Monday, February 14, 2011

More proficient in the secret art of the poet (reproduced)

 Reproduced in
Auden: Poet and the City
Translation Source: benefit from such doubts hh
mm William. Empson
honest living on the theme of the text, what little there, or simply nothing worth remembering. whether it is Testament of literature, people would think that the problem has never been a disturbed person alone contemplation.
mmH.D. Thoreau
Surprisingly, when the young men and women want to do what is asked when many people would not make sense either answer (for example, , motorcycle riders, missionaries or American President writing. Even when they say better paid job with little literary characteristics, such as advertising.
these writers among those who want to do, many people are not significant literary talent. This is not in itself surprising, since any significant order are not common. The real surprise is that in the absence of any significant only among those who actually have such a high percentage of people have written as an answer. People may think some of them will feel They regard the medical or engineering talent, but not the case. In our era, if a poor young talent, he might want to write. (of course, there are some people who have no dreams of performing in order to become movie stars, but they at least have a very attractive natural face and body.)
Greeks accepted slavery, and to defend it, they are more ruthless than we have to, but more sober than we know what they mm kind of labor is slavery, and no one will be a labor person and feel proud. Some people may be proud of because for workers. In other words, workers who is the manufacture of durable goods. But in our society, manufacturing process has been in accordance with the speed, to quantify the economic and production, so the individual role of factory employees become too small, so as working for him have no meaning. Actually, all the workers have changed become workers. Some people can not significantly, and thus have reason to worry that they will face a lifetime of meaningless labor, for these people, not in accordance with the above way to quantify the arts mm artist still works on his own mm should make them responsible for the fascination, which is very natural. This is not fascinated by the art of nature, but dictates the way artists work: he is his own master. In our era, almost any other person can not do this. be your own master mind attracts most people, it is very easy for people to be true, that artistic creation can be everywhere, people just go to something, even if does not depend on special order, simply as This person can also be created.
Until recently, men also need to make a living and be proud of themselves, and to be ashamed of themselves to make a living. But today, when applying for a passport who is also the courage to describe themselves as a my passport, I was described as a stranger asked about my occupation, I never say both of us being caught in an embarrassing, because we all know no one can make a living by writing poetry. (the most satisfactory answer, that I was curiosity.)
some writers, even some poet, became well-known public figure, but this writer does not like doctors or social status mm with or without lawyers have known the kind of position.
this kinds of situations for two reasons: first, the so-called art has lost its once with the social utility. since the printing press was invented, to spread literacy, poetry no longer has a mnemonic value, not as a can will be a tool for knowledge and culture from generation to generation. And, since the camera was invented after the drawing and no longer need to provide a visual record of the artist, so, drawing and painting to become a that became unnecessary activities; Secondly, the value of labor dominated society (this value share of the capitalist domination of the United States may be stronger than the Russian communism), unnecessary activities are not longer be regarded as sacred, because for the people as workers, leisure is not sacred, but a short break between work, is the time to relax, or enjoy the pleasures of spending time. such a society a thought unnecessary activities, it will be viewed with suspicion by its mm artists do not work, so they probably just idle parasites mm or at most see it as irrelevant activity: writing poetry or painting is a species is not a bad hobby.
I believe that our century is no need for unnecessary pure art, poetry, painting and music ashamed of achievements, such as in the manufacture of aircraft, gates, medical equipment and other purely useful , functional things, we more than any previous century to an era. But, no matter what time of the century, when we try to unnecessary activities and useful activities combine to create some of the things both practical and beautiful when it will completely fail. No time was to create a modern car like the general, shade or building such ugly things, whether domestic or public alike. What is the office building than it is now even more stunned, then? this century in which the work appears in the white-collar slaves, said: do a better job. the art of cooking. (This is the sacred as workers who think that the kind of art.) If the world population continues at the current rate of growth, this culture will soon lost its glory, the future historians are may be filled with nostalgic look back between the years 1950-1975 time period, use it as a golden age of cooking. It is hard to imagine the kind of algae and chemically treated glass-based (haute cuisine).
the poet, painter, musician or art which, of unnecessary things and useful things are separated. He must accept the fact that if he rebelling against whom the case is likely to be committed error.
Some people say, ?) time, if he is satisfied with this argument, then people might not agree with his views, but it is difficult to refute him. But Tolstoy does not say: If Shakespeare and his own are not artists, then no modern art. He tried to make himself believe that the usefulness mm alone may also be a spiritual usefulness, but the usefulness is still no unnecessary ingredients mm is sufficient to produce art, which forced him to mean it, certain contempt for his work on aesthetics to be commended. The reason is probably more of their vanity, rather than their sense of social responsibility mm they miss the last scene when a social status. there is a heresy contrary point of view, it is given to the unnecessary things full of its own the usefulness of magic, so the poet can think of myself as God, in the emptiness in mm for a poet is the visible material world is nothing mm to create his own inner world. Mallarme (Mallarme) want to write on the new universal religion of the Bible, and Rainer Maria Rilke (Rilke) is with a genius, people may also admire them, or must admire them, but it works for their final impression is a false, untrue things. As Eric. Heller (Erich Heller) Evaluation of Rainer Maria Rilke , put it:
the great European tradition in poetry, emotion does not explain anything, they are explained only to respond to the world. In Rilke's mature poetry, the emotional world will be explained and then respond to their own interpretation.
in all societies, for a particular society considers important for those activities and habits, education facilities are limited. In medieval Wales, the poet in society is very important. in that culture, the future poet, as we do today, like a dentist by training the system, and only reached after a very high professional standards can join the ranks of poets.
in our culture, the future poet must self-education. He may be able to first-class schools and universities, however, such a place of education to provide him with poetry but only occasionally, rather than planned. This one's own shortcomings: many modern poetry, even the best of modern poetry, have shown a taste of uncertainty, paranoia and egoism, these are precisely the people who are often self-learning performance of poetry out.
urban living artist might be a good mature place, but for those who want to become an artist, unless his parents are very poor, otherwise it is a dangerous place he grew up, because he too much too quickly to face the best art, like a man and a twenty years older than he is smart beautiful woman for adultery, as in too many circumstances, his fate would be , French writer Colette (Colette) of a novel name, but also one of the male protagonist. novel about a young man and a woman aged between many of the fate of circumstances.) opened for the poet in me The Institute's imagination, it should set the following courses:
1) other than English, students must learn at least one ancient Greek language can be mm or mm, and two modern Hebrew language. < br> 2) memorization by hundreds of the top line of the account written in poetry.
3) There is no library of books of literary criticism, students need to do is practice the only criticism to write satire .
4) All students must learn rhythm, rhetoric, and comparative philosophy, each student in mathematics, natural history, geology, astronomy, archeology, mythology, liturgy and cooking among the three elective courses.
5) Each student must take care of a domesticated animal, and care for a garden.
poet not only to education in accordance with the requirements of the poet himself, also must think about how they will make a living. Ideally, he must have a job, the job will not involve the use of language. In the past a certain period, will be trained rabbi's children need to learn some skills of manual work. For the parents, as long as they know their children will will become a poet, then they can do the best thing is to let him join a hand early trade bodies. Unfortunately, they can not know in advance that, so, in most cases, in their Twenty-year-old child to the time, this can be handled in the future poet, the only non-literary work is unskilled human labor. in the living, the general of the poet had in translation, teaching, literary journalists or is to choose between writing ads. But among these choices, in addition to the first, the other options would directly harm even if the translation of his poem mm can not be too closed his literary life from the liberation. < br> We are currently the never a constant thing seems mm such as earth, sea, sky, sun, moon, stars, etc. mm of the universe, and human life in contrast to the brief, then, he may not become artists, to create a long-term things survive in the world, their lives even longer than its creator.
physics, geology and biology have now made this eternal universe, the past, they show a new picture of natural, including natural is a process, all the way it used neither, nor its future look. Today, as Christians and atheists have a doomsday mentality. When modern artists do not have a lasting when the specimen as a reference, it is hard to let him believe that he can create something lasting mm than his predecessors, he is more likely to give up the pursuit of perfection, think it is just a waste of time. They will meet in the sketch and improvisation.
2) People have lost their sense of the phenomenon of significance and the existence of faith. Luther (Luther) refused to recognize the work of any subjective belief and objective relationship between the understandable, Cartesian (Descartes) follows the first and second characteristic features creed. Since the two of them Since the phenomenon of people lost the sense of meaning and existence of the faith, which is progress. So far, the traditional concept about the phenomenon of the world has been similar with the holy book, and feel the things perceived, but internal, not outside the visible world, were visible trace, but both are considered to be real and valuable. Modern science has shattered the innocence of our own senses held belief mm observation tells us that We do not know what the physical world is actually like, but only with our cherished goal of human-specific fit a subjective concept.
undermining the traditional concept of art as imitation, because no an guinea gold coin as the size of the round, golden plate, and he puts it as a holy bread. have to suggest that Black and his hate, like Newton's doctrine of faith, accepted the physical world and the distinction between the spiritual world, but he also opposed some of their views, the material world as Satan's shelter, so do not think he's the naked eye to see things with little value.
3) People have lost their humanity norms mm made it requires the same kind of people should be familiar to the world of faith mm. Before the Industrial Revolution, people rarely change in the way of life, any person who conceived of his great-grandson of the time, can imagine They will live a life like his own, with the same to his own needs and pleasure. However, the technology to accelerate change in the way of life, we can not imagine that even after two decades of life will look like .
And until recently, few people understand very little attention from their own culture, time or space. they say, human nature means that their own culture, the behavior exhibited by them. Anthropology and Archaeology Studies have been crushed this narrow idea: We know that human nature is so volatile, it can show a variety of behaviors. If it is in the animal kingdom, these acts should be a different species to have emerged.
In this way, the artist could not guarantee his work again even if he can get the appreciation and understanding of the next generation.
can not help thinking about his rapid success, though this includes damage to his success among the the risk of the integrity.
In addition, we can now dispose of all times and all cultures, art, completely changed the fact that mm work is now the traditional sense refers to a sense of the whole past, which the entire past as present, but also to treat this as a whole before its parts are associated with time. Originality no longer means forward to the style of previous generations of minor changes, it means that at any time or place to find some clues to work with such a clue mm, one can find their authentic voice of the ability of mm. Each poet The shoulders are charged with the burden of choice and selection, and this burden is quite heavy.
4) individual behavior as enlightening the public areas of the world disappear. For the Greeks, but life in the private sector area, it is dominated by the need to make a living; and the public sphere is the area of freedom, during which people can present their own show in front of others. Today, the private and the public the significance of this argument has been reversed: non-public life is necessary personal life, is one place to achieve its social function, and man is in his private life, freedom, thus becoming his own self-nature. Results of art (especially literature) to lose its traditional major human subjects, the acts, the perpetrators of public behavior.
machine abuses of human intentions and what he did direct relationship between the. If St. George (St. George) dragon face to face challenges, and will spear piercing the heart of it, he can rightly say, as to Dragon, his actions have only pushed the joystick. Thus, not St. George killing the dragon, but the bombs.
an order if the Pharaoh and his subjects after five years of hard labor on the million to dredge the river , indicating that the Pharaoh who holds the loyalty of enough to see that his orders were implemented. If his army mutiny, and he has no power. However, if the Pharaoh to let a hundred people with bulldozers in six months the dredging of the river, the situation is different. He still needs a little authority, so that a hundred men to launch a bulldozer, but much better than this fills the rest of the work is done by machines, but these machines do not know loyalty, or fear . If the Pharaoh's enemies �ڲ��������� (Nebuchadnezzar, the king �ſ������) mastered the bulldozers, they will be filled with the same efficiency ditches to dig ditches, and when they are the same. Now, one can imagine such a world, the works of Pharaoh, who did all the work to operate a computer by only a few people to complete.
Today, it is extremely difficult to public figures as the subject of poetry, because they have good facilities evil intentions and their character and did not have much relationship, it is more dependent on their possession the amount of non-human forces. every British and the Americans will agree with Winston. Churchill (Winston Churchill) than Charles II (Charles II) greater, but he also is aware that it was impossible to write a good poem about Churchill, and Germany to Dayton (Dryden) but can easily write good poetry on the Charles. to write a The first good poem on the Churchill, the poet must be to Winston. Churchill had close knowledge of his poetry was not written by the Prime Minister, but a person. For all the efforts of written characters or events, no matter how they important, if the poet did not write the object of establishing a close personal relationship, then these efforts are doomed to failure. Yeats on the Irish question was able to write great poetry, is that he met privately with most of the activists , and he started from the childhood of these events took place well known.
which in our time, to change the world, the actions were not the politicians and politicians, but scientists. Unfortunately, people do not using poetry to praise them for their deeds and things are associated, and therefore silent silent.
when I found myself staying around when scientists to feel like a shabby curate, careless Duke went to the one gathered in the living room.
society and the media continues to expand development of a new social phenomenon, that is, Kirk Gardner (Kierkegaard, the Danish existentialist philosopher) called the public's specific group of people, which is unheard of the ancient world:
public is not a country, a generation, a community or the particular person, because all these are their real self. among the public, no What would really take: a man at certain times of the day the list may be subordinate to the public, but, sometimes, he is just himself, and not something else, then he is not a part of the public. the public is not in what these individuals when the composition, it is a monster, an abstract of abandoned empty, this emptiness is both everything and nothing.
ancient world knew Shakespeare said that the phenomenon of the crowd, that large numbers of people gathered in a limited physical space. provocative speech will sometimes turning them into thugs, they will not to individuals acting in a way. Of course, we also aware of this phenomenon. But the public is different. Suppose a student in the subway during rush hour, his mind focused on a math problem, or who is his girlfriend, then he is a member of the crowd, not a member of the public. a person to join the public, he does not go to specific places, path can stay home, read newspapers or turn on the TV.
have its own unique scent, and his his wife, children and dogs can get out to identify. A crowd has its collective breath. and then there is no smell of the public.
mob is active, he shattered, murder, or at the expense of their own. the public is negative, or the most curious. It is not murder their own, and will not sacrifice themselves. it sit in, look forward to, and the mob will attack the black, the police will be rounding up Jews, using gas to deal with them.
the public is the least exclusive club, people are either rich or poor, irrespective of the uneducated, whether beautiful or wretched, he can join them. It can even tolerate a false rebellion, that is, the formation of a public tolerate the internal group.
among the crowd, such as anger or emotions like fear, will soon spread. Everyone in the crowd excited for all the other emotions, the feelings will grow geometrically. But the general public The members have no contact. If the public of the two people had met and talked, their conversation is not to convey the meaning of the function or stir emotions, but to use the sound to cover up the kind of public presence in the meantime empty silence and solitude with nothing.
occasional, the public appears in the crowd, then, becomes visible to the. For example, it will appear in the crowd watching from the sidelines, watching the fury of a group of believers overthrow the old house, imagining the violence is the master of the world, there is no love can overcome it.
occur in the community before the public this phenomenon, there are two different arts, that outspoken Austrian art and fine art, but The difference between them is just the kind of difference between the brothers. Athens court may ridicule Pilar Holmes (Pyramus) and Ti Sibai (Thisbe) mechanical drama, but they still think it is drama. court poetry and folk the relationship between poetry for the common link, that is, both are created by the hand, and are passed down to the creation. the most rough and the most profound ballads, like the sonnet is in accordance with certain standard creation. the public and the emergence of mass media to meet it destroyed the outspoken pop art. fine Austrian's audience is so small that the interest can not rise to the mass media. However, popular artists, the majority of readers or audience of people, so the mass media from such artists have to put them there to fight over, if the media want to Bankruptcy does not want to say. In this way, except for some comic artists, the day will be left Like the food in general, been been forgotten after consumption, and then replaced by the new dishes. It is bad for everybody mm most people lose the real taste of their own, into a posturing in the culture people.
art historians have been able to bring art into different historical periods, because art itself has two characteristics: First, it has a common expression of a specific period style; Secondly, whether obvious or implied with, the art has a common hero mm on the most worthy of that kind of well-known mark, and the concept of imitating the human mm. talk to a person, not a lot of people talk. Once the improved tone of modern poets, and immediately becomes false. modern poetry unique hero is neither a people are making extraordinary deeds of people), but the life of men and women everywhere, who wore modern society, the pressure of all the non-human, trying to get and keep their own faces.
from the poet's interest and The essence of artistic creation, the limitations of their knowledge, do not understand politics and economics. their natural interest is personal and personal relations, while political and economic is concerned that many people, so concerned about the average person (the poet the average person is very tired of this idea.), and to a large extent naturally concerned about the non-human interpersonal relationships. the poet can not understand the money's role in modern society, because for him, between the subjective value and market value does not matter. For a few months he spent writing his own poems that is very good, he could sell on the ten pounds, and for that he only took one day to write a report, but may buy a hundred pounds. If a poet is successful despite the few mm can be like a novelist or a poet, playwright, earned a lot of money, as well as could be said to be successful mm he is a member of the Manchester school, believe in the inevitable . society often realized that the massacre scene. For politicians, the poetic imagination is definitely not desirable.
them in war or revolution, the poet may well act as guerrillas or spies, but he is unlikely to be the common good soldiers. or, in times of peace, the poet is unlikely that a parliamentary committee member to be a responsible person.
for political theory, if it is like Plato's theory, as established with art based on similar, then it will become a kind of authoritarian theory. poet or any other type of artist all the goals, is to create a complete, long-term constant. a poetic the number of residents the city will always be fixed, they will always be doing the same work.
In addition, the process of completing the work, the artist must continue to use violence. a poet, wrote:
mast so high anchor and then through a crack on the
anchor through a closed road
changed again:
anchor through the haystack
last changed :
anchored through the floor of the church.
later > If a society is really like a good poem, can reflect the beauty, order, simplicity and detail to overall aesthetic characteristics that, then it will be a frightening nightmare, because for the real history of the people there for, in order to form such a society, we must be selective mating, physically and mentally suited to removal of the survivors, the absolute obedience of the dominator society, and she has a large class of slaves who stayed mm cellar, in people's sight.
and vice versa, a poem as if we really like democracy mm Unfortunately this true that it lacks examples of the form mm, empty, stale, tasteless, completely tiresome.
There are two political issues, namely, a partisan issue, and revolution. In a partisan issue, all parties in the social objectives to be achieved in terms of nature and notary is unanimous, but in each other to achieve such The goal of the policy but they are divided. the existence of different parties is justified: First, no party able to provide irrefutable evidence to prove that its policy is to achieve the desired goal shared by all the only way ; Second, no social goals can not sacrifice the interests of any individual or group to be realized, so it is natural that every individual and social groups will seek some kind of policy, the sacrifice itself kept to a minimum, and want something like this: If you have to sacrifice, it is best to sacrifice others. In a partisan issue, each party access to their first try through the rational members of society to convince them that it lists the many facts and opinions, to convince others believe that its policies better than its rivals that people desire to achieve the goal. In a partisan issue, the feelings must be controlled at low temperature. Of course, the effective address the need to attract the audience's emotions, but in partisan politics, the speaker. ..

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