Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ministry of Industry and strategic planning guidance will be important to develop new industries

 Chief Engineer, Ministry of Industry
27, said Zhu Hongren, 2010, speed up the elimination of backward production capacity in the same time, accelerate the development of high-tech industries, the industrial economy from recovery to a good transition to the stable growth trend of gradually established operation.

Zhu Ren is a press conference in Beijing to make more than a stand. He made it clear in 2011, the Government will continue to lead the strategic development of important planning the development of new industries.

industry to improve the quality of economic growth

Zhu Ren, that in 2010 industrial quality and efficiency of economic growth have significantly improved. This is embodied in four major aspects.

First, the industrial production to maintain a rapid growth, improved enterprise efficiency. Data show that the annual scale industrial added value up 15.7% over the previous year, an acceleration of 4.7 percentage points; the first 11 months of total profits and taxes paid year on year increase of 49.4% and 28.5%, business loss from a year earlier reduced 17.4% to 12.9%.

Second, domestic demand and further enhanced. Export delivery value of total industrial output value of the share of total sales by the International in 2007 before the financial crisis that is 18.6% to 13.1% in 2010, the proportion of total domestic sales increased year by year.

Third, steel, cement, coke and other 18 industries and eliminate backward production capacity of the task completed.

Fourth, in large enterprises bigger and stronger at the same time, small and medium enterprises and increased vitality. In 2010, the top ten steel companies the country's total crude steel production rose from 44.5% in 2009 to 48.1%, the top ten car companies accounted for 86% of the proportion of the country; significant improvement in business conditions of SMEs, the annual scale SME sector grew by more than 17.5%, than all the large-scale industrial average 1.8 percentage points faster.

guide the development of new industries

Zhu any proposed strategy for the development of new industries in 2010 highlight of the industrial economy. 2010, including new industries, including the annual added value of high-tech industries grew 16.6%, an increase of 0.9 percentage points faster than the industry.

the same time, accelerating the pace of technological innovation and transformation, strategic high-growth emerging industries motivated to continue.

Zhu Hong Ren said that in 2010, the National Science and Technology to accelerate major projects in the next-generation broadband wireless mobile communication, high-end CNC machine tools, large aircraft and lunar exploration and other fields has made a number of major initial results. Desulfurization of steel sintering technology, a new generation of process technology can be recycled, and waste heat, residual pressure, blast furnace gas recovery and new breakthroughs in key technologies, on large-scale cement production capacity of 5,000 tons of equipment technology, new shaped cathode aluminum manufacturing processes to meet international slot advanced level.

2010 of the strategic development of new industries including the results, TD-SCDMA commercial and industrial progress smoothly, TD-LTE development steadily. Energy-saving and new energy vehicle demonstration to promote further expand the scope.

the day of the conference, Zhu Ren stressed that in 2011 continued to accelerate the development of strategic new industries. >

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