is a (rule), he will not let you change. He is a complete industrial processes, in the middle of this process, so with this producer is not always harmonious. I said that this is unreasonable, he said that can not move, so you have to come, this time there do you feel the director, you are a tool to a large extent, you are to achieve a purpose tool.

another, because he is a complete capital operation, so in the capital operation of the circumstances, he never told you that you wanted to make a good movie, no one told you, he just wanted to say You said, you have to take a people like it, the audience (like), the film can make money.

Netease Entertainment: Hollywood can still shoot a lot, but a particularly good movie.

Chen Kaige: Yeah, yeah. But we are to go there, you could not get the best script, best script in which their own hands of the local big-time director, is such a situation.

Netease Entertainment: So you just can not stand the back.

Chen Kaige: nor that can not stand, I think the thing had to laugh about anything, people give me a chance, I can not say that people particularly well. Also, I think this movie has a meaning for me, as it is written in modern society and the absolute divide, want to especially want to know each other each other, but understand nothing. Why is this? In fact, why I do not Dayong computer, I do not Dayong phone is turned out when the eighties, the old arguing about the alienation of people, I say that this is now alienated. What can alienation? The machine to the alienated.

you say that a person did not phone, this day is called restless and upset, he felt that Second Life was lost. Because I do not use mobile phones, I think this is not my second life.

Netease Entertainment: you are not afraid to communicate with the children can not it? Now, after 90 were hand iPad.

Chen Kaige: iPad I have, I know how to read the paper, I also know how the file, but the problem is that you can not over-rely on it, rely on it, you can only with the machine was telling the truth. Your ability to speak the truth with people lose, you are not accustomed to the. Why did I tell you? I was a special this simple wish, I think people who had to kiss point, what it means.

Netease Entertainment: Your power is what came back later? How do not want to develop in Hollywood?

Chen Kaige: Maybe go, maybe when I also make another one right may also be because I feel that special simply want to make films chant, anyway, is that a good story can take on the shot.

(This article Source: Netease Entertainment Zhuangao of: text / 3pinky Video / 663)

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