Monday, December 27, 2010

30 years of reform and opening up impressive scientific and technological progress in China auto industry

 Reform and opening up, Comrade Deng Xiaoping pointed out: progress in terms of what has been achieved it? Recently, reporter, executive vice president of China Society of Automotive Engineers had an interview with Mr. Fu Yuwu.
Reporter: Automotive Engineers Society of Automotive Engineers is a home, you should be the best understanding of scientific and technological progress in China auto situation, you think that 30 years of reform and opening up, China's auto industry in which technological progress has remarkable achievements?
paid in weapons: 30 years of reform and opening up, China's automobile industry has made great development in scientific and technological progress has made great achievements in improving the competitiveness of China's automobile industry has played a prominent role. I think that the achievements of reform and opening up 30 years can be summarized into ten key words:
first key word: convergence
China's technical regulations to achieve full integration with the international. This year, the implementation of the National III emission standards, Beijing took the lead four countries to implement standards, marks and European emission standards we have been very close. Since 1990 the State began to control exhaust emissions, by 2008 Full implementation of the country, three standards in China spent 17 years, spent 27 years in Europe. China has laws and regulations with international standards is very fast, maybe 2012 will sync with international standards.
energy, safety, environmental protection is the three themes of the car. Our legal system has been basically close to the technical regulations of the European system of mandatory regulations now 97, of which 26 related to active safety, passive safety of the 24 general 25 security, energy saving 22. The progress is often overlooked, is the regulatory system of rapid development, China's vehicle exports for the foundation to go out first of all to achieve mm regulations, standards and international practice.
second key word: integration
China Automotive Technology and is already part of the global automotive technology market is basically the technology convergence with developed countries, development in the same direction. For example, I participated in automotive engineering in the Czech Republic when the Council , the General Assembly a problem: the global automotive technical direction and technology roadmap that? majority of participants felt that the new energy. in the new energy, China has made great progress. For example, the Beijing Olympic stadium and surrounding the use of new energy vehicles are our own production, which is not previously imagined. China's new energy vehicles have been part of the implementation of the commercialization, the market will soon realize .2010 electric cars of the World Conference to be held in Shenzhen, there will be 1000 large-scale use of new energy vehicles, buses and thousands of electric and hybrid vehicles, taxi driving in Shenzhen, this is the behavior of the market.
Another example is lightweight technology. from the industry say, my previous lightweight attention is not enough, and now lightweight technology has been accepted by the Chinese automotive industry. For example, new design methods, new technology, new material applications, are related to the lightweight issues, including the high-pressure molding technology, aluminum and magnesium large-scale application of the alloy, is the same as in China and abroad.
for active and passive safety technology, China is a lack of understanding of the past, with the development of automotive electronic technology, these technologies have had with foreign convergence. such as the ABS has the formation of a market to develop the ESP-based ABS is moving towards industrialization.
third Keywords:
upgrade the industrial structure adjustment, the past of has been fundamentally changed, and now the production of heavy vehicles in the international market accounts for a sizeable proportion of the industrialization of the development for the industry to upgrade the basic motivation.
products, technology upgrading, the original cars in China is blank, how can the products have no market, no product so what upgrade. Today, China's own brand manufacturing enterprises, joint ventures, each year dozens of products, support for these products is technology upgrade, technology upgrade to China's automotive industry with to the tremendous vitality.
fourth key words: change
30 years of reform and opening up, the enterprise has undergone tremendous change in growth mode, realized from the sale, production, research and production processes in three major aspects of the greatest olive , to the production enterprises have not read the line, and also look at research and development center. FAW, SAIC, Geely, Chery and a number of corporate R & D centers have been established, investment in research and development to fundamentally change the original The structure model. If the establishment of R & D center is the table, then these plants are established in line with Chinese characteristics in the product development process is. It is said that in 1994 China's auto enterprises have development process, but the processes and procedures now not a concept. the past is copy the process, from parts to the drawing process, is the reverse process of development; it is a positive development, from market research to development to product process. Our country has a system of independent R & D , there is no system of business processes and R & D can not develop.
other experimental means. Now enterprises attach great importance to experiment, many enterprises have several wheel test rig, crash laboratory, temperature, laboratory, and modeling room. before the cross- the company is showing off to our lab, is now caught up with China in many ways (often significant) level of the foreign: CAD / CAE and other advanced development tools are widely adopted, the level of R & D has made great progress, many multinational corporations in China auto industry progress in research and development was surprised.
a new generation of researchers to access a lot of car models, it is the older generation of R & D personnel can not be compared, their wide range of contacts, knowledge, new, generation after generation of new product development made a great contribution. GM's president has said that companies first product, second product, the third or products. Now, some of our business also has a product development platform, launched a product platform strategy.
fifth Key words: acceleration
accelerate innovation, technological progress, obviously, this is shown by China's automobile industry today, the new features.
year, the State Council Development Research Center, Feng Fei, produced by the Minister asked me how to evaluate China's auto industry in 2007? My answer is: independent innovation. how to evaluate the level of a technology center, to see experimental conditions, to see the level of product development, to see the quality of the winning projects. In the CPC Central Committee proposed the building of an innovative country under the guidance of the spirit of enterprise to build innovation-oriented enterprises, engage in independent innovation is not an expedient measure, but the strategic needs. through independent innovation, we have developed a number of good products. foreign colleagues said, did not expect China's technology pace of innovation so fast.
products have no market so what? no products so what is innovation? no innovation so what is competitiveness? 30 years of reform and opening up, especially the automobile industry in China in recent years, the acceleration capability of independent innovation, and the national economy rapid development is inseparable.
sixth Keywords: pull
automotive technology advances, stimulating the development of relevant industries, and promote the technological progress of related industries. The most obvious is the equipment manufacturing industry. China 70% of the machine is to buy the automotive industry, and now, stamping, welding, painting, assembly these four processes, four production lines of the equipment is basically made in China. In the past, China can not produce a large stamping machine, and now made a section large-scale press factory production line has been established in the vehicle.
car driven by the steel industry is also very obvious. Baosteel never thought of when the plant is built for automotive industry and so many high-quality steel sheet, is automotive industry led to increased demand for iron and steel industry in technical progress. aluminum alloy, the extensive use of aluminum-magnesium alloy, all of the technological advances made in different industries a high technical requirements.
seventh Keywords: upgrade
technical level of China's automobile industry improved significantly. 30 years of reform and opening up, China significantly increased people's consumption capacity, the surge in demand for cars.
market demand, the automobile production capacity, production technology improved significantly, the best production lines to China. Today, China can manufacture the most common car, and can produce the most high-end cars; In addition, our trucks, passenger cars are among the world production capacity.
eighth Keywords : Exercise
huge market, fierce competition, gave birth to a batch the latest models. The new models continue to develop and exercise a large number of motivated, the level, the ability of the scientific and technological personnel, China has its own team of automotive technology.
few years ago, I went to the United States to participate in the annual SAE, where multinational companies, I saw a group of young Chinese scientists, and now they are back to the Chinese National People's Congress, China's auto industry scientific and technological progress has played a significant role in promoting. Meanwhile, the large number of domestic scientific and technological personnel training grow up to form a local R & D team. These innovative talents with modern development and design capabilities, the latest technological developments, familiar with the car characteristics of the industry, which is supporting the development of our automotive industry forward great wealth.
Ninth Key words: out of the reform and opening up to
30 years, China's automotive industry manufacturing capacity, R & D capabilities have been rapid improvement of enterprises in an increasingly mature market competition, in this background, the trend has been formed to go out.
Throughout the trajectory of vehicle exports, began as a small passenger car, and then the commercial vehicles, large quantities buses, special vehicles, and now a considerable volume of cars, the export structure gradually change along with the scientific and technological progress, increasing the level of exports. This year China is expected to exceed one million car exports, exports gaining momentum.
While abroad to China Export set up numerous barriers, but the momentum is not to curb exports, the Chinese auto market has become part of the world's car.
tenth Keywords: Accumulative
profound knowledge of Chinese enterprises, the accumulation of great attention, including product the accumulation of technology, database building, including team building, these are the power of our country into a vehicle for accumulation. engage in research and development need to have a database, and now has its own database business, are established in line with Chinese characteristics , each with distinct characteristics of the product development process.
Reporter: Do you think 30 years of reform and opening, which events can be regarded as the key point of influence?
pay to Wu: I think three key points.
The first is the reform and opening up, opened the door. Although the First, China is entering a bus Hino, square head side brain, we believe that buses should be so; later the bus came in Europe, Europe is streamlined, we have gradually accepted. car is the beginning of Japan, we believe that too Well, too advanced, but later the United States, Germany, have come, also will broaden our horizons, and for a more comprehensive understanding of the car.
previous car companies are all state-owned enterprises, if not reform, how will the private economy? Geely, BYD, these private enterprises to the Chinese auto industry has brought vitality, the market was fully competitive. This is the planned economy to market economy is a major feature of reform and opening up a major achievement.
second is how to understand the car into the family. In the past, excessive inhibition of the cars into the market, which killed the car's technological progress. Now it seems, is the reform and opening up the car went into the homes of ordinary people home, people need to promote scientific and technological progress, and science and technology letting consumers in China were using the car good and cheap.
third is innovation, the CPC Central Committee proposed the building of an innovative country, and promote a car the rapid development of science and technology industries. an American multinational manager once said to me: you dry (annual) 200 million to 3 million, when there is no innovation can also, if you go to the 10 million do not value innovation and to strategic mistake will be made.
I agree with this viewpoint. China must have its own ability to innovate, not their ability to innovate can not develop.
Reporter: There are many types of enterprises in China, all enterprises has its own model of development, the development of China's automobile industry do you think the model is to rely on the foreign joint venture? is it yourself? or the industry collaboration with the dry?
pay in force: China Automobile Research Center is now the study of Chinese automobile industry development model. the diversity of the Chinese economy led to differences in consumer demand, which determines the pattern of China's auto industry, like other countries do not. from the market terms, China is to export, but domestic demand is characterized by The biggest difference with other countries.
is the dual economy of the Chinese economy, so the car will be for the long-term agriculture development services. The farmers can afford, with annual demand for affordable cars in the 500 million to 600 million.
In addition, the first affluent areas and less developed areas of the difference, the difference between east and west is particularly prominent in China. difference had different needs, how should companies locate in the end, this is the issue we face. China has in the luxury car market, Geely, BYD, Lifan in the second and third tier cities are also selling well. in the Beijing market, QQ, Geely also selling well, the market is determined by the level of economic diversity in the study of the automotive industry development, the understanding of the market is particularly important.
in commercial vehicles, the country has an absolute comparative advantage. because the technology is mature, affordable, so people bought in the Chinese market or Chinese car. theoretically solve the problem of vehicle development model is currently an important issue, an industry have theoretical guidance. light of Brazil, South Korea is not comprehensive, drawing on foreign experience into the Chinese model is very important.
recent years, China's fastest-growing auto industry year, this time the development of the automobile industry is very important theory. After all, a huge automotive industry can not do without theoretical guidance.

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