Thursday, February 10, 2011

How handsome men - Men Wai business case can be more

 Beijing Vision can be more Garment Center was established in 1994, the products Men's dress (suit) based. Start early without their own production base, producing the main contractor for processing, quality is not guaranteed. However, Viagra can be more effort on its own and unique business practices, rapidly developed. completed the first year of accumulation, set up their own production base; the second year in sales to China top eight men's dress; the third year of foreign designers, please do the whole chain stores on the Monopoly designed to determine the Italian model as Viagra can be more Brand Ambassador; fourth year sales leapt to Beijing in the high-end stores selling men dress first; the first five years into its own funds to purchase nearly 30 million acres in Beijing, set to introduce the Italian suit production lines, the establishment of a large R & D base; 2001 and the relevant departments and universities set up their own business Viagra may be more than business school. At present, Viagra can be more high-end shopping malls in the country over a hundred stores, with annual sales of nearly one billion.
first look with the Granville returns over the same period there may be hundreds of multi-business brand, and now most have not see a. in the apparel industry, market competition is very cruel. Viagra rival most of them can be more assets of more than tens of millions of businesses, why Viagra may be more down to not being competitors, and in short time into the forefront of the national men's formal wear? Some people think that investment in advertising is the product key factor in rapid increase in popularity. Indeed, in recent years, Men's business seems to have become a pop star as a spokesperson, a fashion, however, industry analysis, marketing of brand image is only a part of this single factor alone is not able to achieve the purpose of market share. Viagra may be more ad spending very little, relying on market success is its unique marketing strategy. experts believe that enterprises in the Chinese men a lot of money, there are many large-scale, but the more money is earned by the processing industry in China Men is a lack of market competitiveness, high value-added brand management. At present, the local men's brands on the market, there are two: one is the former foreign processing enterprises, the other is survival of the fittest in the local market after enterprises. According to the analysis, at this stage, although many local enterprises are medium-sized enterprises, but its products in the market is increasingly competitive, with the expansion of business scale, production and marketing of experience, future development will be faster This is because they experience in the market than the foreign processing enterprises are many. Viagra is that such enterprises can be more representative, in less than seven years, it is even across the product quality, brand these two start mark, and gradually the concept into a leading fashion brands. current case study may be more product Viagra, brand, concept, competition, and so on. Look at this issue, First, the product: the highest quality to achieve the same price, same quality for the lowest price
to achieve is the most important.
1995 年 Viagra can be created initially faced more difficulties is the first issue of product quality. this Gateway can be more that sales approach. the first half of the second half of policy guidelines for the quality of products is for product sales.
Viagra such a story can be more spread so far. a few years ago a process error in the assembly-line production of a number of defects, Education quality awareness of employees to be more Viagra than to all middle management personnel receive a defective and one was wearing a year.
Viagra to improve product quality can be enhanced more than one other employee awareness of product quality , the early start in business investment in almost all the funds the purchase from abroad the most advanced machinery and equipment and sent the key technical staff to study abroad experience in men's suits for the production of technology. grasp of product quality the process is long and arduous and Product quality is improving its effectiveness is undoubtedly the only criterion for testing. Now more than Viagra to men's suits production process has reached the highest international standards in some aspects also leading the industry.
in the production process, the Viagra can be used in production equipment and more are the most advanced, as German Duke Pu, Bedford equipment; senior technical staff are trained by the international production process has reached world-class temperature processing, such as humidity, fabric pre-shrinking treatment. in some respects is done according to national circumstances a modified, more suitable for Chinese people wear. in the version type, due to the suit is the exotic experience of many of its advanced production in the United States and Europe so a lot of domestic production is the European version used. But on the East and West in great shape difference, so the European version does not necessarily fit the shape of the Chinese people. Viagra can be more than the figure based on the Chinese version of the type of suit has been modified to make it more suitable for Chinese people. such as breech presentation, Oriental short legs, lower arms suit coat, Eastern improved to better show the man's body, can be more comfortable wearing. In models, the European models more conservative suit. he came to China to become a fashion, models change more. < br> Second, the brand: the product will always sell to . Granville companies to be more unique product positioning strategies mm China had a number of brand-name suits, but the brand has been little change in product positioning, always positioning of 500 yuan to 1,000 yuan price, it gradually disappeared in the cities, rural areas and small towns turned to enter the market, the market impact force, reduce the visibility of the brand, the development has been behind the times. China has a large population in absolute terms from China's largest consumer market in rural areas and small towns. However, the most influential groups in the market in the medium and large city. The consumer groups have spending power, but also there is a consumer level, the price of the product, the structure has influence, but also affect rural and small urban markets.
Viagra can be more than the Chinese market, each region is divided into several regions consumption of one or two cities to the central city as the center outward radially affect the entire region, the formation of different consumer consumption habits. occupation of these cities will be able to affect the whole consumer market area, The target consumers will be mainly in the central city.
people's spending power and consumption levels change, timely adjustment of product structure, will be able to develop a stable customer base, establish a brand image, will have a truly international competitiveness. Caichang Xian Wei, general manager can be more than that with China's economic strength enhancement of the number of consumer groups and major spending power will only increase, the group has market power of consumer groups is the most rational fashion that they will not blindly xenophilia group of consumers have their own judgments on the fashion.
to to meet the needs of mainstream consumer groups, Viagra can be brought in the country more than the best men's designer fashion sense to enhance the product and adjust product structure, product series, for consumers to purchase complementary products. In fact, the International experienced growth in all brands of this stage, and repeating the development process. In China fashion industry, there is such a phenomenon: Some large-scale clothing enterprises, but the product structure is very simple, if produce only sweater, and some produce only shirts, and some produce only down jacket. At this stage, the products of these enterprises there is a certain market, with the clothing fashion, the increasing demand for personalized, mass production of this products will certainly not meet the market demand. from the current products of these enterprises in the cities as evidenced by the gradual loss of market.
after the clothing brand management, business development is mainly driven by brand products. Viagra can be more from the gradually introduced since 1998 products, and now its products have won the men's suits, shirts, ties, jackets, sweaters, coats, T-shirts, coats and leather goods, belts and so the whole men's apparel lines. remarkable effectiveness of the current series products The accessories product sales have reached half of sales. Since 1998, more than men in Beijing, Wei can be routed to the first sale.
brand positioning strategy. no shortage of high profile domestic brands of the brand, such as the Firs, Soon the United States each year are all invested tens of millions of advertising, but mostly targeting middle-aged consumers, the spokesman also many models over the age of 40 stars, such as the existence of Pu Xi, Simon Yam, Fei, with its price to meet the general consumer class, two or three thousand dollars more for the price, the main city market, mostly second and third grade; foreign hit men's domestic brands are being installed in the coverage of young and old age have, but the price was 8,000 yuan, stores generally located in surface a city's top luxury malls, sub-level, two little three cities.
So, Viagra can be more than 1999 consumers of their products will be adjusted to 28 to 40-year-old male courage to lead the fashion trend , of which 4,000 yuan price of high-grade products, the general class of 2000 yuan. This is a subtle price gap. Viagra may be more current image of the spokesperson is a young Italian model, and no one knew who he was, but no one remember the men and Model hands holding the shoulder, head to rise, eyes Weibi seems to smell the flowers, the cozy look. Viagra may have many companies that would like to star, but a survey on the market target consumer groups most stylish men will say: Why do stars wear something, I'm going to wear? sound, stable market sales channels will be introducing two more men to locate and Viagra are men with complementary brands to fill the market in different age groups of consumers, brand recognition gap.
three concepts: men's brand in China missing is the cultural content across
in two related product and brand can be more than that after the prestige costume is a special commodity higher level of production and management philosophy should be to further enhance the cultural connotation of the brand to make it become a fashionable concept of consumer goods led the category. To this end a series of Viagra may be more on the preparation of human resources to improve the quality of staff to enable them to adapt to a higher level of management and competition.
China men's suits market is well-known brands are a number branded these men's brand value is very low. In the high-end men's market, foreign brands accounted for a large half. Although the domestic brands still have a certain grade, but increased as consumers After joining WTO the influx of more foreign brands of domestic brands is difficult to keep existing markets. menswear brands in China what is it missing?
Viagra may lack many believe that China is the brand of men's branded content. foreign brands sold in Versace is a cultural representative of a rebellious, sexy clothing culture; Armani represent a young, avant-garde spirit; BOSS is is relatively young and professional people's favorite conservative. Chinese men, especially men's suits from the production process has already reached the international advanced level so many foreign brands will be transferred to the production and processing base in China. hardware based on the Chinese men have a certain lack of the software part.
give the brand a more cultural connotation as Viagra can be long and arduous one more strategic objectives Cai Changxian called strength of the so-called successful men mm, have a certain taste of urban young men's brand to give Viagra to more than a positive, progressive, fashion brand content. this may be more Viagra invited one of the most famous designer of men's Cui Yu featuring design director and invested heavily in the Chinese People's University Centre for Business Management Training Viagra can help many companies create a business school reserves for further development of human resources.
as a medium-sized enterprises, Viagra can be more than possible from the outside too many highly educated people to hire for two reasons: First, Second, higher costs are not necessarily suitable for the enterprise. and some of the original backbone of enterprise employees to develop along with the prestige of the men may be more market and more than well aware of Viagra can be rich But the lack of practical experience in modern management systems, production, marketing theory is difficult to keep up with the pace of business development. Chuah says the establishment of business enterprises the backbone of the business school will charge employees to learn modern management, production, marketing theory; the same time for Viagra the actual situation may be more resources. Business School also allow enterprises to develop a good learning atmosphere, which will be in Viagra can be more important factor in corporate culture. The only sustainable business advantage is the ability to learn than your competitors more efficiently. < br> Viagra can do a survey, after nearly 2,000 domestic companies for the training and follow-survey found that, in the traditional House in the open class and businesses, corporate training, and personnel training have three prominent contradictions can not be solved: First, the engineering contradictions; second, learning to use conflict; the third, a group of contradiction. Meanwhile, the lack of systematic training and development strategies and evaluation methods, resulting in the formation of skills learning and cultural isolation, the imbalance in training design is very prominent, resulting in the loss of funding for enterprise training and waste. Mr. Cai Changxian that: the largest business school to start a business advantage to companies quoted on the cultivation of autonomy and authority of a close connection with the road, according to the needs of enterprise development, with higher hospital school mental advantage, in the largest integrated within the authority of experts and real expert to conduct independent training company.
Viagra can be more than that, the driving force of innovation from the high quality human resources and innovation to create a free stage. As the garment industry special, long garment enterprises persists in the form each other, the staff turnover rate, management, and high rate of brain drain is already a common phenomenon, which domestic enterprises have entered a talent that only the discharge, the lack of charging mechanisms of the cycle. but more than that Viagra can be , human resources as the business of winning an important resource, not only to the introduction of advanced human resource management mechanism should be incorporated into the human resources World War II, the face of rapid shuffling of the Chinese market, many have chosen Viagra to a more positive way to participate in this business battles: to create an incubator for high-quality personnel, the construction of talent can be more than fast track mm founder of Gateway School of Business.
Wei enterprises can be more efficient and business schools will adopt a pragmatic problem-solving principles, and work through the study and training closely integrated innovation, while providing excellent service management personnel conditions for learning, while encouraging students to learn new ideas, new skills bold applied to work in practice, in order to achieve learning and practice, closely integrated with the application. Granville Business School can be more basic learning model is based on self-oriented, higher density MBA courses supplemented by on-site training, training in the operation of the implementation of the day a day in the form of cross-cutting work study.
four competition: the threshold increased, the core of the competition will be competitive domestic long-term stay in a price war, sales war, advertising campaigns and other lower level of competition; the other hand, in recognition of the huge potential consumer market in China in recent years a large influx of international brands, domestic, have in Beijing , Shanghai, Guangzhou and other beach apparel sales powerhouse settled. This group of international brands to enter, raised the threshold for high-end apparel market competition, and with international companies to speed up the process of localization, will also lead to more intense the quality of the clothing industry , capital, management, and talent competition. garment industry is a subject about fashion and fashion industry, is an advocate of young, avant-garde and fashion industries, in this industry is the most basic rules of the game mm innovation.
in maintaining Beijing for three consecutive years in the current high-end stores selling men dress first, the national men's suits sold on the basis of the first three, Viagra can be more positive and foreign brands entering the country LEO Leo, GIBO Jie Bao, BASIO GEAR struggle for the more high-end market.
V. Sales: Brand Image is the concrete manifestation of all the products move in the high-end stores
Caichang Xian said as long as we are now shopping malls and foreign brands in the store next to the shop to be sold well, consumption who by comparison, fabric texture, workmanship quality, models are comparable, can naturally play a role in leveraging.
this year, according to market demand Granville can transform many different consumer shopping orientation, will conduct their own stores re-combination. in order to more accurately positioning the brand in the high-end stores, to give a clear signal target customers, improve product gold, profit margins, but also save an immeasurable increase in advertising the brand.
To ensure the Viagra brand positioning can be more accurate and effective expression and the market reflected in an expanding market, often the first capital city of high-end shopping malls, especially foreign-depth market research, choose the best performance in the local comprehensive, the most high-end enter the shopping malls, and display their skills in the commercial negotiations for the position in one step, the full reference to the image of perfection, from high to low shopping malls into the development of multi-market Viagra to advance the negotiations in the business to occupy a favorable position in the best experience.
six, Price: lower than the international pricing of competing brands can be more than 30%
used Viagra is a reasonable pricing strategy, and often the use of price penetration strategy, mutatis mutandis, similar products are often the first international competition, lower prices of 30 brands % released as the market price. from product quality, style, fabric and services are comparable.
example, VIP 8 VIP discounts given to customers. In this way, old customers can use the savings to buy a 40% price registering type, fabric, price, and some well-known brands of similar suits in Hong Kong. This price will attract many high-end customers, will also attract a lot of low-end customers. that although the price higher than the Volkswagen brand, but some customers A group of higher level, but wish to receive fashion, fresh, more brand clothing.
the layout of the national market. the future of Beijing, Shanghai and Chengdu will be the pattern of a tripod, Beijing Radiation northeast, north and northwest; Shanghai encompasses the five provinces of East China; Southwest and South will move closer to Chengdu. With the logistics and distribution network and sales information and analysis of computer networking, a more rational transfer goods reach the market more quickly, more formal division of the national market of the cake will be possible . Within three years, Viagra may be able to complete more than the situation south and north. want to be a national brand, rather than a regional brand, this is truly the first step in brand building, Viagra can enter more than in Shanghai, When the fashion capital of China's drive and determination is very strong, is the first store in Shanghai Plaza store, where a collection of the world's top apparel brands and then to the Pacific, Yaohan high-end stores such expansion.
now have a total solution
customers the choice to buy products more and more enterprises to attract customers to buy their products has become increasingly difficult. factors attract customers to buy Sort difficult to determine, is the price? product quality? or brand awareness? different enterprises according to their own understanding of the different marketing activities. experts believe that the current business address the issue of attracting customers always like to buy one or several factors play around in circles, rarely more comprehensive overall solution. overall solution means that, in all aspects of marketing to the overall coordination, and formulate appropriate strategies and tactics. such as Viagra may be more cases in the businesses is a good example. It's the overall solution is a comprehensive analysis of the quality, location, brand, concept, competition, sales and prices and other factors before worked out. such as it is targeted at the mainstream consumer group 28 to 40 year-old male courage to lead the fashion trend, the price of 2,000 yuan to 4,000 located in the yuan, it must be a first-class quality, the brand must also meet the aesthetic standards of the consumer group hh order to achieve the unity of the overall solution, it is decided withdrawal from the profitable stores, select more in line with the overall positioning of the store. look Viagra can be more marketing practices, many enterprises will find it is not often a problem for me in the business, this may be more than Viagra in the highly competitive men's market on the reasons for success.

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