Thursday, November 25, 2010

The explanation of cause and effect

 China's Buddhism came from India, there are two thousand years of history. China's Buddhism from small to large, now developed to Simiao throughout Zuguoshanhe, the letter Buddhism more and more people, since ancient times, belief Buddhism, not only have poor people, and there are emperors and some senior figures intellectuals. Mao Zedong and Jiang Zemin are Buddhist, Buddha Mountain China Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province address, that is, instructions of Comrade Jiang Zemin personally selected.
Each Buddha, each of the Buddha, has its own method like. but some people think that the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the legends and laws like, but the artist is shaped by an ancient idol only, not really the case, then the letter Buddha as a superstition.
Here I would like to inform you that the law Bodhisattva image, not the ancient artists create out of thin air, and it is natural there. In Kunming, Yunnan Province, about 18 km north-west, there is the formation of a large natural cave, because there is a hole in the image of Bodhisattva, it is called Cave: Cave has more than 70 meters, 20 meters wide, erected in the middle of the cave up to 30 meters high natural formation of Kuan Yin Bodhisattva Colossus. The image and the temple or Bodhisattva in the same film, life, and even the Goddess of Mercy who cloak tie is also very realistic. It is said that hundreds of millions of years have elapsed since the Cave of history, is found in the late Qing Dynasty, 1993 only small-scale opening-up.
we all know, China's Buddhism came from India. But two thousand years of history. But in the Bodhisattva Guanyin Cave, Kunming, the law as there are hundreds of millions of years of history, this is said the Bodhisattva came to our country long ago, while the plastic of the temple of Bodhisattva in the law like, and exactly the same as in the Cave, this is not a coincidence, but our ancestors did Bodhisattva apparition seen. So , the presence of the Buddha, Dharma boundless, is indisputable.
's reincarnation, the existence itself. sensation of the world the reincarnation of the Panchen Lama, is a strong proof. dead, then reincarnation man, when Two-year-old reincarnation of the child can talk, you know things past lives, not only in foreign countries, our country also. especially the reform and opening up, China has many provinces and cities in the reincarnation of the case. Zhoukou areas such as Henan, although experts on science units, field visits of journalists and video. but modern science can not explain this phenomenon. had to be sealed as the data. In order to explain the situation of human reincarnation, now an interview with Comrade Wang Xiaotian Ke Yunlu tell you regarding: One hospital outside
Street Willow Lane, noisy noises, crowded to watch the people. a fifteen-year-old boy standing in the yard, he called Wang Xiaotian, is more than a hundred from here in the Huanglong Township. He today to this one, surnamed Ge. old man, Geshan Hu, Doufu Fang was originally opened in town, and died ten years ago. woman alive, surnamed Wei, sixty. son of Ge Dalin , briquettes, a factory worker, and daughter, grandson, granddaughter.
little boy who called Wang Xiaotian told us that he is Geshan Hu! turned out to be master of the house, he died fifteen years ago. Reincarnation is now a village in Huanglong. called Wang Xiaotian. He came back today to see, recognize recognize family members, neighbors recognized recognized. They say he was mentally ill.
the Wang Xiaotian, Meimuqingxiu, wearing clean, is a middle school student looks like. He said: I'm not nervous. I just Geshan Hu. You do not call me over the last GE boss? Do you these older people, I know!
the free to people, the next life will certainly be great wealth of blessings.
identify you think look! people say.
you are not a big brother Joe opened the hotel it? said that Wang Xiaotian on an old man, you and ten almost looks like a few years ago. you forget that you and there is an account not clear? You still owe me thirty bucks it!
old man named Joe the red face, a very honest way, then appalled as hell in general, repeatedly saying: Yes, yes! I later returned to your home! you ask Wei sister!
old lady, Geshan Hu's wife children, this time looking at Wang Xiaotian, but also direct the eye a: Yes, yes hh his brother Joe to paying the money out.
little boy who called Wang Xiaotian who continued shouting: You are three small, right Lu? do not you remember that you and the evening, often drinking tea together Xieliang? phoenix you come, you that how the arm? Shashi Hou bad? your past, but good ah? your time in the bike shop, right? now gone? you are a good time playing chess, the summer night Baiqi stand in the street, right?
little boy full House of older people called over and over, recognition of the over and over. People all silly, extreme panic. Geda Lin escorted her mother to one side, eyes staring wide open, I do not know how to do. Wang Xiaotian see Geda Lin: You're not my son? Dalin, I died that year, you are ready to get married, not end it! woman straight in mind, a long time to catch her breath . she was quivering, said: Go you good, not to scare your son, grandson. they all kind of filial piety to you, give you each grave, did not forget you hh
Wang Xiaotian, said: Do not scared, I'm not a ghost, I, I now live. I was coming back to see, recognize recognize you. then I would not come. I came back today, but also to tell you one thing, I have a book hidden in the wall crevices, and I have not told you. I want to get married so Dalin, if born grandson, give off a good hundred days of Sun Tzu:
Wang Xiaotian said and go home. family, as well as followed by a few bold neighbors also went into the house. west of the house, very dark, behind the cabinet, away cabinets, out of a book. a look, there are three hundred deposit.
Wang Xiaotian looked at his family said: This money, I do not want, or to the grandchildren. I'll be back: people were horrified, enraged. (see Ke Yunlu out of the three most recent consecutive books in this area, which indicates that the human reincarnation of long research. Now we have defined the world, Buddha, Buddhism boundless, and clear the people have life and death cycle, which for us to learn, cause the text Type:
Buddhism br> There are three laws of cause and effect cycle forms of retribution: life operations reported to the next life; three quick report, the immediate operation, the heads by the report: We understand the industry, there are three reported the truth, not only know evil evil person, and finally there is retribution, and can really do more good turn deserves another, not do bad things The report final results of Wonderful.
(a) of the report: that this world was retribution present job. present and reported that there are evil karma reported. This retribution, some reported in the early years, some reported in middle-aged, and some reported in later years. First of all about reward it. you can see, some people do good things and does not have life any good, it is because he did bad the previous generation, this life because of his good turn deserves another, offset by the sins of past lives, do more for charity, and past life sins offset, so there are middle-aged and old age blessed blessed newspaper reported. Defu reported earlier, one good turn deserves another past life or past life sins not much more than this life good turn deserves another, and soon offset by the sins of past lives so have China Morning Post.
have reported trouble early annual reports, the annual report, three stages of old age was reported. If there are evil people who had past lives, life without good turn deserves another, continue to do bad things, such as theft, robbery, harm others, to defraud money, Jixianduneng ungrateful hh, results in the youth or to punishment by law students and other serious illness maimed hh disaster reported. Some people, due to past lives to do something good, like money deposited in the bank the same has not run out of this life and past lives for doing good things bad things slowly to offset, if not offset by middle-aged to stop evil, so middle-aged have to roost.
Some young people, middle-aged very good result, his old age, not the home is light other people yea ill keep his lonely old, no food no wear, no care; or old, disabled, or old jail sentences and other trouble reports, the truth and middle-aged disaster, as reported. 

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