Sunday, February 13, 2011

The wisdom of a university professor classroom humor

 Lecture Talk about traditional Chinese culture, Chinese culture, the second

Chinese people talk about Chinese culture, Chinese men Third Fourth Lecture

culture of Chinese women fifty-sixth speak Chinese corrupt culture
honest and upright official, speaking Chinese culture
agricultural mythology and culture of the first farmers Talk about traditional Chinese culture
(-) I like my attitude
culture, but I like not everyone thought the So like a simple, but enjoy the added fun of. appreciate, not with the eyes of realism, but with the aesthetic vision, such as the feudal society, women scold all bound feet inhumane, cruel, and I have to applaud several times, wonderful very, nice. Now the woman to the United States, that is get the gun weigh knife, cut eyes with a knife, a gun fight ears, there is no point of sacrifice, the United States come from? Moreover, some scholars have explained from a scientific point of view of the feet benefits. small feet, in order to keep balance, walk naturally twist waist, everyone would save weight and, more importantly, do not by that of Western women suffer from the waist, watching Western movies, that Gone with the Wind Scarlett have to wear a skirt, suffocation is not that Lara had to help nurse the side chain, we looked at, urgent feel uncomfortable for them, light up like a favor. can not go to help a man, this is a cultural problem. As for the women with bound feet torsional twist was pretty hip, live, when a child is not easy giving birth, it is recognized. In short, the tune of traditional Chinese culture, Chinese women began to artistic, and every woman, is a work of art, walking swaying , Ping Ping Ting-ting than the Western Bigfoot shaking of the ground that the board are more beautiful, 13-year-old Liuyang Gu Hongming Peking University professor, proficient in English, French, German, Japanese, Italian, and Latin America, Greece and other languages, but decadent Western way of life in the face of resistance, can be a big hero, the first thing after returning from searching out the Chinese women with bound feet for his wife! buddy adhere to Chinese tradition, which is not easy!
say, we may think I am not sympathetic, then you are wrong. read history a little, and you could read the old cry, more readable, you will cry, and the crying Fade to giggle. I belong to the latter species. read more more reactionary, that is probably the kind of person I am so.
Here, you may think I am not serious, but I do not know how serious, almost to tears is my normal state of mind. Ms. Qing Lian River that, deep down, she thinks the pursuit of spiritual freedom is a very sacred thing, but the riffraff of the sacred in the growing community suffered actually ridiculed - in this moral and noble ridicule the ruffian of the atmosphere, the pursuit of mind would want a semi-hippie free way to hide ... she thought it was the tragedy of the times. I like Ms Ho, but her words I only agreed to half of this, no way, the tragedy continues, I had to continue hippie go, for me, my heart hippie weapons, or evidence of my existence. Chinese tradition, in which the posture of intellectuals over the sky and, already aligned our. First, the right to learn with the surgery, stock in the imperial family. Second, stay away from power and technique, adopted Ju Tori. five thousand years of Chinese culture, Chinese intellectuals into a fine, and take silly few. Xi that the old man, crying every day destroying human desires, save heaven or something, but he only played the old man wishes, and even vices are incidentally the play. Song Weng the Compilation of the concubine, each with officials of the, then with the accompanying, that is able to self-cultivation also, was peaceful. is a serious Chinese intellectuals, God giggle. I most admire is the Bamboo Grove Chinese intellectuals, one of Liu Ling, walking drink, drunk all day long, others Hard work pays off, often behind with a shovel holders Boy, said: dead or buried me! really Kua!
not really want a serious, really have no choice. For example, I talk about traditional Chinese culture, as usual, is very easy to talk with the three representatives of the main theme of process is linked to three But to do this, and very easy. First, it requires a very thick skinned. Second, the absence of rational thinking. More importantly, if I did that, the culture is molested, the ridicule than I want to much worse. Chinese tradition, has always been the most important politics, from the Duke began to King Tak protect the people, by virtue of, this lecture to talk about a few thousand years. now speak more real joy, the big dog , also called the dog, scream a pest, we can not take care of this bustling.
(b) I do not know the vision
Zhong Lexie, or instincts, in short, I am a skeptic. private that authoritarian rule, suspected to be the first scholar to maverick quality. Having said that, I wish to say about the ancient Greek school of skepticism out a story: the teacher out of the river, and students not only do not save, but also paced the shore. Jiguang he was not thinking, nor is it in like Liu Hulan, but not in the back of Chairman Mao, he thought that - to save teachers up, in the end is a good thing or a bad thing? students, this is the philosophy. China also has doubts commentators, such as Zhuang Zi and his butterflies, but unfortunately, such a spirit has not passed down. In short, the study focuses on the text alone thinking, but also in the unique vision and perspective, so only three eyes to the world, a glance someone other fields like text. History is more in need of such vision, give an example, such as textbooks often said, we Chinese, is one of the world's largest country, territory, an area with approximately the same across Europe. students A reading of the reflex-like pride in it. I do not know why the proud, never heard of a pig look fat, its flesh will be eligible to be proud to follow it. Who do you proud? truth is Qualitative thinking led to long-term education. In fact, the unified, centralized, multi-ethnic, more of a king of thinking, do not know the people who follow the silly little people happy about. Unity, World Peace, of course, the people benefit but more favorable for those in power, be honest, the people under the tyranny, the survival time of war no better state than where to go, such as the Emperor during the reign of .59 to 61 years, China's population of premature death is two million. for the first time World War II, a full dozen years before they killed 800 million, and we do not war, disaster three people to starve to death so much more powerful than war! centralized under the dictatorship of the official shall not be private, not private meetings with disabilities , Man shall not private, said no freedom for the intellectuals who would rather die than not, survival in the meantime, it zombie Bale. Therefore, under the authoritarian culture, the spirit is dead.
recent popular film Comrade Zhang guide, and I do not know read yet? a look surprised, real heroes, real humanitarian, the original is a tyrant, Comrade Emperor. 忽忽, Yimou brave comrades good big! then one would like, the old Photo may not be bold, may be playing a slick, fun of history. Zedong looked down Han kings, singing: a few heroes, but also see today! Yimou listened to, getting into the eye, hum: the number of hero in the world, but also Look Emperor!
comrades regardless of any tricks Yimou, in short, give us a revelation: no history is contemporary history of ideas, people use too could not escape the fate! on the Internet, right comrades bold point : History is a bitch, who may rest husband! Miss He Qinglian put it more elegantly: History is a little girl, let the people dressed up! of course, be even more rugged: the study of history, is the old dog feces plane Millennium ! here so much, to tell you that our tradition is to obscurantism, that is glossy, is to Conceal, which requires us to study history, they must be more than one eye, suspicious eyes, sober eyes. including my speaking class, it is also one of the words, the students felt wrong, I'm looking for material to refute, when the population of Ma Yin-chu to express their daily turning circles in the campus of Beijing University students wrote to him to see the poster , the old man made him look sad, the review said, as a university president, but no one out students from theory to refute him, all type of abusive slogans, as a school for so long, dereliction of duty ah. no way , the old man had to give them to check spelling, good lap, so that the students back to the classroom rebel rewritten again. In short, focusing on questions of students, no doubt, the white college. education is to train citizens rather than training slave. Xun from the benevolence crevices of the word moral cannibalism see the word, sir, may be a pair of owl eyes long. We have not the owl's eyes, at least not allow themselves to be black and blind. North Island, the sky is called: I do not believe - the sky is blue!
what is called good!, of course, determines the nature of history, we doubt very poor. scholar Zhou Ning said: Strictly speaking, the historical memory of the tools often are not the tools but forgotten, history is not so much to us Keep in mind the fact that in the past, as it is the fact that the provisions of which should make us forget. Zhou said so right, such as the Cultural Revolution, just let us know that we can know, do not let us know we should know, proposed the establishment of Ba Jin a Cultural Revolution museum, but no mention of when to now, this wish can only enter the grave with the old Ba Jin. study history, to know that this is the mirror to come, but we learn from history, and is often not learned. We often say that history will not repeat itself, can be said Zhou Ning, if history repeats itself, but most likely is that we will once again brilliant and permanent speech on the disaster, a change .20 century has passed, what we have done ? Is there a speech to students and scholars, said the early 20th century we have a Boxer, 20 century, we have a fl power. overtones, a century of struggle, we are back to the starting point, which, let me think about Latin America Marquez's Apple is not just a way of eating, the future you want to eat this bowl of rice history, so to introduce a unique way of eating some of the scholars. Wu Si, author of read history, economics graduate is read, the article sophistication deep, with a (c) the content on cultural
how to define culture? Until now, ancient and modern scholars have not yet come to conclusion, in addition to multi-dimensional view of the reasons, there are linguistic point of view of the objective ambiguity. broadest sense, culture is spiritual and material life of mankind combined. a joke, a man stood around the corner, Pooh spit fly, is a cultural phenomenon. If it is two women, a hum children, children heard a Pooh, this culture is complex more. Cultural generalized, leading to research their culture, often under difficult dogs and hedgehogs mouth embarrassment. James Russell Lowell, American cultural anthropologist, said: I have been entrusted with a difficult task, that is about culture. But this world, there is nothing harder to catch than the culture mill. We can not analyze it because the ingredients endless, we can not describe it because it has no fixed shape. We want the scope of its meaning in words, it just as to like the air in her power. When we went looking for culture, in addition to not in our hands than it is everywhere. 忽忽, talking about this, the students will find that this guy copied our ancestor of Taoism, Lao Tzu Let us look at the original Tel: but not as fine-sounding name of Yi, Xi said, listening to the not famous, not fine-sounding name of the micro-pump, this is not caused by three interrogate, but it is mixed into one. it is not bright (in the words do not come out to play with a bright alternative , meaning the same), under which Bumei, Shengsheng not name reverted to nothing, is that nothing of the like, no matter the image, is that a trance. greet the not seen the first, followed later ... do not need translation but not , we can tell, I copied Lowell, only the name changed a bit, I talk about is the Tao, which Ah into the culture. ah joke here.
a narrow sense, culture refers only to the people spiritual areas of life. On this basis, and according to different perspectives on the cultural structure has been further classified
First of all, from the time point of view, have the original culture, ancient culture, modern culture and modern culture.
Second, From the perspective of space, there are Eastern culture, Western culture, marine culture, the mainland culture.
Third, from a social perspective, a noble culture, the civilian culture, official culture, folk culture, mainstream culture, the edge of culture (Jiang Yihua per Mr. normative culture, non-normative culture, semi-normative culture. that the task was relatively new, so highlight it. the so-called normative culture that is based on the Confucian classics as Mr. Jiang by to ancient official history writing Chi as the weft, in the long-term migration of evolution has drawn on the Road, France, yin and yang aspect, Hyun, Buddhist doctrine of the formation of various homes through the history of culture, society, small farmers in China have the highest authority of the normative culture. and the corresponding , and it is common to the general public in the mode of production, lifestyles, and interpersonal relationships, customs, habits, beliefs, the pursuit of everyday psychology, consciousness and all kinds of potential, written or unwritten system of non-normative culture. Remove the two cultures, there are a half in between the normative culture, refers to a large number of different degrees Refined literary and artistic works and cultural history of the half by a variety of free state education, religion, recreational activities, such as Fourth, from a social function, and is divided into ceremonial culture, system culture, clothing culture, campus culture, corporate culture.
Fifth, the internal logic of the cultural level, can be divided into physical state culture, mentality and cultural, behavioral culture, system culture four levels.
Sixth, from the morphological aspects of the economy, but also culture, animal husbandry, hunting, fishing salt, culture, farming culture, industrial culture, business culture of the points. There are people out in which color, yellow culture what the blue culture.
addition, there are more cute points, such as Mr. Zhang Yuanshan in his and lower body culture. He was again divided into two lower body for culture and the hip or below hip. He said to the Tang dynasty (Shih) for the sector, after the Chinese culture, the upper body, lower body after the Chinese culture. segmentation of words From Yao to the week, the 3rd millennium BC to 552 BC, the birth of holes, about 2500, is a prehistoric Chinese culture, yet do not mind. before and after the birth of Confucius, Warring States, China entered the era of mind culture. Qin Shi Huang unified , plus centralized autocracy, chest looks loud pops, China entered the era of the chest. Han looks louder, looks Hun soldiers were trembling. Huo tomb stone off the pork Shima, to see that this is the most mindless people should. the most thoughtful of Sima Qian, he was the most mindless Emperor castrate lower body. is this mindless Han dynasty, announced only use Confucianism, led to China two thousand years most of the intellectuals who became non-brain . In short, so Mr. Zhang points, points very witty, wordy so much reason to you is simply want to give you a little inspiration, the students who are interested, may wish to unique sub-method.
Recently, the research culture More and more people, more and more problems found. Having said that, to introduce a book, Harvard professor of international and regional issues of the Harvard Institute of Huntington and his team of senior researchers, eds Harrison a book - China's economic level surprisingly similar: per capita GDP is approximately equal to the primary products the proportion of manufacturing and services similar to one another, most of the export of primary products. Korea was only a small number of industrial production manufactured goods, financial assistance they receive almost the same level of .30 years later, Korea has become an industrial giant, the economy ranked 14th in the world, a large number of exported cars, electronic equipment and other advanced manufactured goods, per capita income levels close to Greece In addition, it is in the consolidation of democratic institutions has made great progress. Ghana has no such changes, its per capita GDP is only about one fourteenth Korea. How to explain? Huntington judge, culture plays an important role in !
then that a revelation to us, the backwardness of modern China, it is subject to the constraints of traditional Chinese culture? now developed, is for cultural reasons? institutional reasons? geographical reasons? Yang, or a variety of factors integrated? the culture and institutions, and geography, what is the relationship? These are very interested in current issues of social circles, I hope our students to be involved, hosting the Olympic Games, focusing on mixed Well almost. Lawrence that developed is a state of mind, reiterated the colonists of sin, over statute of limitations, and that is now developed, need to find new reasons, or excuses. These scholars also come up with a corrupt curve, that the culture of corruption also related that the extent of corruption is often to change along the boundaries of culture, the most corrupt countries, including Indonesia, Russia and several Latin American countries and the African community in Scandinavia and the former British colony some Protestant community, the lowest level of corruption. Confucianism community are at the center. I'm surprised, at any rate not by their name in China, otherwise I introduce you to this book, a bit hard to explain, huh, huh. If China can be considered Confucian society, then we still in the middle of corruption, Singapore than we also Confucianism, but Denmark, Sweden, Finland, New Zealand listed as the world's lightest state of corruption. They finally concluded that: corruption cultural factors, but also because of government. In the long view, the mother of culture as a system , short term, institutional changes that may impact on culture. This is our current China, the revelation is not small: the long-term backwardness, of course, cultural reasons, is the culture created centralized. and to change the plight of China, is not transformation of culture, or even the transformation of national character, Mr. Lu Xun, but the implementation of political and democratic reforms. Yujiu China, will deliver culture; Yujiu culture, it certainly change the system; want to change the system, the Cultural Revolution first. The problem is that history , the Chinese Cultural Revolution of the four, the effects were not satisfactory. first, the First Emperor of the Burning of the Books. second, the deposed Emperor hundreds, Only Confucianism. third, the May Fourth Movement. early is advocating a scientific and democratic, post, the roar of cannons, come to a Marxist, salvation overwhelming enlightenment, cultural and political use again. China has a tradition of politics, culture has always been the handmaiden of politics, the fate of Confucianism in China, is the best example. The fourth revolution, it is the Cultural Revolution of Mao Zedong shaking ZZZZZZZZZ, its generous, with strikingly similar to the first revolution, hundreds of millions of people, sharing a brain, a mouth, a doctrine. The President said that intellectuals is attached to the hair in the bourgeoisie, the revolutionary proletariat, should they transformed into the body attached to the hair, the results of the proletarian class, who pay no capital of the hair, are bare. In short, the study of Chinese traditional culture, you will piggyback the found that the fate of traditional intellectual, nor crying, laughing even more are not. However, much research, you may be interested in traditional Chinese culture. Having said that, simply talk about the traditional culture of the two concepts. First, what is traditional culture? it is in the long process of historical development, formed and developed, retained in the middle of each nation has a stable form of culture. Second, what is China's traditional culture? It refers to the Chinese nation as a mainstream multi-cultural In the long course of historical development, integration, formed and developed, with a stable form of the Chinese culture, including ideas, concepts, ways of thinking, values, morality, lifestyle, etiquette system, customs, religion, literature, art, education Technology and many other aspects of the rich content. so a lot of content, look like hedgehogs, where we are under the mouth?
well-known economist Zhang Wuchang has confessed to the students, casually do, a look at talent, Second, look at interest. Kelian Jian, not talent, I had to turn around the interest. I like what part of, give to tell you which part. Confucius said, had behaved, do not impose on others, I do not like, do not told everyone about, such as eat a brace, and only engage in the art of calligraphy, such as literary inquisition take the lead, that the Ming and Qing scholars engaged in textual criticism. killed me, I do not tell you. As for other topics, if you really like, but can I put them forward. textbook boring, I'm going to completely put aside, to be about the issues: Chinese Culture Chinese. Chinese culture, Chinese men. Chinese culture, Chinese women. China's corrupt culture. honest and upright official culture of China. China Agricultural Culture. China Marriage. Chinese funeral culture. Chinese traditional ethics. China's reformers. Chinese diplomacy. Chinese people's national pride in the history of hit as hard.
Here, I am sure you whispered in the nod, then test supposed to? Do not mention exams, than for you to mention me a headache. looking at the shining white of the paper does get in the papers every semester so Tons of waste paper, I feel bad ah, are variable over logs. small Japanese forest cover 65%, we are only 16% of our exports and domestic demand, China's annual 45 billion pairs of disposable chopsticks, and then used a small recovery in Japan, made of wood pulp we sell to China. In short, ah, I can not see the shining white of the examination papers, one Look for Halo. I appreciate most is the conversations of Moscow University's journalism department exam, the teacher pumping several colleagues, chat with their students, this examination would be finished. by what I mean, what the liberal arts, focusing on the spirit of those who need to things by rote, it may just be the most useless things. and valuable things, do not need to memorize. such as the XXX day of my death, and one day to live, what is the use of these in mind? real time using , does not have to check? If my temper by the, I will be out after the opening paper, attached to his back, walk for three days on campus. The problem is, I am so thousand, I would be finished, to lose their jobs, You are finished, no longer on the case is not so open-minded teacher. paper exam is one of our Chinese traditional culture. Our anti-tradition, the results of the dross inherited, the essence is lost. For example, Zhuge Liang's to then a back, I fail to feel bad to you, anyway, mind you smart, endorsement is trivial to you, always the same, I still feel bad that paper ah.
reason to open such a Division, is to make everyone learn more about culture, stand tall, can see far ahead, learn deep, you will see true. such as the Sino-British Opium War, it is more a cultural war, and then later we go into detail to make a feature. Another example is our students in general always wonder child: eat the support of the West? Why Give us every day, the cultural lesson on the ***? and we risk being blamed fiercely left-wing guy, or persist in the experiences of the nozzle? fact, some people do not understand Christianity. benefit the people of Chinese culture, have behaved, do not impose on others, each minding a neighbor beat his wife at home, we pretended not to hear. Christian culture is also benefit the people, it is backwards to: have the desire to impose on people. who secretly beating their children at home, I tell you. do not believe it, see the movie we do not look to the face of the straining we Shou Lise. The two sides who do not understand who the other side feel that they are learning from Lei Feng to do good, we feel that people are ulterior motives, but also care about the interference in internal affairs! If you did not understand As another example, when the lesson plans, a lot of trouble out of a cultural misunderstanding, Christian missionary work in China, to run the orphanage, we people think, Pooh, devils there is fire. definitely want to eat my darling child, or why red hair and green eyes, especially the bright red mouth, a look at the child's ghost is eaten raw. foreigners see no one is willing to orphans, to post the to send a child a few pence reward, Pooh, Chinese traffickers to be transported and gave birth to a child that has your mother Abduction come to the church, just to make it a few pence. 忽忽, culture everywhere, culture may be the root of all conflicts!
Appreciating a wise, knowing those out, about traditional Chinese culture, compared to the spirit of Western culture, I hope every student to see five thousand years of history, global view of eight miles, alone sword, take the horizon, three eyes and see the world, between heaven and earth, human respect!
s Second, Chinese culture and Chinese speaking (Ⅰ)
(a) can not read Chinese
Matsumoto Japanese scholar and a man in his book . remark to say that with the Westerners, it is estimated that can attract their share, because people who had dealings with the foreigners in China are more or less have been wondering: Chinese, who in the end are thinking about?
honest said, would like to use simple language to the Chinese people for overview, it is not easy to do. ordinary people can not, scholars do not necessarily line. missionaries come to China from the Ming and Qing Dynasties, China scholars, such as Yan Fu, Lin Yutang , Lu Xun, Bo Yang, the Purple thousands, have the text of Writing, Analysis of different aspects to different degrees over the Chinese people, first books out to you:
Matsumoto, a man, Pu Soul - the study of Chinese people the Chinese people can not understand, I think that is too simple in their minds. or that their culture is too simple. Chinese people can not understand the so-called, in fact, Chinese culture is rich and complex the decision. hou said: Man is a cultural accumulation ! the Purple thousands, saying: Man is a cultural soul! I said, man is the carrier of culture! rich complexity of Chinese culture, the decision of the Chinese people is not simple!
the pattern of traditional Chinese culture is refers to the three religions and nine academic schools. on the .
miscellaneous home farm. do not know when, became part of everyday derogatory term for a variety of rivers and lakes on the job. abysmal has been divided into the abysmal, the abysmal, the next abysmal. plus lost some academic schools Therefore, scholars are now the pattern of the Chinese traditional culture, defined as three of five. tripartite is Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, five for the Confucian, patriarchal traditions, Taoism, Buddhism. of course, the concept with an abysmal, such as Some scholars of traditional Chinese culture known as the ten comprehensive abysmal, this ten is, Confucian, Taoist, Chinese Buddhism, Chinese School, Chinese Legalism, Chinese artists, Chinese military strategists, the School of Chinese, Chinese strategists, Chinese farmers. In short, ah, such a list, we can see, let's really a lot of possessions. There are so rich cultural family property, our people, of course not simple, and easily a Chinese woman, even if she was an illiterate, but her color is also a colorful culture, foreigners see the dazzling five children lost three. For example, prove that a married woman to marry the wrong, the old beat her husband to suffer, she does not complain about who to blame their poor destiny - I Bitter ah. son did not feed, died, she would self-comforting, saying: God ah! who thought destiny? hole the middle child of. Mesoporous destiny of you may know, the days of unfathomable that, do nothing that of life. this time, you can see that this woman believed Confucianism. but when his son grew up, married a daughter forget your mother, or what the idle gambling smoking opium, the old lady will be patting his knees crying: retribution, ah, God, what have I done evil, and give me such a Buxiao Zi (or said spendthrift), this time, the old lady if she has a Buddhist devotees. but you look at her altar table, the tablets, evidently is Laojun on this! , Taoists revere him as moral (also known as Lao Zi). Zhou Ning also said that Chinese people also believe the three religions: Confucian ancestor worship, alchemy comprehension, burn incense and pray. The problem is that the Chinese people not only believe such a three- education, he and like to eat hot pot, cook Wang Litou caught anything, so what is he in the end faith, he can not tell what channel is unknown, which led to a foreigner had to follow the Chinese singer to sing: I take it by me a pair of eye so I put it all plainly see clearly broke. By contrast, or Chinese scholars can not leave to see a *** ten. such as Lin Yutang, who he believes is the soul of Confucianism and Taoism both sides. China outside the Confucian literati in general is Taoism, Confucianism is the accession to the WTO, positive, Tao is born, negative, strangely enough, so two opposite things, just perfect to peaceful co-existence in China of human beings, and sometimes section also reflects such an official, he is Confucianism, demoted, he is the Road, and such as Su. so that people gave you now about Ming or Confucianism and Taoism in half, called: The birth of the attitude of dry Entry into the business. In other words, officers aim of Confucianism, the attitude of officers is the Road. or that success is Confucianism, failed to do road changed again, in short, like magic-like, no wonder people foreigners vertigo, we heart it turned out to be flowers, playing the way it took.
Chinese people can not understand, there is a reason. Some scholars believe that Chinese philosophy is a philosophy of prematurity. Shuming in its no more than three issues of academic study of human:
First, people question things. human conquest of nature, a natural science.
Second, people's problems. people get along, resulting in social sciences. < br> Third, people have problems. people with their own contest, resulting in religion.
beam that China's early academic and not focus on academic issues to resolve first, but went straight to the second category third category of academic. such as Confucianism, is China's earliest relationships Sociology, Nietzsche was crazy to criticize China for the Chinese Confucian trick for vulgar curse secular philosophy, it is estimated there is a sense of his own. Because of Europe from the Renaissance began to focus on people itself, the concern is personal freedom, as human relations was completely ignored until the post-industrial era, the United States appeared before a Carnegie to teach people manual. If Confucianism is the second class academic, then China's Road is the second and the third category between the academic. not only regulate interpersonal relationships, and adjust themselves, as the Buddha, is entirely a third type of academic . So the Chinese Academic precocity what impact? the first, leading to the tradition of science and technology in China is not heavy, and the second, resulting in people ...

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